The Requests and Fields

Bit of a selfish request here for flying, but I’m sure it would be helpful for other issues also.

I suffer from terrible head and ear pressure while flying, and it lasts for days to weeks afterwards with tiredness and dizziness also. Its a pain. I try all the congestion tablets and nasal sprays but nothing ever helps. So, a “Fly With No Pain” field would be cool, especially with the retreat coming up.

  1. Eustachian Tube Function: Help the Eustachian tubes open and close efficiently to equalize pressure in the middle ear.

  2. Sinus Health: Promote clear and healthy sinuses to prevent congestion and pressure buildup.

  3. Inner Ear Stability: Improve resilience of the inner ear to pressure changes, reducing barotrauma and dizziness.

  4. Hydration and Moisture: Support hydration and keep mucous membranes moist to prevent dryness and congestion.

  5. Inflammation Reduction: Reduce inflammation in the nasal passages, Eustachian tubes, and sinuses to help alleviate pressure.


Something to gain access to inner motivation and knowing what to do with your life, find your passion and persue it

Send me your address and ill happily send you at least half of the one we have here :sob:


In the mean time:

  • The Explorer (Energetic Alchemy)
  • The Negentropic Fool (Energetic Alchemy)
  • Imaginarium Divine (Only Patreon)
  • Contentment Woven Worlds

(post deleted by author)

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For weight gainer, to make eat more, for weight gainer field on patreon.

A decrease in leptin levels, an increase in ghrelin.

Research :

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Plasmafied Near Infrared Teeths

Update version of Plasma soaked Teeth and Gum with near infrared


Nervous system/Brain healing for animals(not homo sapiens)


Plasmafied Near Infrared Soul Core, Heart, Brow


Please make a field for hernia treatment, abdominal hernia, umbilical hernia, etc. Thanks
:pray: :pray: :pray:


A field that would make the body immune to the harmful effects of taking white sugar. Sometimes sugar and sweets pacify the burning stomach in case after eating a lot of spicy food but along with that harmful effects also be there.

There are so many benefits that show up when body is starved of white sugar but one small mistake accidentally or intentionally will reset all the benefits, so a field to make the body immune to the white sugar would be very helpful. :pray:


I really doubt that more benefits come from avoiding sugar at all costs, even a tiny amount, but for the record Aesthetics University / Psychic University Gumroad - Discussion/Testimonials - #2201 by morph (feedback for relevant PU’s field)

Generally it should be enough to not eat added sugars and limit high-fructose/sucrose (bananas only?) fruits. There is nothing special in sucrose.

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Yes just avoiding white sugar in coffee and avoiding drinks with sugar, you will notice your body changes, you can try and see for yourself for few weeks. Also a guy wrote a book long back.

I don’t consume white sugar, nothing special :slightly_smiling_face:

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I would prefer other forms of sugar but they are polluted and contaminated as well, just for my tea and ice creams once in a while :joy:

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The Glycolysis one.

already does a great job to eliminate all types of sugar and fat

Any type of sugar goes straight into the blood streem and from there to all cells to cause havoc or the things you mentioned.

But burning the sugar right away it does not let get into the blood streem to go to cells to cause damage.

So you are pretty safe with just a couple of loops of this one after meals/coffee with sugar etc

I use it all the time. Maybe an update shorter version (being greedy here) this one already great.

And also one that is amazing too for that is

Induced Alpha-lipoic acid Production (With Anthocyanins)

Its an excellent combo.

Depending what i eat like not just sugars but food that breaks into sugar in the BS, i combine both.


thanks, will try this next time I have white sugar accidentally or intentionally lol

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Please, a healing field for Dupuytren’s Contracture/similar type conditions that affect the hands would be helpful.
Thank you kindly xx

You can try these ones in the mean time:

Myofascial Release and Anointing

New Release: The Fascia Shakeup and Wakeup

The Acu-Automaton (Acupuncture)

The Cold Laser Therapy


Ah, you’re right, the fascia fields may help with that! I happen to be using both and am loving them!

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