The Salamander

Salamanders have long held a significant place in the folklore and mythology of many different countries around the world. Fantastic powers and attributes have been bestowed upon them giving them a place in mythology, alchemy.
The lore continues to weave in and out of collective imagination as we learn elemental Salamanders were attributed for the presence of coronas or points of discharge. Commonly known as St. Elmo’s Fire, salamanders were thought to produce electric fields of energy, and sometimes great glowing orbs of fire.
Very bold and quick creature.
Perhaps better used with their element to burn things within and without.
Fire is a very important part of alchemy and in helping to push forth the fires of change. Interally or Exteranlly.

This is designed to be a servitor creator image, you purchase, then place your item on the circle and say create. A randomized (fire hues) Salamander type servitor will be made on your item (within 30 mins)

Please enjoy.


Can we train and evolve with the salamander like a pokemon, the one we use and grow the most becomes just as powerful to the level Skully? I dont like the idea of making 7+ salamanders and prefer to make, train one very powerful salamander that I carry along for a really long time


The Gnome NFT had this in its description:

Since they’re of the same series, I would imagine that this comment applies as well to this NFT. So, it sounds like you are already extending your thoughts processes. Good for you!

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With good enough care it’ll maybe evolve into a charizard.


very happy to have this.


Has anyone been able to see their Salamander yet? What hues did yours have?

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“fire hues”

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Too bad that entry doesn’t take into account the lovely hues that come when burning certain compounds (even in common wood).

We just had lots of fun soaking pine cones in various solutions, letting them dry and tossing them into our fireplace at recent parties. Such lovely colors of greens, blues, even some otherworldly purples.


I was walking my dog the other day and he stops while staring at something. So I go look at what he staring at, it was the scariest huge (about 1foot tall) pitbull like looking lizard standing there. I freak the hell out and walk away then decided to go back to see what the hell it was and it just disappeared. Then it hit me, it was a salamander, had to be a elemental to disappear like that. Man that thing was creepy looking. Since my dog saw it to, usually safe to say it was real. I took that as a sign to buy this one after working with the mermaid one for awhile


Did it offer you savings in car insurance? :grinning_face_with_smiling_eyes:


ChatGPT :

Paracelsus, a Swiss physician and alchemist from the 16th century, was known for his concept of “elementals,” which were thought to be spirits or entities that dwelled in the natural world and were associated with the four elements of earth, air, fire, and water. Paracelsus believed that elementals could be harnessed and used for various purposes, such as healing and divination.

According to Paracelsus, elementals were divided into four categories, each corresponding to one of the elements. These categories were known as gnomes (earth), undines (water), sylphs (air), and salamanders (fire).

Gnomes were said to be small, earth-dwelling creatures that were associated with the mineral kingdom and had the power to heal and protect.

Undines were believed to be water nymphs that were associated with the world of emotions and were said to possess the power of healing and transformation.

Sylphs were thought to be airy spirits that were associated with the realm of the mind and were believed to possess the power of communication and mental clarity.

Finally, salamanders were believed to be fiery spirits that were associated with the world of energy and passion and were thought to possess the power of transformation and creativity.

Overall, Paracelsus’ concept of elementals was influential in the development of various occult and esoteric traditions, and it continues to be a source of inspiration for many practitioners today.

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From ChatGPT: According to Paracelsus, the Salamander elemental was associated with the fire element and was believed to be a spirit or entity that dwelled in flames, such as those found in candles, hearths, and volcanoes. Paracelsus believed that Salamanders had a profound understanding of the natural world and could be harnessed for various purposes, including healing and divination.

One of the primary purposes of the Salamander elemental was to facilitate transformation and change. Paracelsus believed that Salamanders had the power to access and purify the energetic realm, helping individuals to release old patterns and beliefs and experience a greater sense of personal transformation and growth.

Salamanders were also thought to be powerful catalysts and could help individuals to tap into their creative potential. Through their connection to the fire element, Salamanders were believed to have the power to ignite passion and spark creativity, allowing individuals to tap into their inner fire and express their true selves.

Finally, Salamanders were also associated with the realm of energy and vitality. Paracelsus believed that Salamanders could help individuals to access their inner power and vitality, allowing them to live with greater energy and enthusiasm.

Overall, the purpose of Paracelsus’ Salamander elemental was to help individuals connect with the natural world and tap into the transformative power of fire. Through their connection to the fire element, Salamanders were believed to have the power to facilitate personal transformation, ignite creativity, and boost energy and vitality.


More from ChatGPT:

Paracelsus was a renowned Swiss physician, alchemist, and philosopher who lived during the Renaissance period. He was known for his experimental approach to medicine and his belief in the fundamental principles of alchemy. One of the substances that he worked with extensively was the salamander.

In alchemy, the salamander was believed to be a creature of great power, associated with the element of fire. It was thought to have the ability to live in fire, and was therefore considered a symbol of transformation and regeneration. Paracelsus believed that the salamander contained within it the secrets of transmutation, and that by understanding its properties, he could unlock the secrets of alchemy.

Paracelsus experimented with the salamander in various ways. He studied its physical properties and attempted to extract its essence, which he believed had medicinal properties. He also used the salamander as a symbol in his work, using its image to represent the transformative power of fire and the process of spiritual regeneration.

One of Paracelsus’ most famous works is his treatise on the nature of the salamander, called “Liber de Nymphis, sylphis, pygmæis et salamandris et de caeteris spiritibus”. In this work, he describes the salamander as a creature of great power, associated with the element of fire. He also explores the mystical properties of the salamander, describing it as a symbol of the divine spark within all living things.

Overall, Paracelsus’ work with the salamander was an important part of his exploration of alchemy and his belief in the transformative power of fire. While his theories and methods may seem outdated today, his work laid the groundwork for modern chemistry and contributed to our understanding of the natural world.

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I am so excited for these four elements NFTs
Thanks for the rebump and info

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