The Sapien Medicine forum is evolving

Great initiative guys.

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You can ask a million different questions, feel free to.

If some of you decide that I am a rogue crazy moderator that has gone the skynet way, feel free to vent in this thread.

While I’m sorry that you guys feel that way that doesn’t change the fact nor the decision that was made.

There will be no retro-pedaling


This a valid and well thought out criticism.
Thanks for the feedback.


Admins showing us their power :muscle: :muscle: :muscle:


You are right, we’ve been a joke.
That’s honest feedback

I agree. Deleting everything so fast, without warning the community beforehand, feels kinda rushed and insensitive… we lost a good bit of accumulated knowledge.


And over the course of these many years, a large amount of living, real experience in using their work has been collected. And now a person wants to buy a field from PU on Gumroad, looks here in search of reviews, and instead of them - Oops, this page no longer exists… No words


i literally woke up this morning and was wondering :thinking:… they probably wouldn’t delete those valuable threads, right? since they always claims that “we are a community” and always “staying together”.

2 hours later… ah… nevermind…lol…


@wanderer, good idea!


You guys dont need to repeat it like a broken record btw


Says who ?

Never mind the little attempt at humor


Not sure where this whole “we lost knowledge” is coming from but we live in a time where all the mass information (even the hidden esoteric stuff,partly and partial fragmented but still up) is mostly completely free on the internet avaiable…

If people want to learn certain things it’s right “up” there. And by all respect, if people are using a creator that they’ve known them for years why people do even need reviews or feedbacks from other users?!


This is like saying a huge fire that burned down an entire library is not lost knowledge because the same copies are available in other places.


I think he specifically said on the internet :thinking:

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A valid reasoning if it really would be an entire library…
Just a couple written text doesn’t make it a library.

Sapien Medicine wants to restructure things to a new level to garantuee a higher standard for useres that are more committed towards the path instead pleasing everyone.

And i’ve read the texts…it’s nothing you could easily research and figure out on your own if people really want it enough.


@Dr_Manhattan I think the right thing has been done.

You notified the 3rd party folks if they wanted to back up something they would’ve done it. I would say I got backups as I got waybackmachine running on all new sites/subsites but I never really checked out classified threads.

This isn’t a paid forum so there are cost to maintaining it.

Forum is evolving :mechanical_arm:


Actually it is refreshing to see people for who they truly are now and what they really support and their actual ideals are.
very refreshing and illuminating.



Thank you


I think removing parasites is very healthy
of course, the parasites and their families wouldn’t think so I guess.

People love that freeness and free for all behaviour, when you try to introduce order
they complain, because of course this is the people’s forum no?
the people don’t maintain it or pay for shit though.
You all clearly do no see the massive inequality here.
Building this entire thing from scratch then feeding parasites for years.
But now they all think, somehow cleaning house is wrong.

It all boils down to entitlement really.
doesn’t it?

I appreciate those who see and understand the logic.

the mods work on forum
they are they ones who should benefit and get benefits.

This is right.
You earn your keep.

I suppose in the truest sense those not aligned to change will lose out.

Feel free to go join parasitic hives.


It allows the other creators to start off fresh and start something of their own at the end of the day they was all aware this could happen any minute it’s not their forum…

For a long time they was allowed on here and that’s amazing that we got to see different creators and different field ideas.

What is done is done and I think it was for the best on to new things for this community and we should be excited and appreciative to the mods not getting at them for doing their job

People be acting like doc woke up an thought I hate all the other creators and im getting them out… no he has probably had results with their fields and appreciates them no hate here just doing what needs to be done :relieved: