The Requests and Fields

Is a servitor really reliable? I’ve seen ‘mixed’ reviews, and it seems to take quite a while to train. I’m not sure of my own ability to be able to train my servitor like that.

I request a hub for all servitors made by Dreamweaver to communicate and facilitate growth. I think this is a cool idea. This hub will allow the servitors to increase their abilities much faster.

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This is not quite the same, but have you met your new Lord and Saviour, the Metatron Neural Net?

I have heard about it, but I will have to do some research on your posts about it before joining. I am unsure on how safe it is. While I know that Dreamweaver is highly respected among the community, I don’t know much about you.

Probably best you use something else then.

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An audio that eliminates dandruff.


Fungus destroyer. @ActionGuy


Tarot Tags @Captain_Nemo please


Would love a Death tag or audio field.

Lol. I thought about how cool a Devil tarot track would be. Not that I have any idea what it would do.

I looked it up. There can be positive attributes to it.

Besides, it would be an excuse for a heavy metal Sapien track.

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This one might have similar energy to the death tarot card.


I tend to think Saturn is the more fitting planet, but Pluto is certainly not out of the question.

Roll both ahead of some Ego Dissolution and Timelessness…

@Atreides You’re right that the Devil does not have to be construed as negative. It’s really about indulgence and avoiding being ruled by it… either through strict avoidance / repression, or through excess / obsession.

Could either be a real metal track, or something really sensual / erotic sounding.


The Hunger Inhibitor and Leptin Resistance fields can help in a similar way. :slightly_smiling_face:


ahh really, thanks.



Please @Captain_Nemo , field:

“understanding causes behind every effects”


dhea 2.0

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Updated version of Brain Enhancement from YouTube. That would be nice :smiley:

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also thought about this

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Healers Tag -

A tag for healers and helpers, therapists, doctors, psycologists, volonters, alternative healers or people who just wants to help people close to them. The tag could have some protective fields, some fields to help people open up to you and you to understand them and feel compassion, some fields that would spread love and any other fields that would be of help.


It doesn’t matter who
It doesn’t matter what
It doesn’t matter how

Just examples to explain the field