The Requests and Fields

Not a request per say but an interesting topic in the alchemy theme is “Psionix” and all the other ormus/alchemy from a very interesting website

An adrenal field with epigenetic recovery for the age of 16 like the thyroid one, with drawing nutrients like the old one and detox it, smart field that works with the HPA axis too, if there is discord between the ACTH or the brain in general.

Another great field will be a field that is smart and guides you to the core of the physical problem,even make your lifestyle easier by making you crave the right foods-know what supplement you need etc. sometimes as myself I don’t have knowledge at all what to hear to solve my problem it seems is something but it’s not getting solved and it’s a shame with all that audios that someone don’t know what is the problem.

Another request which I think is great would be a field that integrates knowledge inside of you, knowledge of everything, no limitations whatsoever and instantly. Maybe a Mr.Knowitall named. Not negetrophic but instant. I discovered that developing isn’t doing to me any favors. Know this know that get them together to work and you have a result. What should I do with the result now? The answer was never that simple to aknowledge, I don’t even know why I develop really that’s a problem. Higher self is one aspect that know all have infinite amount of knowledge and knows how you can turn your life but the question is, why not go beyond life.Higher self? why not THE HIGHEST SELF? I don’t know a portion of everyday task don’t get me wrong sometimes I struggle to cook, sometimes undercooked sometimes overcooked. Sometimes drinking more water that I can handle sometimes not at all. But what if we go beyond points and results but still in a practical way. Know it all,know how to do all,practically do all.


Adrenal detox and Healing 2.0 no kidney regen or with kidney regen same with epigenetic with the thyroid, fat to stemcells instead of removing fat build-up.

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Field for my pet to speak english or chosen language (Smart field)

field for someone else’s pet to speak english and get them literaly scared to death (dumb field)

pronoia means that you do something before overdue to have your mind secure
pro - before
noia - mind
“thinking it and applying it before it happens”

Like a disease if you are in a state of pronoia you eat healthy and you will not get it.

nothing with conspiring for you.

Just the legs regeneration for those of us who run, jump and climb a lot, Please.
Full massage effects, enhanced blood circulation, healing,faster recovery from workouts, proper oxygen/nutrition desposition… The Muscle recovery doesnt do much for me even when looped.

Edit. Nevermind, found the myofascial one

I’d been to the doctor today for mouth breathing issues at night and they diagnosed me with deviated nasal septum. Is there any field for this problem?

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Shielding 3.0 includes subconscious limit removal if anyone is confused about it. Also it does a fabulous job of silencing your mind and focusing it on important stuff. This is my personal experience. So it takes care of removing mental clutter too to an extent.


Thank you :two_hearts: :pray: otherwise I was considering surgery


Hypernasality field is a most need.

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Something to benefit us and the natural world…

Basically something, like a barrier or invisible fence that juts out from our car (without affecting any animals inside the car should you be transporting)

basically something that repels any deer, possums squirrels raccoons bears moose etc any wildlife (or roaming domestic animals) basically tells them to stay away from the road at least in the general vicinity of our car (but of course as wide of a perimeter as possible would be appreciated)

And it would be great if all the people buy this field! Happy travels to all, then

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I put portable speaker inside my car and playing Plasma flower node point. Until now i have not seen cockroach and spider in my car. You can experiment it.

Warning: Don’t put portable speaker inside car under hot weather, it can explode. I use heat(fire) resistant bag put my speaker.

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Oh dear Lord lol that’s quite the disclaimer about the speaker!

I will take all this under advisement Thank you

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The Alchemical Rose Quartz Bridge

An NFT that when you hold it in your left hand, and the NFT of your choice in the right, it will bridge a lasting connection between you and the NFT for 24 hours, so you don’t have to wear it. You hold them together for about a minute.

You can repeat the process with as
Many different NFTs as you want

And the rose quartz bridge can live on your desk or phone, it does not have to be worn or printed. But it can be printed.

Also works on you a little bit, to infuse you with love and nudge you to be more loving throughout the day


Not a field, but I had NAET for histamine issues (it was 5 years of burning, weeping, rash neck to ankle, swollen joints, itching, sinus reactions to all kinds of things food or environment, couldn’t fall asleep without scalding my skin in the shower), also allergies and anaphylactic allergy

And it cleared it all in 10 DAYS! 5 years of sheer pain gone in 10 days!

It was miraculous!

NAET = Nambudripad’s Allergy Elimination Techniques


Thanks a lot. Will go through it.

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Would it be possible to make a field for inducing the feeling of tipsiness whenever we need to temporarily lower inhibitions?

DM me if you have any questions, happy to answer them, it kind of saved my life.