The Requests and Fields

A fun, useless field to experience what it is like to have aphantasia, the condition where you lack an inner voice or ability to visualise

it isn’t a frightening thing, to me it seems like a very neutral state where you ‘know’ rather than visualise or think

nah u dont want that its fucking horrible and its ruining my life trust me man

Oh fr? maybe sapien can help, have you tried?

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think a dopamine detox is needed then i will be calm but. lacking an inner voice is so scary bro

pls dont make this field dream :skull_and_crossbones:

Try using Parkinson Help 2-3x if you really have anything relevant to “dopamine detox” you are likely to feel it. Otherwise it’s rather something else.

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lool oops

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I was thinking of a field for blood pH, a balancer. Thank you x


An alchemical revision of fear would be great as a separate, independent audio for the YouTube channel

like or the same one used in the The Holy Paladin


Alchemical Revision Of Shame :pleading_face::ribbon::teddy_bear:



A shortened version of the Diabetes treatment field :pray:


Is there a single field that encompass self esteem self confidence self love from :

There is a field for Confidence and Self Love with the new ego editing tech from Malleable Ego in the Guided Path to Wholeness course

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Really? Thanks I am going to read about it. Only thing I know is the course is like 150.

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Yes there is also a resilience and acceptance field

And a couple of meditations

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I’d like to suggest a yagna audio based on Rudrashtakam :smiley:

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easy, too

A field that infuses your possessions with positive energy.

Similar to Safe Point and Zen Nourish - but it works on your personal possessions.

Be it your:

  • Clothes
  • Cooking Utensils
  • Phone, Keys, Wallet
  • Workout equipment
  • Electronics
  • Nostalgic keepsakes
  • Etc etc etc

The best use-case of it, in my opinion, would be to use it on your clothes. To be surrounded in a positively energetically charged outfit wherever you go.


This is my favourite idea, a dedicated servitor to look after our pets

The servitor will grow old with the pet, keeping them company and protecting them from danger. The servitor will remember the way home and guide the pet if it is lost.

It will slowly become more apparant (visible even) to the pet as time goes on and will learn what games the pet enjoy

the servitor will keep the pet’s energy system clean and promote growth overtime

Attach the servitor to something and put it on the pet’s collar, or on whatever, nearby


I was just watching this and wanted to see what was on the forum about it :)

A neutral environmental field that takes of the properties of any field that is played in that environment afterwards, effectively making any field an environmental field that stays in that area hours or days after it was played.
is this possible?

thus might be problematic with some fields. maybe it is a smart field or a servitor?