The Requests and Fields

A UVB Light Spectrum smart field that targets eczema, psoriasis, and rosacea. It takes care of inflammation and dark marks.


Andara Obsidian

This stone is so duality-transcending that it does not suffer from negative absorption. SHE IS PURE LOVE VIBRATION.

You could compare the Andara Crystals with the angelic realm, with which they collaborate: after all, a small Cupid carries as much angelic energy as a large archangel. They each have a different function, but the angelic power at the core is the same.
In that respect, these are a kind of angel stones that, like angels themselves, can travel through and between dimensions, both in the cosmos and on and in the earth, and in this way can provide anchorage.

The Andara Crystal helps you resonate with your true truth, your essence. And she supports you to remember and deeply understand your own abundance of knowing. This makes you feel more connected and one with the whole, which stimulates the feeling of trust, harmony and zest for life. Andara is a physical, emotional, mental and spiritual healer in loving subtlety.

She also supports communication and strengthens your creative power. The senses are sharpened, making our perceptions clearer and more powerful. The intuitive ability increases. Working with them facilitates learning and processing new information and increases concentration. Because they bring balance to the hemispheres of the brain, one also achieves better coordination in the body.

Crystal children become better grounded by these crystals, feel more welcome, more at home and can therefore take on ‘their task’ better.

In short, the new crystal types now being released from Earth possess an intelligence and consciousness that makes them better suited for cooperation in the New Age than any of their predecessors. Andara is also a new age crystal that offers deep support in transformation processes due to its great love vibration, intelligence and consciousness. In order to experience their love energy and work with them, it is necessary that your own heart is first sufficiently healed. The collaboration that follows affects every living being to the core.

The Andara has a transformative effect, so it does not go along with emotions that no longer serve the world. She has compassion and love in this, but just like Christ himself, she will not perpetuate your fears, your emotions around loss, etc. She will encourage you to turn this around into a positive movement, without being polar. And encourage you to transform every powerlessness into a desire, a goal and a strength.

At the same time, the Andara crystal also helps you heal your superficial needs and lacks and access your deeper essential desires. Every desire we know, every unfulfilled need has a resonance in sound and color. The different colors of the Andaras, together with their moving power, bring your needs into flow so that you learn to focus your heart on what you truly desire. Playing with their different colors frees your heart for your own game of life and encourages you to create your own.

Where the obsidian is the brother of the Andara, the diamond is the partner, the male variant of Andara and has been easier to find on earth for much longer. The diamond also has this transformative capacity, but was ultimately reduced to a status symbol and great ‘possession’. However, at this time when the feminine aspect is coming back into our consciousness, the earth is showing us its Andara Crystals. The all-awakening spiritual consciousness will help man to recognize and acknowledge, guard and propagate the love essence of the Andara. And the feminine aspect of the Andara itself will not allow these special crystals to grow into a staus symbol for you to possess.

It is not surprising that the Andara is only now revealing itself. Now that the earth is churning in transformation and its own profound creative power is unfolding more and more. From those ‘deeper’ layers, Mother Earth herself pushes the Andara up and out, so that the message is conveyed to us.

Namely the message of unconditional love from the Feminine Divine.


This crystal increases the vibration of its wearer. A higher vibration frequency brings more peace and awareness. This allows the crystal to assist with ascension. The energy is a bit like diamond, but softer, friendlier. More feminine rush. Andara Obsidian accelerates every transformation process. So not only the transformation to the New Age but every process in which you place yourself. The alchemical stone also ensures that contact with the Higher Self strengthens. This makes listening to divine inspiration a lot easier. To top it all off, the stone also connects to the Akashic records, Metatron’s cube and sacred geometry.

Some believe it is the Philosopher’s Stone, a master healer with the highest vibration of any ‘crystal’ yet. It has powerful transformative qualities that encourage channeling and access to universal wisdom through connection with the highest levels of consciousness. For others, it is glass waste from a landfill. It depends on how your personal frequencies resonate or dissonance with this gemstone.

Andara Obsidian is said to contain the prima-materia of the ancient alchemists, a combination of 70 minerals. He was apparently found by a Native American shaman at a garbage dump - rumored to be an ancient sacred site - near a vortex point in the High Sierra Mountains. Andara Obsidian is said to be enriched with monatomic elements of gold, silver, iridium, rhodium, chromium and platinum and trace elements of iron, manganese, selenium, cobalt, copper, nickel, titanium and uranium: essential elements for health, well-being and spiritual activation.

Andara Obsidian is a protective gemstone and protects against electromagnetic smog and environmental pollution. In those attuned to it, it clears negativity, activates and aligns all chakras, and quickly accelerates spiritual growth. It promotes the energy flow around the meridians and strengthens the biomagnetic field.

Andara Obsidian is known as a master healer that restores health and balance. He works from the subtle bodies and the etheric blueprint to balance the physical body, but can do whatever is asked of him.


Perhaps, just as a fun suggestion, one last limited NFT release, designed by Captain (not any of the group/community NFTs), as a celebration of the NFT era :slight_smile:


heal trauma before birth(while still in the womb)

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Schistosomiasis. Nasty and insidious, this can last for 30 years and these parasites basically cause disease by the sheer amount of eggs they routinely lay. Something happens with our immune systems with response to these where it’s an extraordinarily weak response and that’s how they endure.

Humbly request a field to gear our immune systems in such a way as to more easily recognize and eliminate not only the adult worms but the eggs as well.


A male enhancement field (to tie along with the new sexual related fields to use as a trinity)

The one to end the series off :muscle:t4: :pray:t4: if possible


Would be great if feasible a fielded GPT in the style of Zen Master Karuna and the Mystic Tarot Reader but regarding Astrological analysis and forecasting


similar to auto-mewing, this will automate the body to unconsciously hold proper posture by dissolving improper habits and inserting proper posture habits

(you could pair this with the whole old atlas adjustment posture audio)

chair ergonomics
standing posture
sleeping posture
long period sitting posture


A servitor for pets, maybe in the new series to heal & protect.
To regenerate physical body to perfect health, protect from attacks, parasites, accidents, anxiety, so that our animal friends live in comfort & joy during their life span.

Also, please consider bringing back Armor of Light and Glory


Please :pray:


Primal Urges. Hurry before Store Closes.


Some scientists have discovered the gene that controls hair graying, and may be able to study how to delay or prevent the appearance of this natural sign of aging, so that beauty lovers will have less to worry about.

In order to study the relationship between genes and hair color, graying, density and curl, an international research team led by University College London collected hair and hair samples from 6,630 volunteers from five Latin American countries. Blood samples for analysis.

After comparing the volunteers’ DNA sequences, the researchers found that a gene called IRF4 was associated with hair graying. IRF4 is located on chromosome 6 and has been thought to be related to skin, hair and eye pigments in the past. This is the first time it has been discovered.

Kaustubh Adhikari, a researcher at University College London, said: "We have previously known that several genes are related to baldness and hair color, but this is the first time that genes related to hair graying and other factors affecting hair shape have been identified. and density genes.”

The hair itself is colored because melanocytes at the hair root produce pigment. As we age, these melanocytes stop producing pigment, causing the hair to turn white. However, scientists don’t yet know exactly how IRF4 causes hair to turn gray.

The researchers believe that the genes they identified that are related to hair graying or shape should not work alone. Other factors such as the environment may be involved, and further research is needed. Understanding the mechanism by which IRF4 causes hair graying may help scientists develop methods to delay or prevent hair graying.


Are ideas for spot fat reduction by dissolving cells accepted still?

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An energy field for pharyngitis and inflammation of the lymph nodes in the neck.

Pharyngitis, an inflammation of the pharynx, can have several causes. Here is a detailed overview of the main causes of pharyngitis:

Viral Infections
Viral infections are the most common cause of pharyngitis. The main viruses involved include:

Rhinovirus: Common cause of the common cold.
Coronavirus: Responsible for certain colds (different from SARS-CoV-2, responsible for COVID-19).
Influenza: Flu virus.
Parainfluenza virus: Responsible for certain respiratory infections.
Respiratory syncytial virus (RSV): Especially in children.
Adenovirus: Can cause severe pharyngitis.
Epstein-Barr: Responsible for infectious mononucleosis.
Herpes simplex virus (HSV): May cause sore throat.
Bacterial Infections
Bacterial infections are less common but can be more serious. The main bacteria involved include:

Streptococcus pyogenes (group A strep): The most common cause of bacterial pharyngitis, also called strep throat.
Streptococcus groups C and G: Less common than group A but can also cause pharyngitis.
Mycoplasma pneumoniae: May cause respiratory infections and pharyngitis.
Chlamydia pneumoniae: Another cause of pharyngitis.
Neisseria gonorrhoeae: Causes gonorrhea, can also infect the throat.
Irritants and Allergens
Exposure to irritants or allergens can also cause pharyngitis. The main causes include:

Tobacco smoke: Active and passive.
Air pollution: Including industrial chemicals.
Chemicals and fumes: Exposure to irritating substances.
Allergies: Dust, pollen, mold and pet dander.
Alcohol: Excessive consumption can irritate the throat.
Mechanical and Traumatic Causes
Certain activities or conditions can cause mechanical irritation of the throat:

Excessive coughing: May irritate throat.
Screaming or howling: Excessive use of voice.
Mouth breathing: Especially during sleep, can dry and irritate the throat.
Gastroesophageal reflux disease (GERD): Stomach acid can irritate the throat.
Intubation or medical procedures: Irritation from medical instruments.
Systemic and Autoimmune Causes
Certain systemic or autoimmune diseases can lead to pharyngitis:

Kawasaki disease: Especially in children, causes inflammation of the blood vessels.
Sjögren’s syndrome: Autoimmune disorder that can cause dry throat and mouth.
Other autoimmune diseases: Lupus, sarcoidosis, etc.
Rare Causes
Some less common conditions can also cause pharyngitis:

Fungal infections: Such as candidiasis (especially in immunocompromised people).
Parasitic infections: Rare, but possible in some parts of the world.
Tumors: Throat tumors can sometimes present with symptoms similar to pharyngitis.

Since yesterday I have had severe pharyngitis. The night was very difficult, I didn’t sleep well.
I have researched there is no energy field to treat this type of inflammation.
I listened to the energy fields against bacteria and against viruses there was no improvement.

It would be great Captain if you could create a field for this type of problem, thank you :pray:


Premium Serum NFT should take care of this, or am i wrong?

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But not everyone has it😅

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i just became aware of a correlation between vagus nerve’s ‘vagal tone’ and forward head posture, and how FHP can actually impede on the nerves function, resulting in long term mental health problems.

Since the mobile phone, there has been an increase in a particular postural issue, often called ‘text neck’. This is where the head rests too far forward from the shoulders, putting excessive strain on the neck and upper body. If this is maintained long-term, the fascia will completely reform into this position, which makes it difficult to change.

Chatgpt pointed me to some studies that explored how Forward Head Posture impacts vagal tone. One study highlighted how poor cervical posture, such as FHP, might lead to decreased vagal tone due to mechanical stress on the cervical spine and surrounding musculature.

When properly aligned, the head typically weighs about 10-12 pounds. For every inch the head moves forward from this neutral position, the weight the neck muscles need to support increases substantially.
1 Inch Forward: The head feels like it weighs about 27 pounds.
2 Inches Forward: The head feels like it weighs about 40 pounds.
3 Inches Forward: The head feels like it weighs about 49 pounds.

The vagus nerve is responsible for the regulation of internal organ functions, such as digestion, heart rate, and respiratory rate, as well as vasomotor activity, and certain reflex actions, such as coughing, sneezing, swallowing, and vomiting

Thus, poor vagal tone due to Forward head posture can excaserbate or cause mental health and bodily problems such as anxiety, depression, PTSD, IBS, Chronic Fatigue Syndrome, ASD, ADHD, Bipolar Disorder.

i have this posture. i have been using fields to try fix it but results have been very slow. I do suffer from an anxiety disorder despite having enough confidence and social/communication skills to feel comfortable.

This is a phenomenal idea, if it’s morally appropriate!

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A field specifically focused on the skin’s acid mantle; its regeneration from nothing, repair, and optimal health.

A field on balancing “body types” of various traditions (TCM/Ayurveda/etc) between their elements and polarizations (eg Water Yin vs Fire Yang) Perfect balance between all 5 elements and their dual nature, for a total of 10 (20 if you want to account for all the possibilities - e.g. Fire has Yin and Yang, but can be further broken into how far into Yin or Yang you are the same way the cardinal directions go from N, NE, to NNE, or ENE as in Fire Yin-Yin, Fire Yin-Yang, Fire Yang-Yang, and Fire Yang-Yin), addresses for allergies and all holistic health concerns.

If a smart field component is added, it can act as an energetic gyroscope to maintain perfect balance regardless of input.


YES PLEASE that would be great :heart: