The Requests and Fields

A field like the Belly Burn/ Thigh Fat Burner but targeted to lower back fat and love handles would be amazing! @Captain_Nemo


Vitamin E

Vitamin E can be used as a supplement to offset the damaging effects of PUFAs. Sunflower oil, canola oil, vegetable oil etc cause inflammation and linked to real reason for increased skin cancer.

Lots if these cheap oils are used in restaurants when eating out.

These oils have also infiltrated many supermarket products


Devil Reversed available for download, would be greatly appreciated. :clap:

Still one of my all-time favourites!


Automated yoga nidra pls. Its a powerfull practice and having it as field would be incredible. I would like to loop it at night for passive results. The benefits it has are many. Sleep disorders, depression, anixety, raising gaba and many more. U can relax on command doing it, better than regular meditation for relaxation.

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Audio for the Solidifier!


From Gumroad

Just the neck


Has it been made?

The heartbreak-breaker ?

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Would love the opportunity to buy woody lemon mint


Antarctica Portal. My country is very hot hehe


So I know Tesofensine is discontinued -

but the fat storage release one always sounded interesting sending the message to the body that the fat isn’t needed-

Anyway if that track can still be sold? Would be excited to try


The Salt Cave Therapy

Get all the benefits of a session in a salt cave, that means reduce inflammation, purify the airways, disinfect bacteria in the sinuses and lungs, along with all the other benefits of a 45 minute cave exposure, equivalent to 2 full days at the beach, where you get your fill of negative ions .


Oh my lord that sounds awesome


What about a experience of the Jurassic Period. Going deep into how the earth was. Ah Jurassic Park field lol

I could see putting the Mandala on the inside of a fuse box door as a way to achieve maximum synergy! Great idea. Along with Iron Dome, this would be the energy duo of the century.

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I didn’t know about the Iron Dome, the temperature aspect would save lots of money for my company, too bad it has limited copy. Can only hope that Dream will make the temperature part public in another release. Or I can wait for Psychic University make 2.0 version of his air conditioner field.

Hi, at the top of my head I can think of The Blessed Path

Alchemical revision of health has already been mentioned in this thread (health anxiety, patient/victim identity, etc.) but I’d like add this to those ideas: eradication of those health related beliefs installed in us as kids. Your family claiming that it’s likely that you’ll get cancer because auntie Lisa had it or “everyone with our genetics gets fat and stays fat” or whatever those harmful beliefs were. All the diseases you accepted into your reality because the adults around you just “knew”.


Love that