Some may remember, from the famous Pranic Swirls video “There is prana all around you, what would it be like to absorb this energy?”
Now, Imagine drawing in prana 24/7 to power your vitality, health, psychic work, spiritual growth, or even to pattern and empower mantras. Now you can. You can even use it to empower goals, intentions, and manifestations. This will even heal, expand, and upgrade your energy system and your energy metabolism. Many more features to discover, as always with Captains work.
Made to function as a tag, The Pranic Vacuum creates a sucking effect constantly gathering Prana and all other subtle vital energies, then using all that as energy for vitality and health super efficiently.
An added “Etheric Jetpack” field to boost one’s energy levels and “lift” the user energetically. This is done with an additional mitochondria/metabolism upgrade + repair (charged with potential) and added photosynthesis field set
The main focus point for energy accumulation is the lower Dan-tien combined with the Jindan field set, growing the container, spilling upwards to the other two storage centers.
Audio + Mandala
Massive thank you to @El_Capitan_Nemo for this one