The Requests and Fields

Stop Procrastinating, Unstoppable Willpower and the Reach for the Stars (Enhanced Glory) item can help with that. :slightly_smiling_face:


More, more & more Take Action, not only willpower
I mean action without thinking, as automatic interaction like walking or eating

I feel that sapien medicine offers many fields to help with taking action, just not worded exactly like you are describing.

I agree with @uial 's suggestions.

As a friend would say, i also perceive what youā€™re asking for as a ā€˜flow stateā€™ and gamma brainwave audio could be something one could experiment with for all action.


Increased Psychic Function audio v2 :blush:

I donā€™t know if what you suggested is still good but still,
willpower indicates an effort, that is, it implies a ā€œdead timeā€ where you still have to put the action into practice, because you can have a high willpower, but not so effective. I mean an automatic reaction, without thinking, always and in any case like breathing, walking, eating and so on.
Do you have Link to gamma brainwave audio?

Gamma Brain Waves are the fastest brainwave frequency with the smallest amplitude. They are associated with the ā€œfeeling of blessingsā€ reported by experienced meditators such as monks and nuns, and with peak concentration and extremely high levels of cognitive functioning.

Neuroscientists believe that gamma waves are able to link information from all parts of the brain and not only that, but the entire brain is influenced by the gamma wave.

The gamma wave originates in the thalamus and moves from the back of the brain to the front and back again 40 times per second. This rapid ā€œfull sweepā€ action makes the gamma state one of peak mental and physical performance. Gamma is the brainwave state of being ā€œin the Zone,ā€ that feeling that you can do anything.

Everyone has gamma brainwave activity, but the amount of gamma waves produced varies. Low amounts of gamma brainwave activity have been linked to learning difficulties, poor memory and impaired mental processing.

The benefits of producing the gamma frequency are:

  • Increased memory recall (the 40 Hz frequency is known to regulate memory processing); people with high gamma activity have exceptionally vivid and rapid memory recall.
  • Increased sensory perception. Senses are heightened when the brain produces gamma waves. Food tastes better; vision and hearing sharpen; sense of smell becomes more powerful; and your brain becomes far more sensitive to all sensory input. This makes for a much richer sensory experience and a better perception of reality.
  • Increased focus; but this enhanced focus is not necessarily aimed at one individual object or task. In the gamma state, your brain is able to process all sensory information faster and more fully with greater sensitivity; and combine the whole scenario into a highly memorable experience. People with high gamma activity can recall everything about any memorable event ā€“ the food they ate, the music they heard, the conversations, the names of people they met, the air temperature, etc.
  • One of the most remarkable properties of the gamma state is the processing speed: the brain is able to process incredible amounts of information very quickly, remember it, and retrieve that memory later.
  • People with high gamma activity are naturally happier, calmer and more at peace. This is Natureā€™s best anti-depressant (people suffering from depression typically have very low gamma activity).
  • Gamma waves are present during REM sleep and visualization.
  • Compassion comes from a feeling of one-ness with all creation. This is the ā€œfeeling of blessingsā€ and ecstasy that accompanies high levels of gamma brainwave activity.

This audio has been created in order induce and propagate gamma brain waves in your brain. Download and enjoy!

i feel that the above description sapien medicine has for this audio is sufficient enough.

iā€™ve listened to this myself, but i honestly canā€™t share results youā€™d be looking for as i used it for more passive activities (such as meditation and sleep) rather than active present moment experiences.

i may edit this later and @ you if i do come across the posts from our forum friends based on their information on gamma brainwaves.

below is a bit of info i found on gamma and i feel could relate to what youā€™re asking for:

What Are The Benefits Of Gamma?

People with very high levels of gamma activity are exceptionally intelligent, compassionate, and have strong self-control. IQ scores of people with high gamma wave activity are correspondingly high.

High gamma activity also corresponds to a state of peak performance.

Elite athletes, top-notch musicians and high achievers in all fields produce far more gamma waves than average.

i feel that athletes and performers are great examples of all action and may indeed have more than average gamma brainwaves as suggested by this article.


Many thanks!

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Do you think he will ever release the gamma frequency on to youtube?

Gratitude direct to the subconscious, removing limiting beliefs regarding gratitude etc


Super Human Mutant Energy V2 :boom:


I was about to request the same. I need this audio. I hope that our request will get manifested soon :innocent:

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Well there was an update on the breast enhancement a while after my request in terms of some firming/ strenghtening as I remember. But with that comes bigger breasts. Not an option for me.:smile:

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I think an audio for androgen receptor sensitivity and density would be greatly appreciated, i would also definitely buy it.

Plus maybe one for more sensitized dopamine receptor and general dopamine receptor regeneration. I use the ā€œDopamine Reduxā€ at times, but since it also got a strong dopamine releasing effect besides the receptor regeneration, i donā€™t want to use it that much. So i would appreciate sometihng we could loop overnight which would regenerate receptors, while not producing/releasing any dopamine

there are some for that already
-love, gratitude and appreciation (updated on mental health album)
-gratitude and abundance (from album one)

plus i think the new mindsettings album will help with that as well, plus ego dissolution and subconscious blockage removal

For this there is already this:

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No itā€™s not. The first two audios temporarily put you in a state of gratitude. Sending it directly to subconscious would make it a permanent/natural state over time

yes i know about this, but it didnā€™t have much effect on me, unlike other audios. perhaps it can be updated

have you tried brain regeneration?

How about audio for all hormone receptors in the body to work optimally? Not only are androgen receptors, even vitamin D, which is actually a hormone, needs receptors to actually be used, just as glucose works better with more receptors in the cell, it is good for everything in general.

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yeah that would be a very cool idea for an album, with different audios for the various receptors

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