The Requests and Fields

I was aiming for 647687478 likes. But from my new higher vibration I can accept this. Thank you :smile:


Ah, can you? Good then. You know how fussy I am :laughing:

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Hello @Captain_Nemo, I would like it if you could upload a mantra dedicated to Hanuman on your Mantra Meditations channel. Specifically one that would eventually allow me to invoke him (presumably in combination with other audios like devic intercession).


Another request from me. I’m sorry. Please forgive me. I love you. Thank you.

The Higher Being Experience

This audio on Dream Seeds channel. I’m loving it. I would love to wear it as a tag also.

I’m not sure why it hasn’t gotten more attention. Or why I haven’t paid more attention to it myself.

I’d personally probably prefer this field alone on a dog tag because I can add or remove the Higher Self Connection mandala when I choose. But I’d understand if others would prefer these two fields together on one tag.

Anyone care to share their consensus on what they would prefer? I didn’t plan on doing this but I’ll create a poll so we can let Sapien Med know what people are interested in.

I won’t close the poll this time. Seems people didn’t appreciate that last time.

Links in case you want to check the descriptions:

The Higher Being Experience

Higher Self Connection

Which dog tag would you be most likely to purchase:

  • Higher Being Experience combined with Higher Self Connection
  • Higher Being Experience

0 voters


Unicorn Intercession with energy.
Audio or mandala. :innocent:


I would use it either way. Higher Being Experience is an amazing concept. To put you in touch with who you could be down the road if you advanced, so that you will then advance towards that. And then if you could have that 24/7. It would be like compound interest on spiritual progress.

Put it with the Vibration tag or audios… and bam.


Ladies. Don’t click that arrow. I did because I have the curiosity of a cat. Don’t do it.


Thanks for the warning :)) We won’t.


Just be careful that it’s only body fat. Fat apoptosis in your scalp could make you go bald. In your face could make you look prematurely aged.

Request concerning the Vibration Series audios.

Could you release two audios with each of these, especially Vibration of Creation and Vibration of Love? Probably Transcendence also but I don’t have that one yet.

The current audios are perfect as is. But could you make an alternative version of each one and let us download both versions. So that VoC and VoL each has the current audio and with the addition of another track that has some music really well geared towards dancing to?

I know it might take more work but it might make more sales too :grinning: when people realize they will get more for the same price.

And hopefully it would let the current owners of the track go in and download the new one without repurchasing.

These audios are different from most of the audios for me at least. I like to really get into it and feel the vibrations. And I do. But something like this would go along with that even more.

I’m tempted. Dancing while vibrating :)

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Lol. You can even now. Just make up your own rhythm.

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Ah, no problem about that. Ask my neighbors… (no, I don’t think that I’ve gotten that far yet… but it can happen at any moment).

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The King Experience definitely sounds like an interesting idea for an audio! And the Warrior Experience one too!


I don’t want be a debbie downer for @Philip_Weiss suggestions.

Now that I realize it’s Philip, I don’t feel so bad :rofl: :stuck_out_tongue_closed_eyes::

But people romanticize the Middle Ages and parts of the past quite a bit.

Let’s just say that anyone who’s even living at lower income levels in a 1st world country now is living a much better life than a King did 300 years ago, comfort wise.

There were some extravagantly wealthy kings in France that MIGHT be interesting… but they all got beheaded and/or booted out. ;)
And they still didn’t have AC or running water or flushable toilets, etc.

So no, I personally have no desire to experience how anyone even further down on the scale lived…ie what most would consider horrific “slavery” conditions in today’s world.


What you all should be asking for is:

A Past Lives Memories Field.

Just realized, I have had “tastes” of this things in past lives.
Why I’m not interested.

But so have all of you for the most part.
Tap into your past lives and you’ll see you’ve done most, if not all, of this stuff already.


? I want the higher being experience. Did you mean to @ Philip_Weiss ?

haha yes. my bad. Will change

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yikes, someone’s cranky today :slight_smile: :wink:

Just saying… past lives field would cover most of this and more…

Woulda been nice if I had the field while I was studying Chinese in college and then living over there :unamused:

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Ha! Not any more.
Haven’t used it enough outside of ordering off the “secret” menus at Chinese restaurants in many years. :smirk:
I’d need a good 3-4 months completely immersed in China to pick it back up again.

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