The Requests and Fields

already existed at one point.
Too much hassle with shipping or manufacturing or something…lol

Maybe they can be convinced again :man_shrugging:


i’d be fine with printing it out myself like if they put it on instagram!


Moon / Lunar field(s)

There are multiple analogues for solar energy (e.g. Sun Gazer, Sun Free Tanning, Far Infrared) and recently the Sun again as well as all the planets received tracks for the “Conjunction of Spheres” album. However, as far as I can see there is not even one track dedicated to the Moon.

The Moon is the astronomical counter-part / counter-point to the Sun, the Yin to the Sun’s Yang. Adding one or more lunar tracks would help balance things in your catalog and in people’s lives (if they so choose). Likewise, astrologically, in antiquity down through at least the Renaissance, the Moon was one of the seven classical “planets” (that is to say heavenly bodies). It deserves its place with the Sun and other planets.

For these and other reasons, there are numerous uses for the spiritually and/or magically inclined with lunar energy. Astrological magic with a lunar focus, meditation or other attempts to contact lunar spirits or deities, charging of lunar resonant crystals / gems / etc, magic that is geared to specific phases of the moon (e.g. spells meant to be cast during the waning phase), shapeshifting, and more.

At the very least I would love to see one Moon / Lunar track offering the energy of the Moon. However, you could easily make four or five: one to capture each phase’s especial energetic nature, and perhaps a general purpose one.

Hope one day I can soak up the full moon any time I want or need. Thank you.


DW said that he will work one for the Moon field


Awesome to hear, I did not know that. Thanks for letting me know.

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I wonder how that field will feel like though, after this recent “confirmation”:


I would really like this as well!

I’d love to print out a water charging mandala and tape it to the tank for my drinking water system, maybe also tape one around the main water pipe that enters my property.

Also, I just thought of taping a food charging mandala to the underside of every shelf in my refrigerator, freezer, and food pantry.


Agree. As a Cancerian, I’m missing the moon energy. :smile:


I bought the bottle and it took me 2 months to get the bottle. RedBubble has way too any issues.

The bottle is now gone but the mug is still on there:


Apologies for PMing you @Captain_Nemo. I wasn’t aware of this post :flushed:

Do have a look at this gentleman’s request for a Height Booster 3.0 video

It looks promising!


Hello sapiens medicine, I would like you to update the version “the height booster 2.0” to 3.0.
I have information about it so that we can grow with these benefits that you can add to the height booster 3.0.

1) -That the audio contains to increase the growth factor igf-1 in our body. By having this our body promotes the development and tissue of our bones and muscles.
2) -That our body generates microfactures in our bones, by generating the microfacture our body regenerates that and adds more bone, since cartilage is damaged and repaired by adding more bone making us taller.
**3) - This is a way to open the growth plates, and it is by making our body enlarge our cartilage. Our cartilage being bigger, then we will be taller since being big and having enough space then we will grow safely.

Growth plates function in height increase

As they are perfectly situated on the ends of your bone, they have the ability to lengthen the bone by creating new cartilage within the bone itself. This cartilage eventually transforms into bone. Throughout your adolesence, this process continues, constantly causing you to grow taller as your bones elongate.

This I took out of an energetic audio but the channel is not very reliable, also the information of the growth plate is true since it will open it. You can check sapiens look, I would like you to add this programming to the height booster 3.0:

Many people want to understand the mechanism of growing tall. Now height increase is traditionally occur at growth plates-epiphyseal and diaphyseal fusion.

Growing Workshop involves stem cell precursor cells differentiating into stem cells which differentiate into chondrocytes.

Hydrostatic Pressure can be generated after puberty by lateral or vertical compression of the bone (lateral is better). Type II Collagen is abundantly present in all bones. This is great news for individuals who seek to grow workshop even after teen years.

This Energetically Programmed Audio pushes to activate stem cells into chondrocytes that will convert to hypertrophy and make you become taller. It also contains Morphogenetic Energy fields that will boost new cartilage within the growth plates as well producing stronger bones during your height increasing process.


Could we have something for solving hernias please, Dreamweaver?
If we have some way of healing and targetting the holes in the muscle wall, perhaps with stem cells? I know a lot of people who suffer from these. Then strengthen the core and take away the pain in the process


Stronger Version for Brainstates and maybe Dog Tags for Brainstates

omg I absolutely feel you! Especially about the mesh and breeze!
Not just mossies and flies but a force field that repels insects would be so nice.
I had a picnic the other day and it would have been more enjoyable without the ants. I tried to chase em away but ended up squashing a few of them. Would be excellent if you could walk to a spot, and mossies, flies, midges, ants, and what not kept their distance. But ladybirds and fireflies still came along :heart_eyes:


Vitamin B complex!
I’ve found that when I break into hives, or have horrible stuffy nose, it’s when I haven’t taken my B complex in a while.
I read somewhere that it helps the body with histamines.
So I’ve also found that it helps with hangovers too lol.


add fleas and other parasites that affect your pets too! if they can just stay away, i wouldn’t have to go hunting for them and my dog wouldn’t need flea meds. :smiling_face_with_three_hearts:


Interestingly enough, theobroma (found in cacao) has been shown to do a better job at remineralising teeth than fluoride, and obviously none of the fluoride rubbish. So chocolate for teeth regen is not even a wild idea =)


Mmm that reminds me of a time when I was staying the night at an airbnb. I woke up in the middle of the night telling something very firmly and forcefully “NO”, because it was trying to enter my body. I’m not sure I can even call it going from asleep to awake state.
Basically felt like my psychic defenses (which I didn’t even know I had) got activated.


We don’t kill em, and they don’t bother us

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Woww awesome to hear that.

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