The Pyramid Portal - King’s Chamber Meditation

The Pyramid Portal - King’s Chamber Meditation


Journey through this portal to the King’s Chamber, an immersive environment for deep meditation and spiritual connection, the heart of the Pyramid’s spiritual power.

Within this sacred space, you are bathed in the chamber’s distinctive vibrational frequencies, which promote heightened states of awareness, deep introspection, and a profound connection with higher dimensions.

Your meditation is amplified, helping you reach deeper levels of consciousness with greater ease and clarity. The energy of the King’s Chamber enhances focus, fosters spiritual insight, and supports your journey into the recesses of your inner self.

This field is ideal for those seeking spiritual growth, higher consciousness, or inner exploration, offering a powerful tool to enhance the depth and quality of your meditation by connecting you to the timeless energies of the Pyramid.


Woww I love it! There are many stories about the vibratory power of this place, incredible!


@Dreamweaver thanks Captain!


Yes was wondering about it will be field for it .
Wonderful gift :gift::candy::smiling_face_with_three_hearts:

Thank you


ok, so the faraoh built a whole huge pyramid for the effect and we just buy the effect from gumroad, how amazing is that.

Besides the spiritual and psychic effects, the pyramid energy present in that special point has also profound revitalising and rejuvenating effects (and cell growth) on living multicellular beings, meaning us, and strong inhibiting effects on bacteria and viruses.


The King’s Chamber is a significant internal chamber located within the Great Pyramid of Giza, built for Pharaoh Khufu (also known as Cheops) around 2580 BC. It is situated above ground, within the pyramid’s structure, and contains a sarcophagus mad entirely of pink granite.

  • Measures 10.45 meters (34.3 feet) long, 5.20 meters (17.1 feet) wide, and 5.80 meters (19 feet) high

  • Napoleon Bonaparte, during his Egyptian Campaign, reportedly spent hours alone in the King’s Chamber, which allegedly left him shaken and changed his life


Torsion field
King’s Chamber


Learning about the secrets of the Great Pyramid has been one of my favorite topics in 2018. I had almost 30 books on the topic and watched almost every video on YouTube about this that was available back then. What I can tell you is that the 3 main pyramids are not tombs and are 100% either alien made or made with super advanced tech from past alien Earth civilizations.

Recommended reading related to the topic:

Lying down in the “Sarcophagus” inside th King’s Chamber can trigger instant out of body experiences. The author describes his experiences in his book.

And then also this – for those who are convinced that most of the ancient Egyptian buildings are far older and for more magical and sophisticated technologically than what mainstream egyptologists believe:

And this book here (German only) about the very advanced spiritual math of the Great Pyramid – again something that mainstream egyptolists don’t see. This book is for sacred geometry lovers.äger-Geheimnis-Ägyptens-Mittelamerikas/dp/3906347761

If you cannot afford the book, there is also a whole lecture series from the author on YouTube (in German language but some videos have English subtitles) – ca. 10 hours of intellectual content, trust me guys this is a rabbit hole much deeper than many others and these lectures are only scratching the mathematical surface:


However, the whole rabbit hole goes much deeper than just the pyramid in Egypt. There are connections to other structures on Earth, on Mars and in outer space:

Giza Orion Star Map: