The Requests and Fields

Most liked request so far :muscle:t4:
And for a reason too šŸ«”šŸ«”šŸ«”

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I hope i donā€™t demand too much but in case you decide to make seamieā€™s request i would appreciate if it could be a lower neutral sound for my mom.

She plays her stack while sheā€™s watching TV on the lowest volume and iā€™m sure she would put her handy away or donā€™t play it if it disturbs her too much.


I would like this field to be released.


Thank you @DLG88 hope you are having a great weekend also :pray:t3:


A field for instant manifestation/ instant miracle. Itā€™s like putting an intent to it and getting it fulfilled quickly.

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*Cone of Power (paid field)


Yay I have it ā€¦ but it is not for instant I thinkā€¦ it is for general manifestation.

Am I greedy with manifestingā€¦ we can always ask right :slightly_smiling_face:

All of the anti ageing longevity related fields in one.

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Dream if you have time maybe a 2 field album called the sexual enhancer? One for female (donā€™t know too much about females sadly if anyone wants to tag along), but for males to increase sensitivity down there and to maybe increase blood flow, and regarding sensitivity maybe NGF targeted directly towards the male reproductive system, and maybe some regeneration of the system as well just like how there is a female ovary regen (something like that for males) some people are circumcised and when they get older they tend to lose sensitivity down there compared to people that arenā€™t circumcised. @Dreamweaver


Simple, a Zinc field :)

It can be hard to process zinc in our digestive systems. And ironically, the lack of zinc also contributes to a lack of hydrochloric acid which not only leads to more zinc deficiency, but other deficiencies and opens us up to more infections parasites etc as well.

Plus some of us actually get loads of copper because of well water etc. which further contributes to zinc deficiency or rather, copper toxicity since zinc keeps copper in check when used in the right ratios.


not masturbating helps, from experience lol

but yeah lol a field for death grip syndrome or something like that would be gud

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Subscription model creating a new Sapien Gym subscription similar to financial protector, but with a group of workout fields that we can choose daily. The idea is to replicate the physical gym providing many workout options with monthly/quarterly/annual subscriptions.


An entwined negentropic combination of radical+zeaolt of positive changes (like memories of joy and inner piller) with some added aspects of woven worlds. (Hypothetically letā€™s say woven wolrds-inner changes. Not exactly but you probably get the picture)

(As a paid field )

A shot of life force

A mug like ā€˜Revitalized Drink chargerā€™

The purpose is to give a shot of life force, with the ā€˜Force of Lifeā€™ field, to heal grow and regenrate from within with a combination of Jing,Chi and Shen. Great for the morning to have energy to tackle the day.

The wake-up refresher

Same as above, a mug like ā€˜Revitalized Drink Chargerā€™, targeted to heal,reduce inflammation and grow the entire nervous system. With an combination of ā€˜The brain refresherā€™ and ā€˜superhuman geniusā€™ to stimulate and refresh the entire brain. Great in the morning or before any brain task activities.


Full body elastin repair+boost


Iā€™d like this for females

That may be more complicated than you think because there are a lot of different reasons why people age, some stemming from consciousness rather than the physical body programming.

A field or set of fields to listen every morning first thing to set intent for the day ahead. Today will be a happy day, joyful day, successful day, healthy day, lovey dayā€¦ donā€™t know how it can work but maybe a single field that follows the intent set for that day ?

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Closest thing is Outlook Retrainer I guess

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Yeah and cone of power