The Requests and Fields

Every product is unique in its own approach even the end goals maybe the same.

BTW, with smart fields that includes fields such as flight to fight (this one is a gem), outlook, amygdala healing, etc. Thanks.


An audio like The Plasma Flaunt but for the energy system, a smart field combo of negentropic jing, chi and shen, ojas, elixir nectar, mana etc. With energy blockage removal, chakra, dantian, nervous system and meridians cleaning, strengthening and enhancing etc. And like The Plasma Flaunt, a host of other smart fields, tweaks and upgrades. :pray: :slight_smile:


Bro if you own the Deck

you can do your DIY /TAG :japanese_ogre: :repeat:

Its really good !!!

Man i like you like it.

Ahhhhhhh So delicious.


how do you do it?

Would also like to have one with me but I dont want to damage them in any way lol


Ohhh Garou

Herooooooo Huntaaaa :space_invader:

After you own the Deck you can have some interesting things with cards.

After buying , you have some NFT Proof owner on your venly wallet. :flower_playing_cards:


Danm man i havnt talked to u in a long time.

Just realised u changed ur name.

I was thinking of using the cards more lol. Might need to print them out.

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:smiley_cat: :japanese_ogre:

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You know, I have to wonder whether the force of life is kind of like that.

I don’t know though, not hinting- actual wondering

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I was daydreaming about something similar. A field that was to the psyche what Plasma Flaunt is to the body. Basically the ultimate self help field ever. I see you had my idea too or I had yours. But in the spiritual realm.

What would a field like that have? Maybe all of the Jungian Archetypes but affecting you just in the right times and amounts. A very smart smart field to give you just what you need most each time you listen.


Bring back Live Radio on YouTube, with an updated version of the field that was used for Mass Meditation, the world could really use it right now.

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Here’s another possible addition:


And the soul restoration series :blush:

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Upgraded smart chakra nft that also enhance the chakras to store crystalline energy and auto Aura repair.



Sapien Medicine, are you able to create field with hooponopono energy?
Thank you , I love you, please forgive me , I am sorry for everything

So basically it’s Energy of accepting whole responsibility for everything what is happened and what’s happening around us and in us, and addressing it to Divine being inside,
we are whole and only cause of it, we created it somehow through our consciousness outpushing it, and with hoponopono we change that situations or anything with taking 100% responsibility for it.
After successfully accomplished technique always something wonderful happens for people who mastered this

In that way is one doctor with this technique healed whole assilium and whole one prison

There’s documentary about
Some creators tried to create something like that but nah… I think you can best

That we can obtain big things from Ho’oponopono has already been shown: the healing of an entire ward of insane criminals seems far more difficult a task than any of our personal troubles. There are, no doubt, piles of testimonies from practitioners. Dr. Hew Len says, however: this is not fast food. The cleaning of memories requires a lot of concentration and persistence and is an unending job. But the result is what he calls Zero Limits, a state where one is free from the past, and suffused with Divine Intelligence and love.


I think it’d be neat to have something like a decade project.

I’ve been reminiscing about how the whole atmosphere of the earth was different during different times in my past.

I had been recalling the 2000-2010 period when computers in general were just becoming popular and only basic cell phones were getting popular. When big digital cameras were getting widespread and people weren’t taking film to be developed at different photo places.

I had been recalling the 90’s also when the early gray-scale Windows operating systems and AOL dialup were popular (but not at all widespread). When a lot of people were watching TV but quite a few were out doing group projects and activities in the world.

It’d be neat to take it back to the 50’s or earlier too

I think it’d be mind-expanding to have some sorts of time-period portal fields to the different decades so people can appreciate how massive the changes have been in the energetic atmosphere. I’ve focused on technology in the stuff I mentioned here, since those things have massively reshaped the energy and flow patterns of people’s minds. But other elements of the times would be interesting too.

(Though, on second thought, these would likely all be very different fields for different parts of the world)


Have you seen the Sacred 12 NFT? It’s a servitor that does actually exactly that, lol, 24/7 if you wish so, among other things that it can do for you. Definitely check it out as it sounds like you may like it! :smiling_face_with_three_hearts:


I thought it was an astrology nft because I didn’t look at it. Thanks for letting me know.

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Cone of power combined with the unexpected gifts field!


I doubt If this is how all the automated workouts etc. were based already. But I seriously like this system compared to the present tear and grow BB system. There are many other reasons that convinced my reasoning and completely makes sense.
Were u able to practice this method? I started learning it from some old books, and will try to put it into practice. Would love to hear ur views if u have any practical or theoretical experience.

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If Myofascia Release, Crucible of Stored Trauma, and Microkinesitherapist were a gang,
Rolfing would be a really cool and appreciated addition to it.

Here is an introduction to Rolfing:

This is how I came across Rolfing:

Also it’s important to note Rolfing is different than a deep tissue massage:

“While Rolfing might feel similar to a very deep massage, Rolfing practitioners will massage the muscles and fascia not only where you’re feeling pain, but all over your body. The goal is to fix your body’s posture and structure so that your body will correct any lingering imbalances that are causing the pain.”