The Potion of Manifestation - Key to a Life of Ease and Grace!

Question, was this a “guild field” and/or community-proposed project, or was this something that Captain designed himself?

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This is a field that was created by Captain. They all are.


Was the original design/proposal of the field from a guild or from a community member, or was the field design originally Captain’s?

I understand that all the fields are made by Captain

My apologies if I was unclear

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How many wishes can be manifested at a time with this field?

Read the project description. It is an alchemy between you and the field. Perhaps you might list items that you desire in order of their importance to you. Then as you work with this smart field you will receive understanding from it. This isn’t quite like rubbing a lamp and asking a genie for wishes. It’s more like allowing the potion to work with you. The first aspect is a holistic cleansing to remove blocks. Talk to the field and ask what you need to be freed of blocks and beliefs that have hindered your manifestations. This is a process that will assist in creating a new you from the standpoint of how you think about manifestation. It will assist you in opening access to the potential that has always been within you.


Would be a good idea to assist the clearing with shadow work and meditating. Or is there something I missed

I think this addresses shadow work, but of course anything you do to augment the experience in your life does not go amiss. Meditation is a wonderful way to interact with and apply the information present in all fields. The process of manifestation is inherent in nature, we have only become unaware of how to use it in a conscious manner, or to align ourselves with it consciously. Fears and the beliefs of others have made their ways into our lives. This Potion is an elegant system to change consciousness. The more aware we are of the co-creation with it, the more we allow that elegance to become part of us and to allow us to return to the natural way that manifestation occurs.

Not everyone is into shadow work. It will be nice to see how you incorporated it into your practice with the Potion. I look forward to your testimonial.


This project is awesome :slightly_smiling_face:

Definitely enjoy it. :fire:


This is something worth noting. This indicates a field that would show interesting results after “coming into union” (communion) with it. I am going to spam it until I open the next level, then I will report back. :slight_smile:


Ok first reports. Was just asked what my wealth stack is and was I focusing on wealth as I spammed it. The answer is, my wealth stack has not changed. I have been spamming this since I last posted, and was not concentrating on wealth, only on being one with the field. It is really bringing in the abundance! :slight_smile:


I’m currently using this potion to manifest jobs in my chosen profession (as it’s been very quite on that front these past couple of years). I do feel it removing blockages when I use it and make me feel good and optimistic. As to results, I’ll let y’all know.



Thanks! :revolving_hearts:


Any testimonials or updates from the early users of this field?



  • for the longest time ever there was this one job I’ve always wanted an interview for, spammed tf out of this with the intention I’ll get it and boom, I got it, now it’s time to get the job
  • another time it saved my ass at work, and it continues to basically attract tn desires in a very quick way
  • it also seems to get rid of a higher ego, and I can feel subconsciously it is programming my mind for success

Gratz @Shivy-SzN


I too have been spamming this beauty! It’s interesting. It’s bringing a nice flow of abundance but also of connection. I seem a bit wordier too, as I find myself answering things that had no questions lol. The field is lending itself towards offering healing and introspection, towards reaching out where there is perceived need. I am more in touch with what will improve my life, reaching out to find things that will bring joy and are serviceable.

Manifestation is proving to be a well-rounded and lush tapestry of energy that is fun to explore. Thanks Captain for this field. It is truly a blessing. :slight_smile:

oh yeah, and appetite suppression


Can this be explained a bit more deeply please?
Because imo many goals will not have specific spatial coordinates but might be intangible or a series of events that need to happen first. Or would this split the goal into smaller units first and then guide you to where you would need to go/what you would need to do?

Would like some clarification.

This is interesting. I recall when I was ill (most likely COVID) I was struggling intensely to have even minimal communication with my servitors…

There are rumours that a deja vu is the access point to a multiverse in which the other you has experienced just that and you glimpsed into it.

A glitch in the matrix.

I keep asking about your wealth stack and all I hear is this field…

I love these cyberpunk images


@Nice2knowU The concept behind photogrammetry in this case is energetic. Goals, when you consider them to be things, might not seem like they have spatial coordinates, but they have energetic ones that correspond to different dimensions. It’s another way of saying that you can tap into a timeline where the goal exists for you in real time. Don’t take it literally and it allows for more apt ways to tune into an energy, to perceive it gaining in strength as it becomes more physical. It is a way to sense while meditating on the nature and essence of your goals.