The Requests and Fields

This is such a great and wholesome suggestion!

The other day I was thinking to switch my bed with my sister’s since she is no longer in the same house,

But, I love my bed. It has an essence of all the fields, the chants, the energetic rituals

It is even charged with the chumpi stones :smiley:

I also have major trouble sleeping in other places when i move out to a new place

I would love to take my bed with me wherever I go :smiley:

At the same time though, it’s always good to create some new memories lol, energetic change can be cool too :D

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I’ve a request to make ’ Mantra Bones’;

I don’t know the exact reason for making the smilodon or wolf through ‘bones’ as the central idea.
As I guess that’s because bones take longer to decay/ replace cells and can carry such vibration for longer age? or maybe the skeleton system holds the field’s energy for longer years naturally etc.

As in my experience my master used to tell nd train me that when we chant, it should really shake/ vibrate from our soul inside to outside. He says ‘haddi mein aawaz aaneka’ meaning ‘the bones should vibrate with the sound of the mantra’.

I also heard that when true yogis/psychics touch any skulls/bones in the grave, they will get to know what kind of soul they were. They choose rare good high vibrational skulls or bones for their yogic practices etc. It’s such a rare blessing;

It’s thrilling to Imagine our Skeleton/bones vibrating with the mantra energies for a lifetime(s) !!! It’s such a natural soul cleansing effect.

I’d request If you can create ‘mantra bones’ related to ascension or health;

Rama’ mantra is my choice as it’s a taraka mantra (alleviate the sufferings of all kinds), and it’s said that even Lord Shiva chants this mantra all the time meditating on it.


*Acne Ablation field , decrease activity of sebaceous glands but for back and buttocks

Can be separate fields or combined

Based on:

Thanks for your consideration


Asking with love,

Legacy exception for all audio files, no matter the protection

Meaning, our children who are too small to buy their own fields, can inherit ours or use ours if needed at the appropriate age.

Buy rudraksha seeds necklace, you will be able to sleep wherever you want because you wont get affected from the environment at all, it will create cocoon of your own energy, its the best spiritual item available, but it has to be authentic and activated, also condition it right way so it can emmit its energies better. Thank me later

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The deep sleeper has been helpful to me with regard to excessive worry, I believe the combination there is probably why but I especially have been researching orexin receptor antagonists and it’s fascinating to me.

I propose an orexin receptor antagonist, alone

I have also noticed a reduction in appetite.



  Kinetic Aurora Polaris

Here the idea is what if the humans aura be embodied with the aura of the nature (but without any harmful effects) attached to our magnetic poles, in a Quasi kinetic field. One such beauty all the time I awestruck is the northern lights also known as aurora borealis or aurora polaris or polar aurora.
If possible a SMART filed (based on how much a human aura can take, maybe 0.00000000000000001% or lesser lol ) for
Aurora Polaris to Human Aura Magnetic field + Solar/cosmic rays any healing benefits or Higher vibrational energy + Quasi Kinetic + any mystical benefits.

  • not sure of the practicality. But I wonder how this beauty will look If added to human aura…




Hello! Can we have DHEA audio on Patreon or new improved DHEA track?

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My request is a pheromone bomb (androstenol, androstenone, androsterone, androstadienone) :D



Like Exorcism but for people. Make demonic people want to get away from you as soon as possible.

Preferred as an NFT so I can keep it up and not have it wearing off throughout the day.

Also, that it would affect them in some way where they would just never want to talk about you or think about you. Because these kinds of people get in a social circle and target the most innocent person there and try to turn everyone against them with gossip or rumors, half-truths, and lies.


Morinaga body scent… Field. They smell soo amazing :eyes::heart_eyes:if it make into field that be soo cool


Eye ultimate field needed.
There are only 2 fields about eye.

  1. Eye regeneration
  2. Dark circle removal

Im suffering from eye pain.
Bol, mythic, Plasma123 doesn’t seem to effective.

I would appreciate
If there’s payable ultimate eye field.


This post made my day better. I’m thriving :relieved: hope this becomes a reality


I think for any pain in any part of the body, Pain Control works really well. Otherwise there’s Heal those around you which you can focus on yourself.

This doctor sheds light on why some eye bags (the deep tear troughs and under eye hollows) - not talking about just dark circles- don’t get better with even fillers- and apparently, a certain ligament is the cause.

I thought this would be interesting research, I’m not sure what can be done honestly but I thought this would be helpful and could perhaps inspire brainstorming as to how a field can be made to help, should one want that.


Honey Badger Bones (NFT) described in the Guinness Book of Records as the “most fearless animal in the world”.


Make a tag maybe with the The Devil Reversed. That would be a good NFT.

The Devil Reversed and a few other fields, That could help with turning chapters in your life. Getting rid of the old unwatned things and moving on with gratitude and appreciation


More Yagnas


Upgraded brain dog tag as NFT. Thanks.


Pretty sure Dream won’t do it, not because it’s a bad idea, but there are many NFTs that are related to intelligence/brain.