The Requests and Fields

Withania Somnifera (Ashwagandha KSM-66) root extract with 10% withanolides. I think every one know its benefits.

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Love the idea of an Atlantean fire crystal audio

I love all the crystal audios


Judgement and High Priestess Tarot
some form, some way


dear @Dreamweaver in my experience until this day i have come up witha couple of field ideas.


a general repair/healing for the male/female reproductive system perhaps a free and patreon version of it


an upgraded food charger that has enviromental effect and goes inside cupboards>/fridge and food packages of food

same for water charger please!

thank you!


Have u tried any of the other skin audios?

If u want more suggestions, post in the Ask for Advice section. (I have a few suggestions)

It can get lost. 99% of the people who answer questions here are volunteers and have a life outside the forum. Also have u used the search for this forum, the magnifying glass (upper right side of the forum)? U could put in ā€œskinā€ or ā€œskin problemsā€ and then read the threads. I am trying to keep this thread ā€œon pointā€

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If u post in the ā€œAsk for adviceā€ I will reply with suggestions


I dont know why i dont listen to thers audios i just really hate listing to them. so an NFT for them would be a good request i think

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Is foreskin restoration possible? Iā€™m sorry if itā€™s already been requested here. I know itā€™s nearly impossible to restore it completely because itā€™s like restoring a lost finger, but at the least, a field that will help those who restore manually by stretching the remaining skin regularly until it cover the glans. About how is it done, I think it works like this. I was thinking the same mechanism of your video on Muscle growth where a tear is induced to promote growth, but this time on skin?

Id like to request a field specifically for people who had their tonsils removed, its pretty useless operation which shouldnt be done but thats not to say its harmless. In Depth detail and evidence of brothers Calderoli after studying the people who did this operation and changes they noticed ( )

How should we do it? There is a guy in Russia called Grigori Grabovoi who with use of numbers(different frequencies) and visualisation had a lot of succes of people regenerating organs even after surgically being removed.

So the numbers for tonsils would be: 514 218 319 671
But more numbers for tonsils and specific structure:

So if its possible to get morphic field mixed with this specifical numbers and visualising them regrow that would be very useful to a lot of people i guess.


Hi, Saisai! Welcome violet sparkles Transparent


Stinging Nettle Leaf :leaves::leaves::leaves::leaves:

Great for a number of things.

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Thanks thanks

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Sacred places suggestions:
Matu Tipila( Devils Tower, visshudhi/throat chakra powerhouse)
Lake Manasarovar ( otherwordly beings and energies and remnants of ancient tetis sea)
Velliangiri Hills ( Kailash of South)
Kedarnath Temple ( Powerfull Shiva Temple)
Bosnian Pyramide( underground tunnels which are full of negative ions and high energy, people staying there reported of miracle healings from all sort of diseases, also high charged water has been found and studied, on top of pyramid strange activities)
Last but not least Dhyanalinga ( only linga in world fully activated with all chakras energized to highest potential)


Reishi Mushroom, it works as a purifier of eco system in forest, growing on dead things and transforms everything dead diseased into something usable, works similar in us when ingested, its one of best Shen tonics known altought it works on other two treasures also, works on traumas, cancers and all sort of things, main component are the reishi triterpenes and can be only with alcohol extracted, but also got polysacharides and other useful stuff.


I wonder if this could be helpful? The Welcomed

IPF as a nft on soundweave would be awesome :)


I already have it and use it once a day

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Can we have a field to transfer the soul of one item to another. Here the soul I mean is equivalent to the consciousness of that itemā€¦
This is actually coming from my relation with my car and Iā€™ve been using my car from more than a decade and I really love it while driving, itā€™s always super protective while driving like a armour around it, i have spent 1000ā€™s of hours chanting mantras inside it, and I feel like itā€™s listening to me and kind of connected in all ways. Everyone who enters it can feel positive immediately etc. In one word itā€™s almost like a living thing to me!
I donā€™t wanna loose all of the above when Iā€™m looking to buy a new one. I donā€™t wanna miss that connection, and presence.
Then next idea I got is what if there is a chance of moving the soul of my old car to new one.
This is nothing new, itā€™s similar to a reincarnation thing maybe.
Me and my car would be happy If such a thing is done. Thanks Captain.