The Programmer NFT

Some results can theoretically overlap with them, since it’s about enhancing the brain and the learning to some extent, but regarding the ideas and functioning, no. There wasn’t any Dr. Manhattan’s ideas included in the draft. For the best results, both would be recommended.

And congrats!


I meant 10 available for purchase in TheSapienShop, not all that were created.

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Thank you. Do I look at the NFT while listening to the music 3x? Do I print one out and keep it on me all the time like the other NFTs?

There are another threads devoted to how to work with nfts, you might check this: A Guide to Working with Multiple NFTs

But you don’t need to look to the mandala, just print it and carry it and listen to the audio 2-3x a day. Looking at it can help with connecting and results, tho. (doesn’t have to be during listening to the audio)


Thank you. I will check this out the thread. This is exciting… downloading genius programmer consciousness into my subconscious…

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As powren said it they have been built for different purposes, dr.manhattan is an overall thinking enhancer imo, with some memory enhancement atleast in my experience.

Programmer does a lot of other things.
Alchemical Revision of Computer Science → This basically rewrites your programming experience in case you had shitty experiences, or you are burnt out from all the mindless work

Downloads knowledge into your subconcious which makes it easier to pick up stuff.

Concerning the actual learning process: An element and willingness/openess to go through trial and errors during the learning process, quickly processing and alchemizing any frustration/sense of failure that can arise when coding
Another nice feature.
Enhancement of intuition
Automatic brain refresher
glory and luck aspects
Productivity, willpower and discipline for programming

Anyways it’s a nice field.
Just don’t expect to be the #1 in programming competitions without learning any code.
I am gonna write my experience with the field:
I have been burnt out from coding in the last couple of months, thanks to multitude of factors, mostly my health. It’s hard to work when you feel like shit. I barely had the willingness to press keys on my keyboard. The field didn’t make me want to code, program, learn new stuff. But I have been seeing in the last couple of weeks I am more open to start coding again. I put back up my 2nd monitor a couple of weeks ago. I have been slowly increasing my coding time, I notice less and less blocks when I do some coding courses. I don’t know if it made learning easier, since I never really had a problem with picking up knowledge, I had more of a willigness to look for knowledge problem.

Anyways TLDR: It’s not a magic pill, it’s more like being the only one in a marathon who has running shoes and everyone else has to go barefoot. If you don’t move your legs nothing gonna happen.
I have been using the audio for 2 or 3 months, and I printed the mandala a couple of weeks ago.


Thank you for sharing your experience. If health is your issue, I’m sure you know about the plasma flaunt/brain path back to health.

In the past I have tried to master programming but it was very difficult for me to focus. I could only code when I was on adderall/vyvanse/cigerattes. I started adv brain and plasma brain/flaunt yesterday along with all the anxiety and brain stuff and I feel more at ease and peace now.

From past experience, I actually went into CS but dropped out due the brain issues mentioned above.

I will give this audio a run 2-3 times per day and see how my inclination and ability to learn and code changes. I have the picture printed in black and white on my wall behind my monitor now.

Thank you guys (and gals) and Dream for making this NFT a reality.


This nft makes you feel calm. I suggest also do dreams free health based fields too.


First play, looped once (2x review)

Sitting in my kitchen area and notice different objects. Like my mind is placing more emphasis on how things are differentiated. What are the qualities/descriptions that define one thing, and how are those compared with another thing that may have similar, the same, or different qualities/descriptions. There is a greater sense of categorization, with a focus on definition (or ‘to define’).

My mind feels more patient, but alert. There is also a substantial notice in brain activity; there is more electrical stimulation in general. I feel like my hemispheres are better connecting/communicating as well.

The concept of ‘order of operations’ was going through my mind the last few days, and almost feel like it carries/holds more weight in this writing.

Some first impressions


I am using this almost 5 days in a week. So far loved it.


Will just wearing this as a tag also provide main function #2, Electrical stimulation etc…?
Or is that only via the audio

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Any results please? , I am also having trouble learning these languages

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I ended up doing Anne thing else. Good luck. :+1:


Excuse me, what is anne?
other audio? or nft?

Excuse me, I am a beginner in programming language, and I am currently learning Javascript, but I have learned the basics, such as loops, but I can’t apply them, such as writing simple multiplication tables
When I finish learning the basics, I “feel” that I know it, but I have to apply it in practice, and I have no idea how to proceed.
(I use google translation , if there is any mistake, please forgive me)

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Sorry I meant something else.


Do you listen to other channels ?

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So this is a wiring field, right? Same function as the brain growth work field. Will the new neurons created be permanent or temporary

So I’d probably better use superhuman genius/brain key before playing this field


I bought it without knowing anything and my life changed, I understand things I had no idea

Anyone who owns the nft and still has their mail could you send me the shopify audio link