The Requests and Fields

Treatment of gray hair PC-KUS (Paid fields)

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A New Grey Hair Treatment That Claims It Can Curb The Process

By Souzan Michael

Date December 10, 2018

Every once in a while, a beauty product comes along that boasts a breakthrough so potentially game changing that its claim causes even the biggest skeptics (i.e., beauty editors) to take note. The one in question is Phyto’s RE30 Grey Hair Treatment, which apparently prevents grey hairs from sprouting and re-pigments some existing ones.

The 50-50-50 rule: It’s estimated that 50 per cent of Caucasians have about 50 per cent grey hair by age 50.

But let’s back up and recap why we go grey in the first place. As we age, the cells in our hair follicles, which are called melanocytes, begin to lose their ability to produce melanin, or pigment. Why that happens isn’t completely understood, but some researchers have suggested that it’s linked to the natural buildup of hydrogen peroxide inside the follicle. Normally, an enzyme called catalase breaks down this chemical into water and oxygen. As we age, we produce less catalase, and this leads to hydrogen peroxide accumulating in the follicle. This, in turn, disrupts melanin production and literally bleaches the hair from within, explains Elisabeth Gagnon, national trainer for Phyto Canada.

After six years of research, Phyto has created a clear leave-in serum that contains RE30, a peptide that boosts the production of melanin. The formula also contains purple tulip extract, which helps strengthen the internal structure of grey hair. It’s not an overnight cure: After applying eight pumps of the serum to the scalp daily for three months, you may see a 38 per cent reduction in grey hairs. We’re testing it out and will report back.

The science of going grey

A product used to treat vitiligo—a skin condition that leads to de-pigmented patches appearing on the body—may also one day be used to prevent hair from going grey. Researchers from the Institute for Pigmentary Disorders, in association with Germany’s University of Greifswald and the Centre for Skin Sciences at the United Kingdom’s University of Bradford, discovered that the natural buildup of hydrogen peroxide can be reversed with a UVB-activated compound called PC-KUS, a modified pseudocatalase.


Goddess Amaterasu Intercession :slight_smile:


Plasmafied Near Infrared Nervous System for strong nervous system like Plasmafied Near Infrared Chakras and Plasmafied Near Infrared Bones would be great.


This would be awesome


Something for shame removal specifically

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A field to actually increase stomach acid since that’s a cause of a lot of problems -

Including, ironically, acid reflux (not my issue, I’m more of a slow digester)

Easy-ish to manage with coffee, apple
Cider vinegar and citrus but that’s not great in the long run for teeth and if you go on a trip, well, regimens can go out ze window

Increasing stomach acid can also make digestion faster and ward off bacteria

(But if you could avoid Betaine please, it can feed bad bacteria)

Thanks for reading :green_heart:


lambda waves coupled with epsilon


a field for bringing back every lost soul part that agrees to do so.

A hydration field please :pray:

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An upgraded shen field would be nice to have.

Negentropic Shen not do the job ?

Na, the current turnover is just very high.

Also, Dream advanced quite abit since then.

Can we expect an upgraded diabetes field in the near future?


Raven Totem/symbolism/power/experience field


A field that combines the Energy Blockage Removal, the Chakra Stimulation card and the Energy Expansion card from the Book of Cards, and the Mana Circuits.


A field that does the opposite of raindrops and asks to bring out the sun



:muscle: :muscle: :muscle:

Atmospheric Vibration Riser as a mandala


Revision of Shame


Fat to Etheric energy

I’ve seen this done before, this idea

But …

I think it would be really amazing coming from you.