The Potion of Manifestation - Key to a Life of Ease and Grace!

Ive always been curious about this! Thanks for explaining it so well :blush:

I was wondering if tapping into a different timeline means swapping or denying the you in that timeline who reaches the goal. Like if I move into that timeline, do I push out that version of me who was in it first into another one?

Sorry if Im not explaining it well haha, multiverse stuff is hard to wrap my head around


You were explaining it well but words are tricky. We use them to explain something in minutes that happens in milli-seconds and way more frequently that we realize. So thinking about it like it is happening physically is complicating a seamless event that the conscious mind cannot grasp. I remember the Sedona Method talking about ā€œwanting to figure it outā€ as the way the conscious mind complicates things by trying to make sense out of it.


Ah I see! That certainly explains alot of it. Feels easy to overthink as the concepts are so complex and my brain worries I cant apply it properly unless it gets all the details right :sweat_smile:

Suppose maybe the answer is to feel more and think less :blush:


Alright, letā€™s break this down. Itā€™s either gonna take me hours or daysā€¦ because ever since I got this potion, Iā€™ve been on the craziest rollercoaster of ā€œWhaaaaaaaat in the bubbling cauldron of mystery is happening?ā€ aka WTF.

From day one, itā€™s like I got a booster shot of good vibes, joy, and swagger. All served up as a daily special. And thatā€™s even though the musicā€™s all melancholic. Hold onā€¦ yeah, letā€™s dive into the melody. Let me just say this melody is seriously melancholic and powerful. Itā€™s like stepping into the secret library of pure consciousness to grab the ultimate guide on how to master manifestation, accompanied by its own hauntingly beautiful soundtrack. Imagine if Chopin, Verdi, Mozart and Beethoven (3 of the names of my canariesā€¦ that passed on to another realm a long time ago ā€”though completely unrelated and a bit of an irrelevant detail for this topic) teamed up to compose a soundtrack for your existential crisisā€¦ Yeah, itā€™s that intense.

After showering the melody with praise, letā€™s move on to the topic at hand! I meanā€¦ I dreamed of transforming my life with just a swig of something magical and this potion did not disappoint. Itā€™s like having a cosmic GPS that not only directs you to your dreams but also clears out all the annoying traffic. After the holistic cleansing, my energy felt so fresh that I have been reborn in a unicornā€™s glittery world. This is way better than glitter stickers and rainbowsā€¦ weā€™re talking unicorns riding dragons-level awesome here.

The Mental Attitude programming had me visualizing my success so vividly I almost booked a flight to my new mansion. And partied with billionaires, sharing lembas bread and potionsā€¦ though theirs would be loaded with top-shelf alcohol while mine were morphic field potions whipped up by Sapien. At least, weā€™d all be tipsy on magic.

And thanks to the Photogrammetry, I feel like I can now visualize dreamsā€™ coordinates (No, noā€¦ Iā€™m not talking about Dream as in Dreamā€™s secret base coordinates).

Compared to this potion, any master manifestor sounds like a kid who smashes a sandcastle just because another kidā€™s castle is way cooler with fortified walls, a moatā€¦ and sharksā€¦ and all that jazz. You get it. Wellā€¦ poor folks. Letā€™s not mess with all of them. Besides, Neville probably said: ā€œThere should definitely be a Cap. Weā€™re not even close to his level when it comes to manifestation. No need to hear or read anything about me or anyone else talking about manifesting, because this person could totally embed morphic fields into an audioā€¦ Like a genie, but with audios and imagesā€. Yeah, thatā€™s definitely what he wanted to manifest.

Alsoā€¦ Dissolving my ego? This potion contains several morphic fields that are essential for life. Itā€™s like having all the ingredients to start a pizzeria. Though I did accidentally banish my snack cravings too. Just kidding, Iā€™m always hungry. Iā€™m like Hulk, but instead of getting angry, I just get hangry.


Iā€™d say that with just this potion, you can skip listening to Ego Dissolution and Millionaire Mindset. Itā€™s like a fusion of Goku and Vegetaā€¦ but I could be wrong. Besides, I secretly (clearlyā€¦ TOP secret) love listening to Capā€™s voice in the Hypnosis. Anyway, Iā€™m going to call this potion Gogeta in my head.


My pineal gland is now on high alert, and my third eye sees so clearly it might need sunglasses.

I started having so many synchronicities it was like being trapped in a cosmic buffet where the only items on the menu were numbers, songs, and phrasesā€¦ all served on repeat. I was bombarded with 1717, 1919, 222 and 333 like they were some sort of divine special offer. On top of that, I kept hearing phrases from romantic movies like ā€œYou had me at helloā€, ā€œYou complete meā€, ā€œIā€™ve loved you since the moment I laid eyes on youā€, ā€œI knew from the moment I met you that you were the oneā€ and some lines very similar to the last one. A never-ending loop of ā€œThe Oneā€. The universe put me on repeat with a romantic playlist where every song was just ā€˜Youā€™re the oneā€™ on a constant loop. To make it even weirder, Iā€™d think about someone and, five seconds later, theyā€™d just appearā€¦ physically. If I see one more repeating numbers or hear ā€œSweet Child Oā€™ Mineā€, ā€œI Will Always Love Youā€ or " All of Me" one more time, Iā€™m going to start thinking the universe is trying to set me upā€¦ or itā€™s just trolling me with its own rom-com script.

Alsoā€¦ the phrase ā€œyou are on the right frequency to hear this messageā€ keeps popping up everywhere. Itā€™s like a catchy tune I canā€™t escape, not just in Youtube videos (because of the algorithm), movies and TV showsā€¦ but even tourists at the Cathedral of Compostela are dropping it randomly. Seriously, whatā€™s going on? WTF (At this rate, I should say: What the actual frequency?!).


I should mention that Iā€™ve paired it with my beloved Angelic Intercession. I even had a chat with the angels, asking them to crank up the magic on my manifestation potion and send it straight to the most perfect use for me. Fingers crossed theyā€™re on itā€¦ after sipping my potion at their celestial happy hour :upside_down_face: :smiling_face_with_three_hearts:


New note to add (5 hours after listening to it): Iā€™m literally, physically feeling the morphic field of P and R Dentistry working thanks to this potionā€¦ and I hadnā€™t felt it until now (except the 1st time I used itā€¦ and I did feel a tingling in my teeth and a massage in my jawā€¦ but nothing at all after thatā€¦ until now).

Just picture the situationā€¦ There I was, minding my own business, when suddenly it felt like my mouth was hosting a tiny, invisible, and downright violent dance party. My teeth were likeā€¦ headbanging at a heavy metal concert. It was kind of like when I had braces! Only this time, no pain, just pure, nostalgic dental chaos. Thanks, P and R Dentistry, for the orthodontic flashback ā€“ minus the agony! And also thanks to The Potion of Manifestation because, along with Angelic Intercession, it has made any morphic field I carry or listen to super effective and gives me such visceral sensations. Seriously, Iā€™m now like a human antenna for morphic fields, buzzing with vibes and feeling them all the way down to myā€¦ And beyond. Like Buzz (the beyond part, I mean. The other stuff is for grown-ups only, pals).


Iā€™ve also started popping up in company searches and getting profile views on LinkedInā€¦ which is wild because before discovering this magic potion, that happened about as often as a solar eclipse.


Imagine combining this with Aureus Fortuna.


Surely awesome. That morphic field sounds like all of Solomonā€™s pentacles of Jupiter thrown into a cosmic blender.


wow, what a testimonial! Do tell us more, howā€™s it going these days with this field?

i do hope Beethoven was the one who survived :baby_chick:


Well, all three of them have been pushing daisies for a while now. But Mozart really beat the odds for a canaryā€¦ he lived to the ripe old age of 13! Thatā€™s practically ancient in bird years.

As for how Iā€™m getting along with this potion businessā€¦ letā€™s just say itā€™s been a wild ride. There were some intense moments when clearing out the blockages got pretty gnarly (think lethal octopus nightmares and other freaky stuff). But now? Iā€™m feeling fantastic, like Iā€™ve just hit the reset button on my lifeāœØ
And Iā€™m also seeing 34565432234567 angel numbers everywhereā€¦ but Iā€™m pretty sure thatā€™s more of a side effect from the Awakening Potion, which Iā€™ll dive into in its own section later. Stay tuned! :upside_down_face:


I got this field now, last day of the sale because I couldnā€™t decide which one to get among all the magical releases .

Listened a few times and feeling so good! Canā€™t stop grinning :star_struck:



Yes itā€™s true, I spam this pretty much all the time. Besides wonderful unexpected gifts it brings realizations - questioning if what I think I want is coming from a surface desire rather than a true heart-felt joy. I have seen the veil removed from things, people and memories. All the while I have received amazing things: love, kindness, assistance, friendship, and a keener introspection and clairsentience. Itā€™s become like a comforter and witness and cornucopia all in one. A truly amazing field. Thanks to Captain :slight_smile:


Would u reccomend this one or architect of reality my friend?

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You say you have a friend interested in one or the other? :rofl:
Sorry couldnā€™t resist.

They have different mechanisms and Iā€™m having a deja vu lol. This one has a focus of manifestation and architect of reality is more of a life system.


:blue_heart: Love this!


Yep, so do I!


Possibly experiencing multiple realities at onceā€¦.


oooh cool! :partying_face:


This one is pretty powerful. Noticeable changes have taken place over the past 4-5 weeks of having this. And more to come :sunglasses:


have you actively worked with it, or listened to it passively? thank you for answering

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More passively

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