The Requests and Fields

Field for making armpits not sweaty and smelly


Hello @SammyG and @Dreamweaver

Booster field/audio for YouTube only(Sapien Medicine, Dreamseed and Energetic Alchemy)

Whale Bones and Dolphin Bones


Yay I got the #4444 Post

Elemental Servitor NFT

Water Element : Undine
Fire Element : Salamander
Air Element : Sylph
Earth Element : Gnome

If you collect all of the four NFTs you can ask them to combine into one!


Just kidding for the combining part


Solid Research, Bumping this.

Blue copper peptide field

Blue copper peptide, which is composed of three amino acids, glycine-histidyl-lysine (glycyl-l-histidyl-l-lysine), combined with a copper ion (Cu2+ ), so it is called GHK-Cu. So why is it named “Blue” Copper Peptide? Because the copper ions in it turn blue when dissolved in water, so we call it blue copper peptides according to this feature. In the 1970s, American scientists Pickart and others discovered a metal-peptide complex in human body fluids, and this is the blue copper peptide. It is from the tripeptide family. Originally, a tripeptide is nothing special, but it is another way of saying that it combines copper ions. Because the peptide itself is an unstable molecule, it is difficult to exert its effect, but with the help of copper ions, the tripeptide (the blue copper peptide after combination) can stably penetrate into the bottom layer of the skin and exert its effect. its ability to repair. After all, blue copper peptide is found in human blood, that is, the human body can synthesize it by itself, but at the age of 60, the concentration of blue copper peptide in the blood will only be one-third of that at the age of 20. Explains why wounds heal more slowly and skin lacks elasticity as you get older.

What is the effect of blue copper peptide?

Studies have found that blue copper peptides can effectively promote the production of collagen and elastic collagen, increase blood vessel growth and antioxidant capacity, and can stimulate the production of Glycosaminoglycans, helping the skin to restore its ability to repair itself.

After clinical testing, the following are the specific cosmetic effects:
Improves skin firmness, removes wrinkles and stimulates collagen and elastin to repair skin.
Reduce fine lines, wrinkle depth, improve the structure of aging skin, smooth rough skin.
Accelerates skin metabolism and is effective in anti-oxidation.
Stimulates hair growth and reduces hair loss, strengthens tissue, increases hair follicle size, and aids in hair melanin production.
Protects skin cells from UV radiation reduces photodamage, mottled pigmentation, skin spots and lesions.
Promotes wound healing and reduces inflammation and free radical damage.

The relationship between blue copper peptide and human body and blood
Since the discovery of the blue copper peptide GHK-Cu in the 1970s, the content of the blood and saliva from the human body will gradually decrease with age. Let me introduce the nutrient “copper”, which is one of the most important minerals for maintaining body functions. Mostly stored in body tissues such as liver, brain, heart, kidneys and bones, it helps iron absorption, and most of it can be supplemented through food.
The doctor said: But when the copper content in the human body is insufficient, the possible symptoms include: anemia, weakened immunity, osteoporosis, memory loss, pale skin, unhealthy hair and other problems. Scientists have found that when the blue copper peptide GHK-Cu encounters copper ions, it will help the human body, and there will be amazing discoveries.

According to research, the blue copper peptide GHK-Cu has the effect of repairing the skin, which can restore skin elasticity, and can bring excellent repair ability for sensitive skin. What excites scientists the most is that GHK-Cu uses the carrier of amino acid complex (peptide) to allow divalent copper ions to enter the skin, which can delay aging, smooth fine lines and other anti-aging effects for the skin.


Wow bro thats crazy.


:joy: :laughing: :wave:
i saw this ingredient in my new shampoo, i googled its effects, maybe captain can do it


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The super Subconscious

A NFT Tag wearable 24/24 7/7 with a combination of the following field :

-Subconscious Limit Removal 2.0

-The Devil (Reversed tarot archetype )

-Remove Unconscious Clutter

Than you for the consideration Captain


The 12th Dimensional Man

A NFT Tag wearable 24/24 7/7 with a combination of the following field :

-Higher-Self Connection

-Higher Being Experience


Than you for you consideration Sapien

The Nervous System of the God

A NFT Tag wearable 24/24 7/7 with a combination of the following field :


-Nerve Inflammation Help

-Vagus nerve (not really a stimulation, more like a repair)

-Elements of the ‘Energy expansion card’ from the book of card for the nervous sytem, to strengthen the entire nervous system

Thank you for your consideration Captain


I hope he does this, With ego diss.

Too and engery blockage.

This will help everyone get more results out of their audios

An item Maker for the environment. (For example a house)

Artificial Intelligence Protection

The item will remove/stop all influence from Artificial Intelligence :
Manmade, Extraterrestrial, Interdimensional, Archonic

Thanks for you consideration Captain


This right here :call_me_hand:t4::call_me_hand:t4::call_me_hand:t4:

Plasma infused rooibos tea
A rooibos tea scented field

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So the rainmaker NFT has this in it already just fyi but yeah. That would be awesome in and of itself as a field


Would really help to have a field for
Sensory Processing Disorder
Thank you im so grateful for all that you do

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Plasma flaunt already does that i suppose


An updated version of endocrine system or a smart sugar balancer :slightly_smiling_face: