The Real Reason Male Enhancement Won't Work

You guys kill me every-time :joy:

The irresistibly attractive thread talked about “destroying a girl’s self-image” and mentioned it was not a good thing. But some people came up with those plans.

Rational thinking :muscle:

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why the need to spread such statements about being a loser and not being able to change?

do you need other people to reinforce it or even feel part of a bigger community that also feels like losers not being able to change?

sounds like masochism to me. do you watch porn? if you do, i’d say you cut it out immediately…

I have been using natural male enhancement for 10 days. in 2 months I will post the results here. I notice it’s fuller and bigger in girth

I’m happy with the size, there’s really no need to use this field. but why not make it even bigger lol

I’ve tacked on quadible’s enlargement onto the end of my self love stack. I’d like it to be a bit bigger but thanks to my self love stack I’m not really that fussed. I’ll see if anything changes over the next month like Jokas.

something is rising and it’s not the vibration

Google translate

Thank God I didn’t listen to other people who said it didn’t work. I’ve been using Male Enhancement from Patreon for a month and 18 days
I’ve been listening twice a day . several times it happened to me that I listened all night.

I gained 1 cm in length and that is 100 percent correct I tried several times to measure and I didn’t manage to achieve a full erection, which was strange. because before listening to this video I could always achieve a full erection… it seems to have happened because of growth…


Wait so basically you can’t achieve full erection due to the new gain size? Dang, has your body grown accustomed to it now?

That’s right, I stopped listening and the size went back to normal

Man i would’ve been mad. But that’s why I stopped using it. Same exact issue.


I’ve been using male enhancement daily for about 6 weeks

and I’ve had noticeable results ( not just me noticing :speak_no_evil: ) and no issues with functionality, in fact the opposite. I have been using the male reproductive regeneration though for reference.


Smart combining them 🫡


Very true, honestly. A guy I’ve known since 4th grade has been struggling with exactly of what you are talking about.

I don’t believe there is anything wrong with wanting to improve yourself, however. We have to be careful, because we don’t want to get so big like how bodybuilders get. That’s body dysmorphia at work

Generally, most girls say 6 is what they want because they know guys will probably round an inch. Anything between 6-8 inches is enough to be impressive. The 5 inch span is acceptable too and works.

I used KrakenCock by Chumpy Subs and got 1/2 inch in 6 months. I had ED because of a bad relationship and his subliminal helped in the process. I also did a lot in my own lifestyle. Because of ED, I actually went from 5.5/5.3- 6.75

I’m 6.75 inches, but with good EQ I can get to 7. Largest was 7.1. I give people my most consistent measurement (the mode) which is 6.75.

I was 6.2 at 17 before any subliminals.

But for the thread, I agree that size is not everything. First hand experience comes to me that a woman who is good is not going to think any less of you if you are average or just below that. If you are above average or large, she will cheer you on.



Bro, how often do you share your dick measure? lol

I made sure to monitor it consistently my ED issues at the time, so about twice a month for a while

Which sub did you use?

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It’s not a sub, it’s a field by sapien entitled natural male enhancement. You can pretty easily forum search to find it

Out of topic and late, can I ask how can you achieve these deep thought of discussion? I am very much interested in these types of discussion, I dont know how to describe it maybe philosophical intellectual or political.

The only discussion I can reach is those common controversial discussion like “should transgender use their biological restroom or their new gender restroom” stuff like that, even so my answers to those questions are still common and cliche and easy to find.

Like how can I achieve that deep?

I like reading books btw

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This is like asking Arnold Schwarzenegger how he became so muscular lol

Loop brain fields as much as he did (spoiler alert, thousands of hours) meditate, study/read/consume good content about the topics you’re interested in, possibly surround yourself with smart people to talk about deep topics