The Requests and Fields

a eye bag that can target field that can just target and increase the superior obrbital fat and the inferior orbital fat would be dope

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Seeing as this has been requested several times in the last 14 months, you might want to try this from SES rather than spamming further requests.



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a Probiotic field would be well appreciated lol, especially after using bactera/fungus destroyer a lot


The 9 Muses Intercession from Greek mythology


Oooo that would be really cool!

" The Nine Muses were Greek goddesses who ruled over the arts and sciences and offered inspiration in those subjects. They were the daughters of Zeus, lord of all gods, and Mnemosyne, who represented memory. Memory was important for the Muses because in ancient times, when there were no books, poets had to carry their work in their memories. "

An intercessions/blessings/infusion would be awesome! Or even their guidance! Like a teacher of sorts

Calliope was the muse of epic poetry.
Clio was the muse of history.
Erato was the muse of love poetry.
Euterpe was the muse of music.
Melpomene was the muse of tragedy.
Polyhymnia was the muse of sacred poetry.
Terpsichore was the muse of dance.
Thalia was the muse of comedy.
Urania was the muse of astronomy.


Can we have like… a depths of your soul pendant? :blue_heart:




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This has been quoted to you so many times and yet it seems like u still didn’t take time to actually read it :no_mouth: He already sees all the requests


Did it twice but ok buddy!

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I know it’s been requested many times. Hopefully, this will be the last, and I am now only adding my rationale as to why it should be created and in what ways it could be done.

I request that Sapien creates an audio, which has a similar effect to that of Brain Growth Work, which is a combination of electrical stimulation, BDNF, and NGF (nerve growth factor) on other parts of the brain. This request is specifically so that if the audio were to be made, that the combination would enhance the parietal lobe

The Parietal Lobe is one of the major lobes which processes sensory information (touch, smell, taste, hearing) but research has found that it has a major effect on one’s mathematical ability. ( Parietal Lobes | Centre for Neuro Skills )

This research article shows that mathematicians have a greater grey matter density on their parietal lobe.

Screenshot 2021-11-09 020827

This picture shows that those who are mathematically gifted have greater usage of their parietal lobe than the average person. (and other parts)

This article says that the parietal lobe is “crucial for all mathematics.”

Why should this audio be made? Math is a constant struggle for many and an audio that enhances the part of the brain that’s most commonly used and crucial in/for math would be a great help for those who are “bad” at math. He’s already made an audio on the pre + frontal lobe (BGW) and the occipital lobe (EVP) which are both highly used in math. It would also be of great use to those in school or for those that have a job which requires one’s mathematical ability to be proficient and/or for those who have the aspiration to do higher math. It would also be of great use to those who want to enhance their spatial awareness/sense. It is also said that it is important for language processing ( Parietal lobe - Wikipedia )

I know Sapien works hard to create these beautiful audios and I hope that the one that I’ve requested will be one that he creates. Thank you for all you’ve done Sapien!


Torus Weaved Mystery

Something like the Kitsune mandala but stronger and in an audio format?


I would love to see a “Winning the Lottery” Dogtag combining fields of luck, removing subconscious blockages, gratitude and all other necessary ingredients <3

Best regards and love,

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shorter version of height field


Could also include the added effects of some supplements that are responsible for increasing height, or something along the lines of that.

Latest cure developments for Alzheimer

Dear Dream
Can you please check if you can create an audio that mimick the therapy in the article above?
Grateful for your contributions to mankind



Myotonic Dystrophy Type 1 and 2
Hi Sapien,
I have been using your programs for years now. My life has gotten much better, and things have been going well. Thank you.
However, I keep struggling with Myotonic Dystrophy Type 1. Which is a disease that has been negatively affecting my health Mental, and Psychical.
What causes it is a genetic defect in Chromosome 19q13.

Type 1 myotonic dystrophy (DM1) and type 2 myotonic dystrophy (DM2) are both caused by abnormally expanded stretches of DNA. The expansions occur in two different genes but appear to have similar effects on various cells, particularly the cells of the voluntary and involuntary muscles, including the heart and nervous system. DM provides an example of mechanism of disease called RNA toxicity, which results from the expanded repeats in the flawed gene transcripts. Also, it is known that the repeat expansions exert a dominant toxic effect on other genes not localized to either the DM1 or DM2 genes, which is known as a “trans” effect.
In DM1, the abnormal DNA expansion is in the DMPK (dystrophia myotonica protein kinase) gene on chromosome 19 q 13.3. The defect was identified in 1992 as the cause of DM1.

The DNA building blocks cytosine, thymine, and guanine (abbreviated as CTG) are repeated many more times than average in this disorder. The normal number of “CTG repeats” in the DMPK gene is fewer than 35 repeats.

In DM1, there can be hundreds or even thousands of CTG repeats in the DMPK gene. In DM1, the number of repeats correlates with the age of onset and the severity of the disorder. However, in DM2 there is no definite correlation between repeat length and the severity of disease. It is important to remember that these correlations are by no means perfect and should not be taken as absolute predictors of the course of the disease.

Individuals with a CTG repeat size between 38 and 49, designated premutation status or mutable normal, are asymptomatic. A mutation of 50 to approximately 150 CTG repeats can manifest as a mild DM1 type. Repeats in the range of 50 to 1,000 are seen in individuals with classic DM1. CTG repeat lengths greater than 800 may manifest as childhood DM1. With CTG repeat lengths greater than 1,000, DM1 may manifest as congenital MD.

A phenomenon known as somatic mosaicism was observed in DM1 patients. This phenomenon results in expansion of CTG repeats in the DNA due to abnormal DNA repair throughout life. When the DMPK gene expansion is transmitted from parent to child, it often expands, causing the disease to manifest earlier with each generation in a family.

The congenital-onset form of DM1 appears to occur mostly when the DMPK gene flaw comes from the mother. A mother with a small CTG repeat expansion and few or no noticeable symptoms can give birth to a baby with a large CTG expansion and the congenital-onset form of DM1.

At first, it was believed that the main effect of the expanded DNA in the DMPK gene was a decrease in the amount of available DMPK protein in cells. While this may be a factor in the causation of DM1, it is now believed that there are widespread effects of the CTG expansions on many cellular processes.


Damm i dont know what this means, but wellcome


Genetic straight hair field


I was ironing my clothes today and an idea came to my mind. I don’t know if it’s possible but how about a field that keeps clothes in line and flat, by keeping the fibers in a negentropic-ordered manner so they don’t need to be ironed or the ironing work can be reduced

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