The Requests and Fields

Request for Eunectes murinus/Big Anakonda experience

@ryantraveling, @_OM

In the meantime the Captain released the Warrior song. Surely it solved that problem, right? :blush:

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Mindblown. Somehow I missed that description. Totally fits. :star_struck:

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ReverbA + Full body muscle contractions (like a heavy weight lifting session) + platelet derived growth factor AB targeted to muscles, (no HGH and Test to the muscles please)

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A field for zinc


Thank you @Captain_Nemo :bowing_man: You honor all of us. bows for longer :bowing_man:

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Guys how is Dream ever going to make all these fields if we keep spamming this thread?

He reads faster than you think.

He read a few entire scientific articles in like 2 mins lol.

Senpai goes full Swami Vivekananda on text


Because the goal is not that all of these fields are done, it is a suggestion tab, it does the ones you think best.

True but then it takes a lot more time to make these fields I’d imagine.

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You really think Dream is influenced by it? :wink:


Haha but surely he is influenced by effort!


Research and Suggestion for Post-Growth-Plate sealed Height Growth… ?Version 3.0?

Currently, this is the description for Height Booster (version 2 experimental):

There is a tightly controlled feedback loop that controls the growth or lengthening of bone, the growth plates may still have a small amount of room for growth sometimes,

the trick would be to get the ‘resting’ stem cells there to start producing more chondrocytes which will become bone and so help to increase your height.

This is programmed to help do that. (by stimulating the cells to reactivate)

For males, the growth plates close by years 14-16; for females, the growth plates close by 12-14 years. In this time, the growth plates are made of hyaline cartilage and is a source of mesenchymal cells. (citation for genes involved) The two ends where the hyaline cartilage meets bone is where osteoblasts deposit bone matrix to lengthen the bone.

In some children with poliomyelitis or other pathologies that cause asymmetrical legs, they use either an internal or external brace which is gradually lengthened over time. The way this works is through strain, and through the strain, it generates micro-fractures within the tibia and fibula. As the micro-fractures heal, bone material is deposited. Over time, they get a longer leg.


Other factors that can be accounted for:

  • Muscle tone - bulky/toned calves or leg muscles provide forces opposite to the leg lengthening process.

  • 50+ genes identified so far related to height as it is determined by multiple gene variants (polygenic inheritance).

  • Growth hormone - determined by secretions from the hypothalamus (growth-hormone releasing hormone) and pituitary glands.

  • Compression of the vertebrae bodies in the spine from gravity. The disc loses the ability to “refill” with fluid over time, and is ‘squeezed dry’ by gravity. For this reason astronauts grow taller in space.

  • Scoliosis/kyphosis of the spine, or degenerative changes (bamboo spine, bone spurs, osteoporosis, age-related, herniated discs causing sciatica/“slipped disc”, etc).

    • Weak postural muscles - weak thoracic extensors, weak intrinsic back muscles (spinotransversales, erector spinae, transversospinales)
    • Bad lifestyle factors - sedentary lifestyle, hunching over, computer usage.

Rationale for this?

  • As people age, they literally shrink because of a combination of the above factors, such as the vertebrae bodies within the spine not being able to completely refill. They start to hunch over, get osteoporosis and lose vertebrae height. Worse, they also get ‘slipped discs’, impairing their ability to walk. This decreases their quality of life considerably.

  • Studies show that taller people are subconsciously advantaged in the world, particularly men, perceived with higher performance, given higher salaries, career success, having more luck in relationships, and more likely to have authority in groups. Studies also show that they are perceived as leaders for both men and women (citation). There is also unconscious bias even favouring taller presidents in politics (citations) and celebrities in media.

  • Height linked to mental health - Consequently from the social and economic disadvantages from point 2, people experience height discrimination, and according to an Oxford study, experience increased subconscious negativity, paranoia and vulnerability.

Hope that research’s detailed enough :stuck_out_tongue:


:+1: :100: :heart_eyes:


So I am here to request a field that can help with Alopecia aerta.
Thyroid field would be a life savior too


Mind settings for the subconscious programming + energies of:

Accomplished figures (Celebrities, Actors, Sportsmen, CEOs, Presidential figures, Entertainers, Performers, Musicians, Writers, etc)
If someone wants to add in/contribute to this, feel free :stuck_out_tongue: Idea just popped up in my head and I had to put it out here haha.


Bile acid malabsorption field, regulating the acidity of bile produced

Soulmate Attraction:
This idea came to me just now as I was browsing my subliminal/energy transmission playlists. I have an entire playlist dedicated to attracting my soulmate, and I just realized, “Why hasn’t Sapien made one yet?”

Idk, please at least consider it. I’m sure a lot of us would be eternally grateful.


Got some bad news for all the “soulmate” seekers out there.

Unless you’ve reached near enlightenment, meeting your true soulmate(s) will be the most painful, drama-filled, maddening relationship you have ever been in.

They will consciously and unconsciously push every single button possible…

At the end of the day, it’s for your own (and theirs) spiritual growth but you won’t realize that at the time or even until after death.

Lot of those stories of couples killing their spouse/“ex” in the news are “soulmate” stories when one or both of them aren’t spiritually ready for that type of relationship.


yikes :grimacing:. Maybe for now i’ll just try to attract women in general lol.

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