The Requests and Fields

Field to heal cracked tong would be amazing !.

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Teeth alignment please :pray::pray::pray:


Phrenic Nerves Stimulation and Healing

The phrenic nerves are a pair of important nerves in the human body that primarily control the diaphragm, which is the major muscle involved in breathing. Hereā€™s a detailed look at the phrenic nerves:


  • Origin: The phrenic nerves originate from the cervical spinal cord, specifically from the C3 to C5 nerve roots. This is often summarized as ā€œC3, C4, C5 keep the diaphragm alive.ā€
  • Course: They descend along the anterior surface of the scalene muscle, passing between the subclavian artery and vein, and then continue downward alongside the pericardium (the membrane enclosing the heart) to reach the diaphragm.
  • Branches: Each phrenic nerve has motor, sensory, and sympathetic fibers. The right and left phrenic nerves innervate their respective halves of the diaphragm.


  • Motor Control: The primary function of the phrenic nerves is to provide motor innervation to the diaphragm. This is crucial for breathing, as the diaphragm contracts and flattens to increase the volume of the thoracic cavity during inspiration.
  • Sensory Functions: The phrenic nerves also carry sensory information from the central part of the diaphragm, the pericardium, and parts of the pleura (the membrane surrounding the lungs).
  • Autonomic Functions: The phrenic nerves have some sympathetic fibers that contribute to their role in the autonomic regulation of the diaphragm.

Clinical Significance

  • Diaphragmatic Paralysis: Damage to the phrenic nerve can lead to diaphragmatic paralysis or dysfunction. This can result in breathing difficulties, especially noticeable when lying down.
  • Phrenic Nerve Pacing: In certain cases of diaphragmatic paralysis, phrenic nerve pacing can be used to stimulate the diaphragm electrically to aid in respiration.
  • Referred Pain: Due to its sensory innervation, irritation of the phrenic nerve can cause referred pain to the shoulder (a phenomenon known as Kehrā€™s sign), which can occur in cases of subdiaphragmatic abscess or pericarditis.

Conditions Affecting the Phrenic Nerves

  • Trauma: Surgical procedures, especially those involving the neck or chest, can potentially injure the phrenic nerve.
  • Neurological Diseases: Conditions such as multiple sclerosis, amyotrophic lateral sclerosis (ALS), or Guillain-BarrĆ© syndrome can affect the phrenic nerves and lead to respiratory complications.
  • Tumors: Masses or tumors in the neck, chest, or lungs can compress the phrenic nerves, leading to diaphragmatic dysfunction.

Understanding the phrenic nerves and their role is crucial, especially in the fields of respiratory medicine, neurology, and thoracic surgery. Their proper functioning is vital for effective breathing and overall respiratory health.



Hi Azin, was just wondering if thered any follow up to a field like this? Im hoping to heal my damaged neurons from narcolepsy 2 and was wondering if any neurogenesis field are available! Currently using plasma brian if youth and some of the growth factor audios too

Mandala NFT or something similiar, when our servitorā€™s vessel put on top of it, the servitor can communicate with us regardless of the distance.

Or anything with similiar idea(add-on ability of the new servitor that can connect to owner regardless of distance, etc) .

The new gratitude one
become whole
Rose quartz
A life full of wonder


Just PONR + Gratitude.


Very good project and presentation, congratulations.

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Field for flushing oxalates from the body.


[Micro]vascular decompression of nerves and brain tissue, arteries often cause compression and wearing the nervous tissue down, without targeted imaging itā€™s hard to diagnose and treatment is surgery with possibility of reoccurrence or compression in a different place. Trigeminal nerve is one example, but there are other nerves and brain areas that can be compressed by arteries and cause similar if not exactly same symptoms of facial or bodily pain, numbness, tingling.

Nerve healing isnā€™t effective enough in such situations as compression causes persistent tension and damage rendering healing far less impactful as it can be.

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A field for healing Forcyde spots please :pray:t5:


Request for the Etherforge guild, if only its Okay, otherwise please ignore

A servitor with no automatic abilities , with 7 or more ability slots

Iā€™ve got another proposal for the Etherforge, likewise if itā€™s ok :slightly_smiling_face:

A starter servitor that would be a sort of (quantum?) love based first aid kit.

If someone is at the bottom, with no hope, no light, no more resource to climb back, no one to turn to, this servitor would be there to pick them up. To give them love and light, to nurture and comfort them, to give them hope, to protect and to guide them, to ground and clear them, to prep and push them up, maybe to inspire a sense of child-like innocence and wonder. The servitor would be an anchor, a foundation, a shelter, an unstoppable uplifting force.

The better peopleā€™s lives are, the more these effects would shine in and around them, with the idea that it would adapt and benefit to everyone, no matter how bad or well they are doing.

A must-have go-to servitor to uplift oneself, no matter the circumstances.


ā€œThe True, The Beautiful and The Goodā€ field to seek and view purpose and utility in all things in life.


Expansion ability for the new servitors

Basically like updated, enhanced Expanse card, that works for strengthening nervous system as well.

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Perhaps as one ability for the new servitors could be ā€œPower Upgradeā€ where all the stats of the servitor goes up by +5 or more points, like
+5 intelligence
+5 Resilience
+5 Magic
+5 Defense

Etc, without added specific skills. If that makes sense.


Yeah, or a hyperbolic time chamber where the servitor will grow and upgrade itself, thus itā€™d be ++++.

Perhaps suggested name would be Hustle Hardcore.

But if it was to make it OP, prepare for a higher price ofc.


hayfever field coz im dying :skull:


Feel you my friend, itā€™s been a bit better now but in the past it was killing me


Quick forum search suggests trying Woody Lemon Mint, Enhanced Alcohol Processing or Quintessence of Marrow to mitigate symptoms.


A field of the Angelic Vibrations type, that goes further and is called ā€œArchangel Vibrationsā€, that makes you emit the energy of an Archangel

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