The Requests and Fields

We got the Spirituality one, got it requested I mean. It would cover that I think. Especially if that’s your goal, the field would line you up for that.

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The smart glucose balancer! Some people have it too high and some people have it too low, what if we can smartly balance that :nerd_face: @Dreamweaver


yeah, that was my main point, not exactly like ascension or the hundreds of audios to aid spiritual work that are automated, but for us to actively pursue our most ideal ways and to keep an open mind for other ways to pursue spiritual work too

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Energetic Spermicide - just target that concept and then use whatever methods we’ve used to destroy unwanted cells. Obviously this one would come with a disclaimer :smiley:


Somebody working with A Lot of faith

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Is there any field for removing adenosine and for pumping cortisol and adrenaline in body?
But most importantly I would like field for removing adenosine, adenosine reducer

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Hello my iron pumping, curls swinging, plates crushing people!!!

I came up with another concept concerning androgenic stimulus, but in this case regarding our bones.

Basically, the approach would be the same as in Saint biceps to directly stimulate androgenic receptors in the bones which could be very helpful to strengthen and making our bones more resistant in general.

Let me know what you think about this suggestion y’all!!!

Here a quick wrap up about the benefits in general concerning androgen receptors in the bones.

Have a nice week, everyone!!!


A field to increase brown fat dramatically in the human body. Using stimulants of perilla leaves, propolis, white Korean ginseng root, kudzu root, holy basil, oleuropein, and quercetin.

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Isn’t that what the fat burning genetic advantage and weight loss combo do ?


Yeah, but they do it with the ucp, irx3/5 gene and this is a different method I’m proposing :) it’s basically this supplement that’s going around now in adverts and I really love it when DW creates his take on something we might find “out there” like his EGCG and theanine field, I love it so much

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BP-157 peptide


Sapien, it’s scientific proved if you would create field for completely removing or reducing adenosine receptors from the brain or body, then we could have full energy 24/7 unlimited to accomlipsh everything with super focus

So request “Adenosine receptors remover”


Did you know that lobsters with years becoming always stronger and bigger?
Their bodies never get old.

Their secret is that they have X chromosomes which telomeres during their lives rarely get split, and their body never gets old.
Their telomeres produce enzyme telomerase, that constantly building these X chromosomes, even if they in some period of life spilt, they get renewed.
So with years they don’t get ever weaker, and always getting younger and stronger.

So maybe that could be some inspiration for field Captain, lobsters telomeres injection field


I would also like field to remove hormones Ghrelin and to instead inject glucose in body
This ghrelin is bad and make me odd sometimes

I feel like this may or may not have been requested, by me maybe even (I honestly don’t recall) but regeneration of female eggs, or even developing the ability to naturally do so. For the women here :slight_smile:

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He has a ovary regeneration!

I am not entirely sure that does what I said - but if I am wrong, can someone please clarify this

This was a suggestion I made in one of our groups but it doesn’t seem like it will make the cut this time due to the change of format but I still feel it could be very beneficial for many so I thought I may as well post it here to see if it might be something that would resonate with a few people :slightly_smiling_face:

Heal & Rejuvenate the Gut-Brain Axis.

The Gut–Brain Axis includes :
The Central Nervous System.
Neuroendocrine System.
Neuroimmune Systems.
The Hypothalamic Pituitary Adrenal Axis.
Sympathetic & Parasympathetic Arms Of The Autonomic Nervous System.
The Enteric Nervous System.
Vagus Nerve.
The Gut Microbiota.

There is a nice write up about it in this link.
I know there are a few fields already for Nerves and Gut Issues but I think this could be very beneficial to many if it was able to be done as one full on heal all field of the Gut-Brain Axis. Neurological issues can set off many digestive issues but Gut issues can also be the cause of many Neurological issues so why not try and kill two birds with one stone :slightly_smiling_face: A smart field which could add in some Digestive Enzymes, Pre/Probiotics and Omega 3 for some extra healing when needed would work nicely also.


Omg YES love that idea


That’s a great suggestion @anon77086103!!! Have a great weekend!!