The Requests and Fields


Game Character Mindset; a field that changes your mindset view your life as an mmorpg game and ‘yourself’ as a character, with protection to still take life seriously and see it as ‘real’


Can we please get a field to eliminate benign tumors. From some research I have done CD47 antibody may be able to shrink tumors. I’ve also read about the supplement Serrapeptase that can shrink fibroids. There are also studies that show maitake mushrooms have antitumor properties. While benign tumors can be harmless some of them can cause the body to reproduce too much of a certain hormones, and some can turn cancerous. These tumors can also be inoperable which means a lifetime of medication. I hope you take my request into consideration.


In the mean time loop anti cancer v2 field and senescent cell removal.


a field to patch dents, damage and stains on your car paintwork (inclusive stains by bird sh*t)

A tattoo removal field, please. :pray:

Alchemical Revision of Anxiety :grin:


The Salt Cave Therapy

Get all the benefits of a session in a salt cave, that means reduce inflammation, purify the airways, disinfect bacteria in the sinuses and lungs, along with all the other benefits of a 45 minute cave exposure, equivalent to 2 full days at the beach, where you get your fill of negative ions .

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I’ve been pondering the concept of a morphic field for stain removal on fabrics, and it’s got me thinking about innovative solutions to tackle stubborn stains. Have any of you ever experimented with unconventional methods to remove stains from your clothes? I’m curious to hear your experiences and insights!

In my quest for alternative approaches, I stumbled upon some tips here
Even though it focuses on grease stains, but really informative…

Mandala Version of Mandelbrot Symphony :love_letter:

:loud_sound: :arrow_right: :love_letter:

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Carbs to Protein
[whatever-you-(can)-eat] to [whatever-your-body-needs]

Thinking of vegans/vegetarians and other special diets/restrictions/limitations.

Unless there is something that can already do that?

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What about a full body muscle Healer?

Like f.ex. healing the swallowing muscles, esophagus muscle, diaphragm and psoas → all body muscles heal to optimal state.

Someone correct me if hes got one for healing muscles already…

*Muscle Cheat
*Robust Organs


Black tourmaline field

@Jay Already have Black Mirrored Stone


PU has excellent Black Turmaline for free.

@noname It is not to my knowledge, who is PU?

Psychic University.

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Thank you very much I thought he had a youtube channel or another site but I see that it is in enlightened states, I’ll take a look :slightly_smiling_face:

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One to fast eliminate nano plastic particles. (Via relasing fast through back or front door lol or by apoptosis etc)

I know Plasma Flaunt helps with it, but since it has so many other targets. It would be nice to have just one focusing on that.

That along is causing so much havoc and cut normal healing and processes within the body