The Requests and Fields

Really? Thanks I am going to read about it. Only thing I know is the course is like 150.

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Yes there is also a resilience and acceptance field

And a couple of meditations

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I’d like to suggest a yagna audio based on Rudrashtakam :smiley:

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easy, too

A field that infuses your possessions with positive energy.

Similar to Safe Point and Zen Nourish - but it works on your personal possessions.

Be it your:

  • Clothes
  • Cooking Utensils
  • Phone, Keys, Wallet
  • Workout equipment
  • Electronics
  • Nostalgic keepsakes
  • Etc etc etc

The best use-case of it, in my opinion, would be to use it on your clothes. To be surrounded in a positively energetically charged outfit wherever you go.


This is my favourite idea, a dedicated servitor to look after our pets

The servitor will grow old with the pet, keeping them company and protecting them from danger. The servitor will remember the way home and guide the pet if it is lost.

It will slowly become more apparant (visible even) to the pet as time goes on and will learn what games the pet enjoy

the servitor will keep the pet’s energy system clean and promote growth overtime

Attach the servitor to something and put it on the pet’s collar, or on whatever, nearby


I was just watching this and wanted to see what was on the forum about it :)

A neutral environmental field that takes of the properties of any field that is played in that environment afterwards, effectively making any field an environmental field that stays in that area hours or days after it was played.
is this possible?

thus might be problematic with some fields. maybe it is a smart field or a servitor?

I would like to have the skin lightner /whitener . Would be great if you guys can upload it. I would also buy it.

there is a skin brightening field on patreon

Maybe something for stuttering :)?
Something along lines with Wernicke’s area and Broca’s area because these are two areas of the brain that play a part in language and of course vocal cords.

And also maybe something more strong for reversing grey hair.

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try permanent brain enhancement, im pretty sure they target those areas

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I have
White Matter
The Manhattan Method
The Plasma Brain of Youth

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Check this


Yeah, I know about that, but this one is about learning languages not healing the actual part of brain which is responsible for that and connection with vocal cords, the overall mechanics of producing speech itself.

yeah just checked. listen to permanent brain enchancement, its exactly what ur looking 4

I’m no expert but I think there’s more to that field than just learning languages :slightly_smiling_face:

Updated beard field that allows velus hairs turn terminal and where beard can grow over scar tissue (where there’s hindered)


a bug repellent field lol


Guided Belly Pranayama - New Release - Sapien Medicine (

for this to be uploaded on patreon so i can download it in mp3 format and put it on my mp3 player as i currently have a flip phone lol