The Requests and Fields

Manhattan Max Relief

Histamine Receptor Blocker: This powerful feature blocks the histamine receptors responsible for triggering pain and inflammation. Watch as discomfort subsides, and your body finds its way back to a state of ease and comfort.


Alchemical Revision of Sleep

This will fix the bad effects on body and mind of long term lack of sleep


A comprehensive alchemy field embodying Stoicism, negativity is all around and keeps growing, it is getting very difficult to not react.


I suggest for premium patreon level, pheromone field, androstenol, androsterone, androstenone i androstedienone


I have been reading a lot of articles about microplastics found in testicles and semen samples being taken by labs, how about a field for men that basically eliminates microplastics from our system?

Articles for your review:


A field silencer

Made to be a mandala and when equipped you can set all your devices sounds to zero

also protects other people from getting the effects of the fields


because a similar project could not be completed due to the discontinuation of NFTs, i would like to submit a proposal

a complete & extremely advanced breatharian alchemy that ensures us that we can feed on light, pure prana, etc making food and drink unnecessary.

recently i read (roy martina) that it’s possible to quantum biohack our human mechanism and make this a reality. since we are facing a future in which food and water could become scarce, this would, in my perception, be a godsend and would remove many people’s concerns and could secure our future. imagine the possiblities…

i really hope it will be considered :pray:


How about a unisex field?

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Yes, ofcourse, as I did a deep dive into this topic I also found out that women’s ovaries and breasts are also being affected and being filled with microplastics, especially it’s riskier for couples who are trying to conceive or new mothers who are breastfeeding their children! @SilverZuzu


Definitely a new version of book of cards with more variety


I’d like to formally request a comprehensive self love field, that includes previous concepts and ideas encompassed in a short, time saving audio. A self love stack in a field.


An audio that focuses purely on Ida and Pingala. With a subconscious limiter removal checked in, maybe ego dissolution. And elements of the internal alchemical crucible.

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A gene mutation found in the ‘Bajau tribe’ allows people to hold breath for over 13 minutes and over 5 hours in a day

How the Bajau 'Sea Nomads' Evolved for a Life of Diving - The Atlantic.

this field would be designed to genetically mutate the person to develop the same ability


request for field to be good at driving cars


I think this can help with that too.


Wouldn’t that be power of love?

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something that covers more things related to driving cars would be great. like knowledge and experience of driving for years, emotions control, pass driving tests, car being like an extension of your body and control it.
could go even further to racecar driving skills


This is a pitch based on a year-long insider joke in my Sapien Med discord friends group.

Since magic potions are a big thing at the moment, how about an Androstenol 10.0 Potion?

To be worthy of the title “Androstenol 10.0”, the potion would need be at least 3x as strong as the original YouTube Androstenol and 33x stronger than the Wolf Potion #11 or the GOAT Scent or the patreon Androstenol.

For such a potion, it would make sense that it would cover the whole chain of hormones necessary for the production of Androstenol and all the other similar attraction and manly pheromones.

Also some healing for the whole hormonal / endocrine system for optimanl functioning of the whole chain reaction.

A super powerful potion whose effects, even the Princess of Darknesses herself, will not be able to resist, when she encounters the man who has drank the potion.

An audio that works only for the buyer and comes with the respective devilish music.


What are you planning JAAJ :joy: :eye:



“Better to reign in Hell than serve in Heaven”
