The Requests and Fields

How about audio for all hormone receptors in the body to work optimally? Not only are androgen receptors, even vitamin D, which is actually a hormone, needs receptors to actually be used, just as glucose works better with more receptors in the cell, it is good for everything in general.

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yeah that would be a very cool idea for an album, with different audios for the various receptors

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i did, really does clear out brainfog for me

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the carbon 60 mandala from aether freq could help here

An album is good on the one hand and bad on the other, on the good side the person is free to choose the receiver they need most at the moment and does not use what they do not want, but audio for all receivers in general saves time, I think that we need more formulas made this way, where we have more than 1 characteristic in it, this saves a lot of time for those who hear a lot of audios already, my case for example, this is done a lot in tags, in audios it should also be possible.

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5 posts were merged from existing topics.

@Captain_Nemo pls some requests…the booster mugs ,a become the healer tag ,a no fap tag ,a limitless tag ,and a become very social and funny tag.!many friends need them also me.

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there is a request thread in this forum where you can put these requests in.

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Thanks my friend

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@Captain_Nemo requests for tags
Inner beauty
Boosters mugs
Nonfap field
Become the healer
Become limitless
Become extreme social and funny
Euforia field.

Come on man you are the best give tags to your people!

please be more grateful. @Dreamweaver works very hard and has been making incredible releases in the past 2 months. Be thankful that he is even making fields and is selfless enough to give people the chance to change their lives through his work.

He doesn’t need to give anyone his fields, but he sells them to us even though it takes many hours and is a huge responsibility for him. Show some gratitude for this man.

Another thing is that if you spam him with constant requests about the same thing, he is more likely to never make that field. For example, constantly requesting a ‘limitless’ tag will make him less likely to make it.


The Star Exercise Audio - Can this exercise be automated and enhanced like Hakuin’s Healing Egg Enhanced?


Was having this thought the other day but I felt like it was cheating lol try to teach your servitors how to automate it while doing the exercise yourself


All magic is cheating.

Mind Settings Album 2 -

A few ideas for a second album if it comes one, Great Health and Energy Mindset, Great Relationships Mindset (for romantic, friends, family and work), Easily Free From Addictions and Bad Habits Mindset.



Something for confident and calm car driving, to overcome the fear of driving

This might be for you! :slight_smile:

Full aura healing that includes healing of energy leakages, cords, parasitic type beings/entities, repressed energies etc

One Mandala that has effects of all songs in Elektosmog album.

It will be much easier to have protection all day with it instead of listening to fields every few hours.