The Programmer
This NFT will make you the ultimate programmer (audio + mandala)
Here is a little taste of what’s included -
#1 Main Function
The essence of all programming languages downloaded into the user/automatic downloading of new computer languages into our subconscious. (Python, C, C++, Ruby, Solidity, Java, Javascript, PHP, NodeJS, R, Go, Rust, SQL, Powershell, Bash, Kotlin, Swift, Terraform and all CLI programming languages
The owner will intuitively and rapidly learn and understand all programming languages, algorithms and all associated technologies and processes with ease
The owner will be able to find the best data structure/algorithm that suits the project to finish the code efficiently
The owner will be proficient in all programming languages
The owner will be a master hacker, programmer, computer genius, and visionary.
The Scholar archetype more accustomed to IT, metaverse, and any new technology-related field.
Concerning the actual learning process: An element and willingness/openess to go through trial and errors during the learning process, quickly processing and alchemizing any frustration/sense of failure that can arise when coding
A silent mind, ability to shut down when wanted
Alchemical Revision of Computer Science - Here is a more complex concept, in that there is an alchemical mental, energetic, vibrational change of the past to produce a specific well ordered, full and entire life, always being in the place of complete knowing and understanding of all things related to computer programming and computer science. Absolute perfect knowledge in both understanding and practical applications. These changes can reflect as new self concepts and change of the foundations of being, welling up and blossoming in complete mastery of all things as it relates to computer science and computer programming. (inspired by Captain’s new alchemical revision fields)
#2 Main Function
Enhance the function of the frontal and parietal lobe with BDNF, electrical stimulation, ngf and tdcs
Enhancement of intuition, being able to connect the dots easily. Where the mind fails, intuition will help to get the programs.
Automatic brain refresher (constantly ensures optimal brain function, e.g. refreshes our brain with oxygen and ensures optimal nutrient delivery and uptake to our brain, and hydration)
Enhanced creativity and out-of-box thinking
#3 Main Function
Consciousness copy of Linus Torvalds, James Gosling, Dennis Ritchie, and Kevin Mitnick + Possibly from other great programmers, innovators
glory and luck aspects - get better job opportunities, attract the right people for work, programs, business, overall the company
Productivity, willpower and discipline for programming
Psychic protection. protect our intellectual property / ideas from being accessed or taken without permission, magically imbuing our productions / our code with hacker protection or deterrent, smart field automatically pinpoints us toward security risks and threads as it relates to our programming (woven world aspect)"
Thanks to @Zen, @Powren, and many others! We were able to work with @Dreamweaver to make this NFT. I just want to thank him for everything that he’s done!