The Requests and Fields

Wow … nice suggestion… I would request the same for blood pressure. Specially very difficult for people with systolic low and diastolic high or isolated systolic/diastolic off. A smart normaliser will be a great idea.

A smart field to normalise blood pressure… so if high it is reduced and if low it is increased… for both systolic and diastolic it works individually

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Now that’s a good field request, the smart blood pressure balancer, but also the adrenal gland healing field could potentially help with normalization of blood pressure whether it’s high or whether it’s low(adrenal hormones play a direct role in bp)


My blood pressure likely arises form a tumour which is complicated to operate … sometimes reasons are different :pensive:
But thanks for the info … that’s how it would be for most people I am sure

Anti cancer field for you!

Or listen to the cosmo volt and plasma field to get rid of growths like that

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Didn’t know they work for tumours … it’s non cancerous benign tumour

Now this is just a request on the music please. These days the music with most fields that are coming out has high beats. Several people like me maybe be uneasy to loud upbeat music. Soothing music makes it easier for me to play these longer without getting uncomfortable. I would prefer a flute over a drum anytime of the day because loud beats give me headache.

We really appreciate the blessing you send us continuously in form of these fields and by no way it’s a complaint… just a preference. And I do understand that some people would prefer high beats over softer music, so it’s subjective. Thank you captain.

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Now I feel this is a cool suggestion and not sure if you have already considered it in the past but do think about it if you haven’t.

It’s similar to the rental NFT, can you make your Gumroad fields rental? They can be provided in a non downloadable form that can be only streamed for the given duration of time. Like rent per week or per month and after that the stream expires. This will be a win win since lot of people who want a field but are not sure because of the cost can use and try it and actually end up buying if it works nicely for them. Also since rent is a smaller price the scale of buying will be many fold higher and so higher net collection from the field even if it’s from rents more. You can do this for selective fields not all.



Wish :heart:
A Field with elements of Underarm Care targeted to face and neck and maybe elbows also and other private parts if possible :see_no_evil:

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Woven worlds … love romance relationships

Woven worlds … perfect health physical

Woven worlds … perfect health mental


Something for the shoulders please

I don’t even know what it is wrong with my right shoulder but it hurts horrible, it lacks range of motion too, that I used to have.

Please make a field to improve lying for Amber Heard
(I am joking of course)




She shat the sheets on this one


She won’t use it. She’s a narcissist.


Out of a Global healing meditation.

What about Woven World Series combined with the Mass meditation field?

Though this time, not something live, but rather a pool we fill up.
So we avoid public attention.


I second this


Mandala to keep our bodies at a cool temperature anywhere we are at, I wanna spend time in nature now that summer is almost here :stuck_out_tongue: but damn its hot! I start sweating with just being 5 minutes outside


Sound can literally destroy tumors, yet they ask: “how can fields work?”

A smart ultrasound anti-tumor field.

Smart in the sense that it finds cancerous tissue in the body and applies ultrasound, as in the article below, to that tissue.