The Requests and Fields

Something that many people overlook is that in Dream Seeds there are fields related to the main religions or worldviews, Hindu (“a taste of vaikhunta loka”, “the essence of mantras”), fields related to Greek deities (Blessings of aphrodite), fields related to Catholic mysticism (the spear of destiny, angelic intercession). But there is no field related to egyptian magic, or their deities, I know that there are Nft but I’m talking about some release in dream seeds, it would be something impressive, and a game changer. Something like a field for the person to grow their magic skills gradually, based on the knowledge of the Egyptian deities, would be amazing.

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Please bring back the Video Field Rentals.

Or even better add The Sweat Lodge and The Complete Spa on patreon premium tier

Thanks :slight_smile:


Pranic Swirls targeted to Animals


Eyebrows grow


if this is not possible for some reason, @Dr_Manhattan @SammyG @Captain_Nemo, please explain why

this field charges a specific battery type through the zero point energy field until the battery is full

the field works only for a very specific battery type. This allows for a controlled experiment to be conducted, whereby various battery types are exposed to the field.

the following factors would have to be considered:
(capacity (mAh or Ah), voltage (V), chemistry (e.g., lithium-ion, lead-acid), discharge rate, cycle life, self-discharge rate, operating temperature range, and physical dimensions)

this would be insane and defenitley not possible but you never know with dream haha

Imagine a field where it can wipe specific memories

Id just wipe my memory of watching breaking bad and re watch again :joy::pray:

just a fun little thought , nothing serious


Now that you mention it I’d be absolutely delighted to play pokemon games for the first time again haha :sweat_smile:

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Peace and harmony field :innocent:

Torus Weaved Black Hole



An update and a shorter version of
Urinary Incontinence audio



Imagine a field that is a powerful shape generator - generating a volumetric torsion field of right rotation, which has a beneficial effect on bio-objects and humans. Shapes of resonating structures of this field are calculated and formed on the basis of derivatives of ancient Vedic length measures and a number of complex mathematical functions.

ps. Right torsion fields have a healing effect. They act positively on a person, i.e. information, memory, good health, healthy DNA are preserved.

Target results:

  • A black hole - in this context it can be considered as forming a shell of a universal absorber, the essence of which is centripetal rotational force that sucks in and absorbs any negative influences directed at the user
  • compensation of the negative influence of electromagnetic fields;
  • neutralization of the influence of adverse energy flows (negative torsion fields, Hartman-Wilson grids, Curry, geopathogenic zones, etc.);
  • restoration of the etheric body after negative energy-informational influences;
  • elimination of blockages in human energy-informational structures (meridians, chakras, central channels, etc.);
  • mental balance and neutralization of the consequences of conflict situations and stress, negative experiences;
  • filling the body with vital energy and maintaining a stable and constant energy balance;
  • improvement of bio-indicators of vital systems and organs of the physical body.



A targeted field to help get a job or change jobs would be great.


Prestige and Grandeur, WW Journey of Chosen One, Career Mentor to name a few…
Others have used Abundance Mindset, Blossom of Abundance and attained that goal


I only have Career Mentor but looking for an audio just for finding jobs nothing else. Things are getting bad to worse in the job markets.


An album with fields on taking bath in the places of nature like:

Ocean (upgrade of Energetic Salt Cleanse)
Waterfalls (Forest bathing)
Hot Springs


If possible, The Circulatory Engineer as a paid field on Patreon Shop. :pray:


please make a smart field to decompress the pudendal nerve that cause possible symptoms include burning, numbness, increased sensitivity, electric shock or stabbing pain, knife-like or aching pain, feeling of a lump or foreign body in the vagina or rectum, twisting or pinching, abnormal temperature sensations, hot poker sensation, constipation, pain and straining with bowel movements, straining or burning when urinating, painful intercourse, and sexual dysfunction – persistent genital arousal disorder (genital arousal without desire) or the opposite problem – loss of sensation**

possible treatment for the pudendal nerve entrapment is below (reference to make the pudendal nerve decompression field)

there is more information regarding the pudendal nerve entrapment on the main page of the site.

please help. i have suffered this issue for 8 years and i got more suicidal thoughts as of recently.

Alchemical Revision of Greed


Alchemical Revision of Stress and Relaxation

Alchemical Revision of Well-Being maybe for gumroad