The Requests and Fields

Active and guided hypnosis for healing joints and the ligaments.


mass meditation as mp3 file

(on patreon)


A DIY handyman field. I need to do some jobs in and around the house. Would be grand…


One for schizophrenia

schiziphrenia is largely a dopamine issue
for free, ‘overcome any addiction’ can heal the dopamine receptors in limbic system of brain, and the ‘brain regeneration’ field can help too

hope this helps


Request idea: Road safety mandala

A mandala you can leave in your car which creates a bubble of safety around you and creates an aura (perhaps similar to a police car or military vehicle) so people respect you on the road and drive safely around you. Induces apprehension in those wishing to do you harm through road rage. Prevents hostile drivers and unnecessary tailgating.


Could we get the first 2 gates of the Architect of Reality for a cheaper price?

Please upload the old DMT field on Patreon.

Imagine if we are gonna have fielded movies or fielded everything/every product or service…
Just saying. :grinning:
I know that someone (possible a few members) mentioned fielded games (I’m gonna link the thread/post later, if i find it)…

Maybe someday…

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Creativity users will write the script and dialogues.


An Ikigai Field: “Many people, whether consciously or unconsciously, are searching for ikigai, one’s reason for existing, or waking up cheerfully each morning.”

How to do that: Taking the mindsetting fields as an template and infuse it with personal life purpose


There might also be a strong connection between Ikigai and the Best Path in Life field.


A bug repellent environmental field would be amazing lol! I’m sick of the mosquitos :weary:

there is a field that has this concept but i dont remember which one exactly.

@Ugninis def knows

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The Enviromental Transformer Servitor 100% helps me with that.

like every - single - time :slight_smile:

thats the one on Patreon fyi


This concept is behind the Potion of Awakening/Conclave field which is part of a series that aims for that integration.


SGLT2 inhibitor field.

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Helplessness removal (learned, inherited, imposed), removal of unwanted Conformity (mistaken for Acceptance) leading to inaction.


The Ghost of Debt

There is a ghost to debt. It’s an entity of its own.

Using my own experiences to draw from, I lived through refusing to take on debt. I lived with no credit for years. It extended to refusing to being indebted to other people.

I had strong integrity towards not being in a deficit. It kept my mind clear and strong. If someone provided me with something, I paid them back immediately. I did not ask for things I could not provide myself. Life was clear.

I developed a sense of financial maturity and decided to use debt wisely. I kept my utilization ratio low and only spent on my card to raise my score. I did not buy out of necessity. I bought out of purpose, for the sole purpose of raising my credit.

to do so, I had to loosen my boundaries and open up to this energy of debt

I experienced illness. I could not work. I had to rely on others. I did not want to take too much from others who already provided me a home. I used credit. I used a loan to a business coach who proved to be a scam.

To use credit beyond my means, autonomy was required as sacrifice to receive what I needed, leading to a stretched sense of boundaries, feeling weak and incapable, being at the mercy of external sources

Please consider a field that returns autonomy, returns strength, returns clarity of mind around financial spending and improves the integrity of remaining in balance and wisdom with utilizing debt. a field that literally keeps the hungry ghost of debt away, and puts the reigns back into others’ hands. Pushes the user back onto the path of financial wellness and gives the motivation to remain firm. Eliminate desperation, inspire/highlight direction and other, better options. Provide a push to the actions that will craft a strong financial front and financial fortitude.

Please/Thank you for considering :pray:t5: .


Deleting IL-11 extends life and health span by over 20% . Should be applicable to humans, and pretty straight forward to make.

I have a 24h simulant of the gene deletion in mind so its not permanent and should give maximum health benefits with very little risk.