The Requests and Fields

hello @Dreamweaver for me it is an honor to be able to communicate this directly to you, and I take this opportunity to thank you for all your wonderful work.

I’ve had a couple of ideas about possible fields that could help a lot of people.
The first is one based on Bio magnetic pair therapy.

I will add a small description of what it is about:

This therapy is based on the concept of biomagnetic pair, a technique developed in 1988 by Dr. Isaac Goiz Duran(today world renowned medical scientist). It uses magnets to fight parasites, bacteria, fungi, viruses and other germs that are the cause of various diseases. The human body is healthy when the pH (measure that indicates the acidity or alkalinity of a solution) of our body is neutral. The actions of viruses and fungi makes the pH value in the body , to go from neutral to acid , while bacteria and parasites turnes it alkaline. In the human body there are specific points that are twinned and have opposite magnetic polarities. Dr. Duran, discovered and mapped the location of 350 Biomagnetic Pairs.When these points become unbalanced, one area can be overly acidic while the other can be overly alkaline. By placing two magnets of opposite polarity on these points during 15 minutes, the ph is being rebalanced, therefore restoring the optimal conditions for the proper functioning of the body.

here some sources:

Biomagnetic pair - Biomagnetic Therapy Center

Biomagnetic Pair | Biomagnetism

The way this field works would be similar to how the deep brain magnetic stimulation field works. Since magnets are needed for therapy, although each physical problem requires a different location at specific points where they have an effect on said disease or on viruses, bacteria or fungi. So maybe it would be a field directed to each type of target or a smart one that was directed to where it is needed.

this therapy is very powerful although quite unknown, I have known of cases in Mexico and Peru that have cured various types of cancer after about 6 weeks of treatment more or less. but usually the therapy is used to return the natural balance to the body by various ways, destroying bacteria, fungi or viruses and restoring the natural pH in a few sessions.

the second idea is Water Hydrogenyzer I think the method would be the same as the water oxygenator but with hydrogen instead of oxygen. According to various sources hydrogen water has many health benefits and serves as a powerful antioxidant.

well that’s all for now, greetings all.


The Vectors of Manifestation (in original designed by JAAJ)
Audio track to manifest by inserting a written or verbal intention


just like the magnificent endocrine field we are so blessed to have, I’d love to put the request out there for a complimenting field to address the EXOCRINE System…


Prevention of Motion Sickness while gaming , most noticeable while playing first person shooter

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T Rex Bones :t_rex:

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Yo :slight_smile:

I would like to suggest a field about Periodontitis bone loss prevention based on This Publication


I would like to see an end all be all procrastination motivation and ambition field. Like THE ONE… another version of yourself instantly awakened with any and all excuses burned away at their source instantly. No room for doubt…a true fire lit under you that adderall couldn’t hold a candle to. Procrastination and motivation are always going to be most people’s number one universal struggle no matter what. It would be nice to have all the powers of the multiverse directed at burning that away instantaneously as only Captain could make possible in a field. Many different fields have aspects of this, but a powerhouse legendary type field for this specifically would be epic!


I’d say like many other fields, consistency and patience will lead you to a much more sustainable outcome. Atleast that’s what I believe.

Something that deep rooted in subconscious layers and beliefs and emotional/energy history if rooted that quick can maybe throw off your psyche and energy quite a bit. So going a little slowly whilst also doing the inner work might be your best bet to super charge it. (Meditations/the Alchemy of Gris work/Journalling etc with fields.)

There’s a mythic level field for this - Divine Will, which to me has far reaching implications when it comes to will power, which again can be imbibed wholly with time and consistency.

Heart Brain Coherence let’s you act in harmony with your whole being thus resolving and releasing any resistances or blockages to the most efficient route possible.

The Unbreakable imbibes a wholly unshakeable (and unbreakable :p) confidence and resilience which can crush down whatever your feeling negatively with respect to your path chosen.

Woven Worlds : Millionaire acts as a supercharge in manifestation power and intention and pushed you forward to crush any resistances and propels you to the best outcome w.r.t. your goals.

The good ol Productivity mandala on Instagram is VERY powerful on reducing and releasing blocks w.r.t working on things and being productive. You’ll find yourself working well beyond your general capacity. (My experience)

So while I do get where you’re coming from, I feel like if you even pick two fields outta the ones I mentioned and really fully engorge the energy of them within you, you’ll be well set in ways and dimensions you wouldn’t even have perceived of.

Yes a mega strong field with super strong effects sounds exciting, but you have no clue how your energy body will react to such a strong change. It’s best to take time and build yourself up.

Waking up as another version of you, does not happen in isolation. Other areas in your life need to be in coherence with the new version of yourself you’ve created. You and your world will change and you have no idea what those changes are. Somethings might burn away right in front of you to make space for the new you, and that pain might be too much cause the change was not gradual enough to process it. I like to remember Fullmetal Alchemist or the short story The Monkey’s Paw.

I’m sure with patience and time you’ll have exactly what you want and then some :blush:


If remove senescent cells + stem cells & scar tissue removal, and anti aging all got combined into one field, would be a amazing, time saving addition to any Heath stack.

It would literally be 5 fields in one audio, as stem cells + scar tissue removal are a combination of generalised adult stem cells + fat to stem cells + scar tissue removal , remove senescent cells stops damaged cells from spreading, meaning only the healthiest strongest most vibrant stem cells will be allowed to multiply, + anti aging setting the bodies cells back to age 16-18, all 3 audios would combine tremendously well.

Since these fields have already been created and grown stronger from existing for a while, it would just be the process of combing all these fields into one audio.

Audio could be called ‘ cellular rejuvenation’, or whatever Dream wants to call it. :pray:t5:

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Plasma flaunt?

That’s the base of the original plasma combo :)


My bank ( and some other peoples also) isn’t letting me buy Plasma Flaunt, also the price + tax could be out of a lot of peoples reach, and a large percentage of SM base users probably doesn’t know that it exists, since it’s only mainly been advertised on the forum.

Even though he has hundreds of thousands of YT subscribers who’ve had good results, I’d imagine a lot of his more casual YT users would be apprehensive of spending that much money on a field, they just aren’t fully aware of just how profound and deeply life changing these fields are (or can be) , even if they’ve had good results.

I picked this specifically because the Stem cell field is very very popular on his YouTube… however the remove senescent cells hasn’t got anywhere near enough views or exposure, even though it works synergistically and boosts the results of it by helping to remove any cells which aren’t healthy, which stem cells doesn’t do. The same goes for Anti Aging in my opinion, very few people know it exists and it’s concept is very useful, only a handful people know it and use it regularly. If these three fields got combined and turned into a YT release, many more of his casual user base who don’t use the forum, or know these other audios exist, or don’t know how helpful these other two audios actually are, could benefit from it. This would in then turn bring more people to the forum and make them apart of the community, and then they would find out about the newer releases here which aren’t advertised anywhere else (to my knowledge) such as Plasma Flaunt. :slight_smile:

Sunken,hollow eyes, malar bags field pleasee

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About the tax, download a free vpn and then change your location to USA. It’s coming without tax

They changed it now so you have to provide a legit address in said country, it doesn’t work like it used to, I used to use VPN also. I’ve tried but if it doesn’t match card details it gets rejected

Become kinder and more patient person ver 2.0 on Patreon please :pray:


Hell yeah this will be LEGENDARY


Chinese Wuxia automatic Cultivation/Body refinement field- in Chinese cultivation, mortals practice a method of seeking immortality by either seeking to understand the mysteries of the universe and cultivating chi or by refining their fleshly body. Those who follow the path of chi cultivation gain magical abilities such as flying and summoning the wind and rain with a wave of their hand. Whereas those who follow the path of body cultivation refine their body until it is strong enough to crush mountains with their bare hands, and gain a resilience and vitality so strong they are able to survive decapitation and at higher levels even be reborn from a single drop of blood even if their whole body is destroyed beyond recognition.

Here I suggest a field focusing on body cultivation which seeks to refine our fleshly bodies- including but not limited to the circulation of life force/chi/Prana through our bodies, purging of impurities&toxins, strengthening of every part of the body from skin,blood,bones to muscles to even tendons, and a regenerative factor that surpasses even that of salamanders, and of course extended lifespan that grows in potential over time.

Alternatively if anyone thinks this should be a community project instead, do let me know and invite me as well please!


Please consider bring Pendant of the Magi back on TheSapienShop @Dreamweaver :pray: