The Requests and Fields

negative energy removal updated to be stronger & intelligent

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Just wondering: what fields are you absolutely against making?

Stop Procrastination field updated & strong enthusiasm energy added unto it… this will blend so well with unbreakable


One for confessing and realesing our sins, sort of when you confess to a priest in a church.

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One audio that can be in every stack that nullifies potential of weird disturbing dreams due to listening to other audios in general.

Forgiveness and release could work on that

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Scary videos and drive link man. Yikes.

The other tarot archetypes & audios that are of energetic alchemy but solely on YouTube; can they also go on Spotify too & Amazon/Apple Music for people that use those? It’s uncomfortable having to switch different apps. I’m using my regular MP3 player for patreon audios, and Spotify for energetic alchemy, then I have to add YouTube. How can my brain remember to switch between three different platforms consistently?

Hyper Sleep State Version 2.0
Many people have been struggling to see any results with the original, and this field could potentially transform our lives by giving us more time to do things. A stronger version + a tendency to make results permanent over time would def help!

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Seconded. Also, if you could find a way to make it non-stimulating so that you can listen before bed it would be fantastic.

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Is this a field to help you astral project? As well as prepare you for the experience?

Please look into this request


that would be one of the purpose of the field


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Attract Ideal Social Circle
People are more lonely than ever despite current technology. And, when we finally do make friends, they are completely incompatible.
Please make a field for this.
This is one of our most important needs.

Get a job to be hired in a company

A field to attract many job opportunities and get hired in the company that suits you best.
Also trust in recruiters and employers

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You can try:

  • Draw Like-Minded Friends mandala
  • Spiritual Growth States of Being (Mind Settings album)

along with Luck and Probability audios.

@Fender_Cad you remember this thread?

Job and Wealth

Again, Luck audios + The Magician, etc. might help. As for trust: once you have it for yourself, the job is already done at 99.99%.



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Yes, this is the stack I am currently listening to, but I was suggesting a specific field for that.

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im just here patiently waiting for the new and improved male enhancement field :)