The Requests and Fields

Would it even be possible to make an audio field for plaque removal accumulated on the teeth?


The Cholesterol and Plaque Removal field on Patreon can remove plaque accumulated on the teeth.


Based only on my experience, Shielding Protection keeps people from negatively affecting me emotionally. Thatā€™s the Empathic Shielding part of it I suppose. But I notice something different with APE, it directly blocks them from influencing my mind. These days I always carry both outside the house.

With Shielding, when an attack is underway, my heart feels like it has some dampening field around it. Like if you had a sound booth that only blocked out negative sounds.

With APE, when an attack comes in, my mind directly strips it bare from having any meaning. I still know what they mean. Itā€™s like they have no credit with me right in that moment, no believablity. No emotional significance to me. I donā€™t know how the field ā€œknowsā€ when the attack is coming. But it does. I feel my mind change right in that moment. Itā€™s like Neo freezing bullets in mid air. Itā€™s just like ā€œNo.ā€

When I boosted APE it was wonderfully effective. But the boosted energy part of APE pushed me to or past the border into tired. So I had to go back to using unboosted APE. Itā€™s still good. But I loved that part of it boosted. Itā€™s almost worth being tired again.


you are the man, thanks.


Really interesting, thanks. I get better now the type of protection that you mentioned for the new field request.


Running out of likes, but just wanted to say, really appreciate all your in-depth ā€œtestimonialsā€. Really enhances the forum. Thanks again.


An indoor air purifier field that purifies air for people who live in very polluted countries.



An item that allows people to capture a YouTube audio field of their choice on an item so they can wear it instead of having to listen to so many. Make it affordable so people can purchase multiple too. :slight_smile:


A field that helps people avoid racism when they listen/wear it.


A field that encourages people to avoid judging. People and their judgmentsā€¦ so many.


As I wrote that particular post, I realized how much it helps me to take the time and thought required to put those experiences into words. Certain questions like the one I was answering there definitely enhance my understanding.

Thank you and youā€™re welcome.


I locked it at 30 votes. Seems like a good round even number.

40% Uninterested
40% for Eagle in some form
33% for Eagle in Tag form
30% for Eagle in Audio form
Only 10% for Owl in some form

Iā€™m a little surprised about the low interest in Owl. Iā€™m happy to see so many people interested in Eagle though. Maybe something will happen there someday.

You Uninterested folks I canā€™t identify with very well but Iā€™m trying to. I donā€™t think there is an ā€œExperienceā€ field I havenā€™t benefited from. Especially with the Animal ones. Every time it opens my eyes to understand people in new ways. Some people are very much ā€œwolvesā€. Others are much like reptiles. So few are lions.


I would vote as uninterested but it seems currently I canā€™t vote anymore


The Heart Restoration version 2 video already includes cholesterol and plaque removal on the teeth and body, itā€™s only over 4 minutes long and I use it daily. Right now, my teeth are plaque-free and I donā€™t need to see my dentist anymore for annual cleaning.


While there isnt any videos specific for thatā€¦ But you can try theseā€¦ :innocent:

It is mentioned on his Youtube community tab and Patreon. It was a big announcement. He welcomes all.

Best Path In Life audio file

I think we are in our pineal gland (itā€™s in parallel line with our third eye I thinkšŸ¤”) thatā€™s actually where our Soul is. Thereā€™s even scientific info like when we die our body is leighter like 300gram or so, you can google and find

Late this night after meditation I had feeling like my body is mask or some shellā€¦ strange feeling, never felt it beforeā€¦ and actually ME was somewhere in my head or simply in me, hard to explain for me

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Aura seeing field would be awesome. Thanks.