The Requests and Fields

Hi @galaxy_hopper88!
Welcome to the Forum.

Enlightened States does not make custom orders anymore.
Please read this FAQ for more information.

I would be super interested also in one who would work for arteries!!

How about a field for fluid retention / swelling in the body. Or is their a current field that can be used effectively to heal this. Thanks for any suggestions.


Thanks, will give it a shot.


When/if some of the fields from the old site come back, I would use Gambling Luck and Genius. Right now you can use Reach for the Stars. Those 3 would be my attempt if I went into trading.


It looks like it went down or its address has changed. Who else has noticed this?


I can’t access the page at the moment either.

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I’d like you to create a field, wearable or audio, audio probably, that we might call Empowerment or Self Empowerment.

It would put a Reverse Apathy effect on the things that are within your power to change. I can’t find a good antonym of apathy. Enthusiasm maybe. So I just said “Reverse Apathy”.

Then it would put an Apathy effect on everything that is not within your power to change, like mainly the behavior of other people.

Thirdly and lastly, it would imbue you with a quality that I have heard called “Self Reference” or being “Self Referential”. It means you believe more in your own truth, opinion and point of view about who you are than you do what others think of you. It’s kind of like self validation.


No, it’s not only for US users.
It seems like users from some countries are not able to join at the moment.

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I also heard Sapien’s YouTube was down for some time, then it came back. Strange

What Norne says, makes so much sense. I 100% upvote for this. Humanity is of great need of this.


Hi @Bart!
Welcome to the Forum.

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The fungus destroyer works amazingly well, couple of times every day for a week cleared my dandruff/itching etc. I am still continuing to use it to make sure there are no traces of it on my skin.


Low-level laser therapy for the treatment of androgenetic alopecia (Baldness) If a field can be made of the same laser frequency as that of the laser devices, ++ along with other anitoxidant properties, vitamin, mineral additions etc. Please look into it, thanks a lot.


Hello Sapien Medicine,

May you consider to put these available on Patreon? I will highly appreciate it. Thank you!

Shen Energy (Internal Alchemy Series Pt4) ver2.0

Jing Restoration Internal Alchemy Series Pt3 ver2.0

Chi Compression in Lower Dan Tien (Internal Alchemy Series Pt2) Ver 2.0

Chi Compression into Bone Marrow (Internal Alchemy Series Pt1)ver 2.0

Subconscious Limits (Removal) Ver 2.0 (Energy Programmed)

Release DMT (Dimethyltryptamine) Energetic Frequency

And by any chance, would you consider to do a version 2 for

Improve Eyesight- Get 20/20 Vision- (Energetically Programmed Audio)

Thank you very very very much once again!!!

Hi @Mucc!
Welcome to the Forum.

These are all on Patreon except for Release DMT.
The Subconscious Limits Removal 2.0 on Patreon is a version without music.


Hello GPO,

Thank you for your reply.

Yes, Jing, Shen, Chi and Subconscious Limits are on Patreon, but they are only version 1. I am looking for version 2.

Thank you.

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You’re welcome.

The version 2 of Jing, Chi, Shen is the same as version 1, just different sounds, that’s all.

The Subconscious Limits Removal on Patreon is version 2, just without the music.




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Dream just created a new grounding field. :smile:


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I would like to request one for Temporomandibular Joint Syndrome (TMJ). Essentially, it is clenching and grind your teeth at night. I have it for 10+ years and visited several doctors and dentists, but no one has been able to help yet.

I imagine it would work by keeping jaw muscles relaxed and perhaps releasing stress.