The Requests and Fields

I second this! That field would also attack the root cause of perfectionism and help so much with confidence.

Schizophrenia prevention/healing field. I don’t have one but it’s one of the scariest mental disorder that I hope it gets made somewhere in the future.

One for food intolerances please with probiotics please please . There are fields for that from other creators but their fields aren’t as pure and make me dream a lot , I only trust sapien. No matter how much I heal the gut and listen to those ones, it isn’t healing the food intolerances.
Thank you

Borage oil field.

An omega 6 fatty acid that works as an anti oxidant and is very good for skin and joints.

But especially skin.

Yes please!

Check these threads:

Are there any fields for emotional dependency or liberating someone for seeking relationships?

@lonewolf there are many pathways : become whole, astro series, self love fields, mandelbrot etc :slightly_smiling_face:

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can you please help me a little more with the name of the fields?
especially the below one?

Microplastic removal field

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Deer antler :deer:

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a field to become ambidextrous.

Upgraded Slow Down the Perception of Time Mandala or NFT

Times going really fast nowadays


Love for Life.

To get in love with life, everything that happens in it.

isnt kinesthetic intelligence the field for that?

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Just loop Ascension-naut and Ego Diss+, I’m sure u have both :smiley:

the ultimate mix hahahaha

Not sure. Did someone really report better coordination with their lesser hand of foot?

being inside of a quasar