The Requests and Fields

Bit of a request and question really.
@Captain_Nemo have you ever made any fields on Vinyl?
A Sapien Medicine album on Vinyl would be so cool to have.
An album of Funk/Disco/Soul music that would be for good vibes, happiness, joy, laughter, love to dance around to at home and create a wonderful atmosphere.

I can just picture putting the needle on the Vinyl first thing in the morning and when the music starts, get a feeling of…Yeah, today’s going to be a good day.

Just a little dream of mine :joy:


I would like to request a field for sibo. Sibo can be the underlying cause of many IBS and stomach issues.

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Request field

Congenital Hyperinsulinism - A rare genetic disorder where a person produces an abnormal amount of insulin, thus causing hypoglycemia.

There seems to be a lot of other people asking for request fields. I’m sure they all have personal problems some are dire and some are serious. Not sure if you will ever read this, but one day maybe one day. :crossed_fingers: crossing my fingers you will. But if you don’t I guess it is what it is​:laughing:.

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An ultimate attract money field

An upgraded more pleasant version of this :

A great idea!

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Sapien please please consider creating a 3.0 tanning audio , the 2.0 doesn’t work for some people , i was thinking perhaps about increasing Melanin and of course other hormones that promote the secretion of Melanin.


A lung specialist or respiratory smart field

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I think I cured mine with only fat and protein diet.

And these two

I think a field for selegiline would be helpful for many.

It’s a nootropic and of the best anti-aging drugs ever found ,with results of up to 40% increase in life expectancy in animal studies.

It’s also one of the best preventative measures against developing Parkinson’s. So if you know you’re predisposed to it, listening just once a week might go a long way. The same for the anti aging benefits.

The discoverer of selegiline took it himself regularly and remained sharp and functional until he passed away at the age of 96 I believe.




Field to increase DAO enzyme production


Currently SLR+Ego Dissolution together is 27mins, an upgrade of the combo would be highly appreciated around 1/9th of the current time. :pray:


I think animal empathy/telepathy is great. I was thinking about an expanded version, so we could better understand and communicate with animals yes but also the natural world as a whole. To stand outside and better hear the music of the insects, the plants, to take in the ocean not as something pretty to look at but as a living being with many things to tell us.

I suppose we already have that ability. But a stronger connection to nature is always a really
cool thing.

And I’m also going to go ahead and ask if it could be put on the Haleakala volcano track because thats just pure bliss that one

Thank you Captain, for reading these


A Skin Tag removal field. Bit of a selfish request because I’ve a load of the pesky little things.


That would be solid!

Or even a smart SLR field on Patreon

I propose a new and upgraded smart Elektrosmog album or at least 3G4G5G Protection

I also propose a field that would completely reverse programming of the mRNA shot for those of us who were coerced and never wanted it. Obviously, the name of the field would have to be a veiled one and private on a we transfer link after payment. I am not sure if Blueprint of Life and DNA Repair System already do this or not. If they do, then consider this request rescinded.

Thanks in advance.


second this, maybe somehow getting round the issue of freckles as some people want an even tan
maybe even melancolytes throughout the body

Does sapien sees this thread guys?

May be a complex paid field instead of album removing complete toxins (produced by the body and acquired from environment), all forms of radiation from daily electronics and occassional medical scans etc.

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