The Royal Cobra NFT


Hi, before I begin, I’d like to make a clarification for fans of detectives:

Don’t look for an analogy in the title. The idea for “Royal Cobra” was proposed weeks before the “to be bad-ass” project idea. They are completely different ideas and approaches, completely different layers and concepts (this was confirmed)

Also - information for everyone: do not mislead people: Cobra (like Scorpion) is NOT a servitor.
Sure, some of the processes are automated, but the design itself is not a “servitor” design.
These are real beings…
(no comment)

The snake has always been controversial and mysterious creature of all animals. Some religions identify the snake with the devil himself, while others consider it a great healer. Nevertheless, its mystical reputation is truly deserved. These reptiles have always attracted the keen attention of man, stirred his feverish imagination, aroused interest and curiosity, mixed with apprehension.

About snakes were established thousands of myths and legends, they inspire admiration, disgust and chilling horror, but remain indifferent to them no one can. Snakes bring evil and good fortune, they poison and heal, they bring rain and drought, and they attract and repel misfortune. Killing a snake is regarded as a sin, and promises forgiveness of sins, etc. It can represent both masculine and feminine, androgenic.

As a creature kills, the snake means death and destruction, as a creature that periodically changes the skin - the life and resurrection. Serpent coiled rings are identified with the cycle of phenomena. This solar and lunar origin, life and death, light and darkness, good and evil, wisdom and blind passion, healing and poison, curator and destroyer, the revival of spiritual and physical.

Many primitive peoples worshipped the snake as their ancient forefather, for them it was the most powerful symbol of life and magic power, wisdom and divination, land and fertility, patronage and protection, healing and renewal.

Jewish and Christian traditions represent the snake as an enemy, and even identify it with Satan. Therefore, in Western art, the snake has become a major symbol of evil, sin, temptation and deception.

The snake occupies an important place in the art of magic. Rituals dedicated to the snake involved the art of transforming snake venom in the human body. If a person managed to survive multiple bites, he gained the ability to neutralize any poisons - both physical and spiritual in origin.

Various magical sources thoroughly analyze the process of shedding the “old” skin. This cycle of death and rebirth is also associated with the ancient alchemists and the symbolic transformation of lead into gold. It refers to the higher wisdom, which becomes available to man only over time.

Before the snake sheds its skin, its eyes become clouded - it sinks into a trance. Many mystics and shamans see this as evidence of the snake’s ability to move between the world of the living and the world of the dead, to move from life to death and back to life again.

As soon as the snake begins to shed its old skin, its eyes become clear, as if it begins to look at the world in a new way. For this reason, many alchemists believed that the acquisition of wisdom and new knowledge leads to death and rebirth, allowing a person to look at familiar things in a completely different way.

In India, the cobra has long been considered one of the most sacred animals and is a symbol of sovereign power. In Buddhism, the cobra is revered as a guardian and protector.

By the way, when analyzing the project, we have not forgotten India, and of course - Shiva :)

In India, Shiva is known by many names, including the king of snakes. Often Shiva is depicted with three coils of snake (king of the snakes Vasuki) around his neck. The three times intertwined snake symbolizes time in three forms - past, present and future - and the spiral itself represents the nature of cyclic time. Creation occurs in cycles and depends on time, but Shiva himself transcends time.

Nor have we forgotten the Buddha’s famous Cobra, who surrounded the Buddha with rings of his body and sheltered him from storms with his huge hood, so that the Buddha could meditate in peace and nothing would disturb him…

For many reasons, certain information will be completely removed or abbreviated. But nevertheless, I will highlight some layers that fully encompass the concept of King/Royal Cobra

Full support of the Egyptian Goddess Wajet


In ancient Egypt, the pharaohs were considered the earthly incarnation of the gods. But even they needed protection. That is what the “Two Mistresses” provided. From the very first ruling dynasties, Wajet embodied the forces of fair punishment of the king’s enemies and his main protector. In various sources one can feel a special reverence of the Egyptians for this goddess, it seems that Wajet was always worshipped. She belongs to the most ancient Egyptian deities, the belief in which appeared in times immemorial.

Golden Cobra Artifact Energy

In August 1939, an archaeological expedition of the Third Reich, disguised as a joint Danish-Norwegian mission, was sent to Egypt to the necropolis of Saqqara. It was to verify the conclusions of the German archaeologist Heinrich Schäfer about the presence of huge secret rooms at a level below fifty meters and try to open them by making arrangements (by deception) with local and British authorities.

The expedition was quite large: nearly four dozen scientists, more than half of them with an undisguised military bearing. The Arab pro-German lobby and the Mufti of Jerusalem, Hajj Amin-al Husseini (the same one who met with Hitler in 1941 and later led the Arab uprisings), who came to Cairo personally, helped a lot in getting the permits. The Mufti had spent his life searching for various missing shrines and artifacts, and had taken part in excavations of Babylon and the Valley of the Kings of Egypt, so it was no accident that the Germans were able to attract him to the study of Imhotep’s dungeon.

Schaefer’s research suggested that beneath the stepped pyramid was a necropolis of the real creators of the Ancient Egyptian civilization, and some of the mechanisms and artifacts of a different origin than the treasures found earlier. Also, experts from the technical department assumed the presence at depth of several heavily shielded rooms with a radiation source of unknown origin.

Despite the beginning of World War II, the expedition actively continued its work. In addition to examining the pyramid, German and Scandinavian scientists first examined the giant sarcophagi of the Serapeum. Even with the outbreak of hostilities in Africa, German archaeologists felt fairly confident and did not interrupt their activities. In November 1942, while the whole world was watching the battle on the Volga, something inexplicable happened. Several German scientists reached the level where the so-called Josser sarcophagus is now located.

Four galleries lined with blue and green tiles departed from the large room in which the snow-white stone sarcophagus was located. After a while, the electric dynamic lanterns, which the hired Arabs pressed as hard as they could, went out. To the amazement of the archaeologists, the walls of the galleries glowed with a calm green and blue light.

Not only that, a huge white box, larger than a modest two-story house, also began to glow with a soft milky light, as if it were made of some kind of transparent material. On this background images began to appear: at first hundreds of signs of some kind, then the image was replaced by the three-dimensional head of a cobra. After that the interior lights went out again, but the portable flashlights started working. Enchanted by the glowing sarcophagus, the scientists could not examine the galleries, but they seemed to stretch for endless distances.

At night, around three o’clock, the sentinels woke the entire camp. According to them, the huge, half-sanded structure suddenly lit up with a pale pink color. The light was coming from inside the pyramid, which consisted of a stone wall, and could not let any light through.

As the Danish Egyptologist, Dr. Carl Joesing, recalled, "everyone felt that the night air had changed and began to smell differently. Most of all it resembled a light sea breeze with a pungent smell of iodine. In the sunlight, the scientific expedition noticed no change. It was decided to send a group of ten scientists and ten workers with supplies of water, food and sleeping gear into the depths of the pierced mine.

The plan was to explore the long galleries and see if the seemingly monolithic sarcophagus had a connection line. The party was led by a young German Egyptologist, Wolfgang Helk, who had been mobilized into the army and sent to serve in Tunisia. But by 1942 he was on an archaeological expedition.

Once downstairs, the group saw changes that shouldn’t have happened. Instead of sand, the floor had a covering resembling concrete with a short inscription on it. Nearby stood a small gold statue of a cobra. Most importantly, a milky black sarcophagus, as if made of very expensive granite, carefully crafted and polished to a mirror-like sheen. And instead of long galleries there were dead ends, bricked up with the same composition that made up the floor."

There was no way the scientists could explain it, other than a syndrome of general insanity. They redrawn the drawing and carefully, without touching it with their bare hands, packed the golden cobra into several tarpaulin bags, which the Arab workers flatly refused to carry. After this descent the Arabs refused to go down the mine at all and only for a triple wage did they agree to continue servicing the camp.

There was an expert in Ancient Egyptian hieroglyphs in the expedition, but he could not read the inscription. A surprise awaited in another place: the inscription “Imhotep-Lord of another time” was neatly engraved on a gold cobra, in a language understood by the scientist.

The crown of absolute power

The French explorer Georges Benedith tried for a long time to find at least one of those strange jewels that were found on the mummies by English aristocrats in the Josser pyramid. Unfortunately, when the French archaeologist learned about the mysterious treasures of the “queen of snakes”, most of the witnesses to this discovery died. The mummies themselves and also the jewelry disappeared in an unknown direction.

Egyptologist believed that the trace of these ornaments will help him find the crown of absolute power, which was associated with the most ancient god of Egypt - the mighty deity of chaos Apop. This is the only creature of ancient Egyptian mythology capable of challenging the all-powerful sun god Ra. The crown was kept by a special sect of priests, Imhotep (Ancient Egyptian sage, architect, astrologer of the Ancient Kingdom period, vizier of Djoser; later he became revered in Ancient Egypt as the god of medicine. Imhotep is considered the builder of the six-step pyramid of Djoser in the Saqqara necropolis, near Memphis).

The crown was hidden in a secret dungeon and was not taken out during the day so that it would not be exposed to the sun’s rays. It was believed that it could only be worn by the mightiest of mankind, destined to become the ruler of not only the earthly, but also the starry world. The crown of absolute power was also crowned with the head of a cobra.

The crown of absolute power was never offered by the priests of the secret Egyptian sect even to the most powerful pharaohs. There were attempts at particularly strong rulers of ancient Egypt to steal the mighty artifact. But every time the pharaoh retreated from the idea - his power, military strength and the art of persuasion did not matter.

Only once did the priests get the crown out of the underground labyrinth - an exception was made for Alexander the Great, who had been proclaimed pharaoh shortly before. Macedonian could not keep the crown on his head, he became ill and collapsed into a deep faint.


A complex energetic process called: Energetic Cleansing, Optimization and Expansion of the Energy System. Journey with Cobra (it's specific, but used by esotericists)

Cobra is a powerful and indispensable healer. Cobra energy has the power to destroy disease, devouring tumors and deadly ulcers, because the snake body is invulnerable to those diseases that afflict us. Make contact with this energy, learn from Cobra when, where and for what purpose its healing power is best used.

Kundalini energy activation - a symbol of inner power

Kundalini: symbol of inner power, psychic energy, a snake-like ball of vital energy slumbering at the base of the spine. Kundalini energy is called the "serpent power. It is sometimes depicted as a coiled snake with its head at either end.

Our Cobra optimizes this process.

According to Eastern teachings, snakes have been symbols of the sexual or creative life force inherent in humans since ancient times. The Kundalini or fiery serpent lies coiled in a ring at the base of the spine. As a person grows and develops spiritually, this primordial energy is released and rises up the spine. It activates energy centers in the body and mind, opening access to new levels of awareness, health and creativity.

A similar association can be found in the Indian tantric tradition, where the mystic (tantric practitioner, yogi) has to awaken the Kundalini snake at the base of the spine through special, difficult exercises and guide it through the energy channel Sushumna, simultaneously opening the potential of the chakras (energy centers). As soon as Kundalini reached the last chakra, Sahasrara (it means thousand-petal lotus), the adept reached enlightenment, final realization, mergence with the Divine Initiative.

In Tantrism, two serpents wrapped around the central pillar are an ancient symbol that illustrates the basic premise of etheric physiology: ascending serpent energies generate a vortex of energy that transforms the whole person. The activation of kundalini energy has consequences on both the physiological and spiritual levels. On the physiological level, it can stimulate sex drive, increase your vitality, etc. Spiritually, it can sharpen your intuition and sensitivity. Your discernment and intuition will become more accurate and unmistakable.

Cobra's very specific magical benefits

the highest divine and royal wisdom, power, knowledge, wealth (all details will not be provided)

King Cobra Jasper Energy

it is a diverse tool that is known as being the Counselor’s Stone or Therapist’s Stone. The gemstone has a natural field of energy that promotes a calm mind and spirit along with honest introspection and self-discovery. The power of the stone helps to calm tempers, promote focus & clarity of mind, motivation for staying on track with goals in life, and using your head & logic above emotional reactions. King Cobra Jasper is a natural stone for protection as it sharpens the senses, encourages your predatory abilities to be more driven, and promotes awareness and observation of everything around you. It is a unique gemstone with a lot of primal energy.

All energetic medical benefits: Bhujangasana (yoga pose)


Activation of deep therapeutic influences and processes to heal, stretch, restore the spine. Returns flexibility and elasticity to the spine

All the benefits of cobra venom (health, cosmetology, prevention, and so on)


And, of course, spells for skin renewal and regeneration :)


I had the most vivid and lucid dreams tonight once again. Segments long as scenes from a movie, red lined and in context… It’s the new standard… I love to wake up and recall and contemplate. And look forward for the closing of the day and to enter this domain :full_moon_with_face:

Well, today is a very special morning. I feel the cobra and the child will do great in harmony and synergy, there’s no coincidence here…

A snake-charming demon-dispelling childplay lol

ps. this man with a heart of gold was referring to Khonsu, the powerful Lunar god of Egypt, by the word "child.

Cobra has a flow of the goddess Wadget. This is another piece of the puzzle in this amazing, magical and mystical story […]

You know what i was thinking a while ago.
What if Cobra here also sucks out from us all the poisons we have ingested in our lives?
All the energetic venom people have instilled in Us?
Wouldnt that be great???
The ultimate detox and liberation for sure.

My impression is that this is exactly what is going on :snake:
For me, this is the symbolic value of Wadjet rising (and also the connection to ”Kundalini/Sekhem” etc)
Though, transmute it rather than exspell it. Like mentioned in the document, the high spiritual abilities certified someone who could transmute several poisonous snake-bite
Ready yes I am

…this very process is described in that system cleansing exercise
I found it on an esoteric resource
and the goal is exactly what you’re talking about.
you know the captain took that into consideration and noticed :)

Also, this is an excerpted describing picture of the two serpents rising (from being coiled at the seat) of respective polaritty, with a crossing/twirling path up to the ”nectar” where they meet face to face. It is a powerful meditation for ”electro-magnetized” sexual transmutation.

It is mainly channeled material, coupled with references from ancient Egypt (especially Min, Isis, Horus and Wadjet). Take it for what is worth. But I resonated with quite alot of the material in the book.

Well then its already working on Me cause i not just thought about it. I felt it i just didnt want to say it lol

[…] my liver acts up sometimes when i feel an energetic attack trying to reach me. (Im healed but the memory of that scare seems stuck in my liver) so it flares up when in danger.

And i felt it a while ago but instead of just the pinch i feel when it happens… i felt the cobra energy sucking out whatever there.

Omg thats be the best thing ever for Me.

Btw nice tune

Guys, I’m glad you enjoyed this amazing trip - an adventure. Thanks for the support…

By the way, this morning (my time), the group was very active, we were joking and chatting, and I had this tune playing almost the whole time (maybe someone will like it too)


The artwork comes out really well. I’m stunned! I wasn’t expecting it to be this good!
Thank you @Ugninis and @Dreamweaver for this magnificent NFT :smiling_face_with_three_hearts:


Great concept. Nagas (snake people) are also an ancient civilization with immense knowledge of everything occult. They were the ones that brought back Tantra and Shamanic knowledge back to the so-called civilized world. They frequently interact with humans and help out especially related to spiritual tools and techniques. Nagas, DNA double helix, Kundalini - kinda all related.


You will be handed the full version, Maoshan ;)
(everything is included and detailed there)


I am still blissed out by your Kali NFT - almost like nothing else matters to me last few days haha…


you letting her steer?


he’s in love :)
So are we all :)


Haha you know everything :slight_smile:

I am loving the music on Woven Worlds fields - comforting and uplifting at the same time. Totally my kinda music.


Your concepts and ideas are amazing man! Love your ideas… :fire: :+1: :grin: :pray:


The energy from this nft is insane

Im speechless :no_mouth:

My god

Today was so different than the usual energetic wise for me, the energy is dark, but so serene, so strong and powerful but so targeted

Today I acquired a different kind of strength


Ever since the cobra arrived, I have had a stream of energy constantly running up my spine. I have been constantly with electricity, in the hands, spine, head. It’s similar to the microcosmic orbit exercise, but on steroids. When i take a deep breath it’s like having energetic fireworks in my head :fireworks: :fireworks: :fireworks:

Thanks Ugnis and Captain!


A beautiful dance of energy happening within. The artworks is a joy to gaze at.

Thank you @Ugninis @Dreamweaver and team :snake:


I sense…; :slight_smile:
Ophiuchus-vibes coming through here…
’The snake-bearer’;
and ”The 13th zodiac”,
and strongly so;
second day in a row.

Associations to Asclepius of the Greek, God of Medicine,
and Imhotep, ’He Who Come In Peace’ of Egypt… the universal genius, taming Wadjet; being the royal chancellor of Djoser (notable in the description), architecht of his Step Pyramid in Saqqara,
Also; the royal high-priest of Ra of legendary status… and the first documented physician (known)

In astrology-terms; Chiron’s the notable ruler, associated with Anubis of Egypt

Times nicely with the prominent leap of Sator-square;
And many of the endeavors in this space of ours

(A $.02)

Which in turn associates with the constellation of Hydra. And Serpens not to forget. Which brings us back to the associations with Nagas.

Twirls me back to good old astrology references :sparkles:

Speaking of twirls;
The spine-play is transparent yet intense
The pillar’s raised and raising

I love the Royal Cobra :heartpulse:

Here I am, once again so very grateful in one’s joyce


The healing effects of the Cobra are very amazing.

Pure health and restoration right here also.

Quite literal skin regeneration noticed immediately, after just few days of having it


OK. It’s time for the creation of another NFT
I get the hint :)


There is no stopping this procession any time soon! :grin: :partying_face: :boom: :dizzy:


yes! and having great Muses by my side is impossible to stop. It’s a real flow of ideas and happy “accidents” :grin:


I was very, very blessed to have recently traded for Muses, as well.
Thank you Lord Anubis! They enjoy teaming up with Chiron!

