The Sapien Medicine forum is evolving

So be it :pray:

The more the community grows then we will have to be careful of bad external energy which will be attracted, thatā€™s what I think.

Thank you to the whole team for your work on the Sapiens Medicine site for several years :heart::ok_hand::muscle::arrow_double_up:


If this is your view what about deleting all the old brain guild, now ā€œbrain cornerā€ posts?

Wouldnā€™t the brain guild have better and more ā€œevolvedā€ content and discussion?

I think thatā€™s why it was so easy for you to delete and remove it. There was no connection, knowledge, interaction, or just experience with them.

There were plenty of people who valued and benefited from the other creators. Similarly, a lot of love and gratitude was expressed. Some good learning as well.
And since they were there, with their own tags & categories, it seemed like they were welcomed, or at least had Sapien Medicine approval.

The reality was that the Captain viewed them as parasites, and anyone who associated with them as such. Which was hurtful to so many, since we similarly share such love and gratitude to the Captain as well.

I think many of us didnā€™t understand the logic, but more importantly, how Dreamweaver had been feeling all this time.

Iā€™m guessing the act to remove, or even just communicating to stop posting their own products on the Sapien Medicine forum was seen as difficult? Or not something that could easily be acted upon? Whatever questions we may have, seem like the only answers are ones that members from Sapien Medicine would want to give.

So some further guessingā€¦ I imagine the Captain much feel relief, with no longer having other creators posting their wares and gaining following on his forum? Plus no longer in the era of making nfts (however these projects may be viewed or described), and releasing all of that directed energy too?

No external parties, no nft placement. Focus on the future, including guilds (initially wanted by Manhattan?), and whatever else is planned or may come.

Releasing hurt or stuck energy,
Moving forward.


Glad that whatever needed to be cut, was finally done so.


I hope so, I literally said it

I didnā€™t say it was desirable. I said it was relatively easy to get back. Still extra efforts and I donā€™t have to, since itā€™s Sapien Med.

But if it happened, so what ? Itā€™s just words.

Not everything is the Bible or the 5 Shaolin texts.
People are still gonna ask the same questions no matter how many times I reply and Iā€™ll keep replying.

You are saying some strange things IMO

ā€œSapien Medicineā€™s Brain guildā€, say the full name and it becomes obvious why weā€™re staying :slight_smile:

I get it. Youā€™re upset.
That doesnā€™t make the logic good or the words wiser.

Thatā€™s your conclusion ?

Good good.

Thank you for the feedback

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Iā€™m replying to your view. Which I understood as iteration, and pruning. Removing the old, writing on it again, and having better discussions, content, thinking on the same ideas or repeated questions. A new brain guild will seem more focused and sophisticated than the previous brain guild discussions.

Its not anything different from what I understood as your view.
But in this case, itā€™s within the context of what you have connected with. But as mentioned, no need since its Sapien Medicine, and that was the whole point in the evolution.

Forum members had some very good discussions, which they valued, and were deleted. Your decision was acted upon without any empathy for that. Hence it ā€œwasnā€™t a big deal for you,ā€ but the comments above, express otherwise.

My intention is clarity, and openness in communication, along with better understanding all of one another.


Yeah I donā€™t understand why every convo is precious and a gem too good to be lost.

Thatā€™s what happens by default talking to people face to face. Doesnā€™t mean it sucks.

Iā€™m trying real hard not to get sarcastic here. But itā€™s getting harder.

I had noticed the reaction. Believe it or not, I was there from the first minutes. I stayed here for a while monitoring and engaging.

I did notice, at least I think I noticed, maybe, that some people didnā€™t like my decision. I think so, it makes sense at least.

Edit: yeah, this answer wasnā€™t great.

I understand you guys arenā€™t happy. But I get tagged, itā€™s been 2 day, non-stop.

Yeah, youā€™re not happy. Move on. Not coming back.
Thatā€™s life.

Weā€™re all connected. Each one of us has feelings and we react/respond to the decisions of another. Our feelings and their expression is an important communication. Signals where each of is at and maybe a little bit of why.

With a little bit of dialogue we can get a sense of how one another sees and feels about a decision, that would affect everyone involved.
Iā€™m not sure if anyone actually opposed the removal of third-parties, just how it was carried out.

But I feel you too Dr Manhattan. I know it hasnā€™t been easy, it is the repercussions of such actions.

The forum is changing, and I feel/see that is has been moving along according to your agenda. Initially with the security and trust, which may have been good in the beginning, but the system is becoming more insular and somewhat autocratic. You and I have done plenty of exchanges already, and the signs are visible for anyone who cares to see them.

Iā€™m going to stop commenting or asking questions regarding some of your decisions/actions. Its not my forum, and I donā€™t speak for anyone, even if I may sense some of their emotions. However things continue will be up to you and anyone else who decides what they value in experience here.

Iā€™m sorry for any hurt that I have caused you. My role and whatever I may have been perceived as here is coming to a close. For me its not about the emotional state, but what aligns to well being.


I was clear I said, you guys can keep venting here, but itā€™s not gonna change anything, there is no going back. So I told you guys, you donā€™t need to keep telling personally for days.

Vent here, use some emotional release-type fields and weā€™ll move on.

You didnā€™t hurt me.

Just you can stop telling me about it. I got it, many people repeating the same things. Yeah, I got it.

You guys have this idea, like Iā€™m the king of the forum and I just push my will.
Iā€™ll take that as a compliment.

Your dissatisfaction has been noted. I am well aware of how you feel and others too.

Iā€™m sure some of you must think Iā€™m cold or ruthless or whateverā€¦ you should, I am !

You mentioned it was happy and good in the beginning, not for the scammers. They didnā€™t like it.
It had been going on for 2 years, they kept scamming and nothing was being done about it.

I didnā€™t think, ā€œoh poor scammers, they live in third world countries where they work harder than most to earn 1/4th of what users from the first world earn. Maybe they use that money on their motherā€™s healthā€.

I came with the badge, the rules and verifications, locked the thread for new users. Today if you follow the rules, youā€™re virtually never gonna get scammed. It took what 2 month after we became mod ?

All the people who used to bully others and had a long list of warning on their profiles and still kept doing it, getting away with some hippie talk and a slap on the wrist.

I didnā€™t negotiate with them. I didnā€™t say
"Well, they have some kind of childhood trauma they are projecting onto others. So somehow itā€™s ok."They got removed.

Other problems got fixed too.

Many people didnā€™t like the existing dynamic, Dream didnā€™t like it either. The whole thing got sorted out fast and many people are satisfied with the end result. New users wonā€™t mind either.

Iā€™m not enjoying it, Iā€™m not sad about it, Iā€™m doing a job, I have a badge (for a reason) and I use it. Dream is backing me up on this. You donā€™t like the way it was done. Ok, I got it. You are entitled to your feelings. I heard you.

I heard you.

You guys arenā€™t gonna guilt trip me with an extra 10-20-100 replies. Itā€™s just not gonna work.


A post was merged into an existing topic: About the Guilds category

There are no complaints against you and there cannot be any. Itā€™s just that events unfolded so abruptly that many were confused. Moreover, there didnā€™t seem to be any criticism towards third-party creators (from the Forum Administration). In any case, I apologize if I was harsh.


For those who are complaining about removing third party vendors and about so called very valuable information for you.please listen if the knowledge was very valuable to you in the first place you should have taken the screenshot at that moment and now thatā€™s a very valuable lessons for us all that the useful informations should be saved somewhere else.and please donā€™t revolt against the most amazing master.i am telling you. you wonā€™t be anywhere without him please admit it.and pu and other creators canā€™t match dream level for now.dream has already covered all the topics required by average to advanced human.and I have seen their and listen to their audios in bigger pattern they were of no I said dream covered all the topics.and dream is my master and I literally canā€™t digest who revolt against himā€¦thank you so muchā¤ļø.and my last take some people in this forum forum have very bad ego.they think they know so much.sprituality begins with unlearning.


if those third parties have cared for their followers they should have notified them at least or proceeded to make their own forums, but they didnā€™t do so if you think that its forum moderator duty, youā€™re totally wrong, the forum moderator informed the third parties. so i find this is enough as the customer of the third parties is the responsibility of the third parties and not moderators.
the moderators are to make announcements about sapien medicine only.

sorry but i had to make my point i as see that everyone judged the moderators policies.

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May be a new rule - venting is allowed for 48 hours and get creative in venting without saying the same thing that has already been said. It is not healthy for anyone to be on either side of venting for days.


Excuse my sense of humor :no_mouth:, but have to borrow from South Park, and ask is the horse dead yet? or can it be detoured to the vent thread yet?

dead horse


There he isā€¦beating that dead horse!! :grinning_face_with_smiling_eyes:
Love Southpark.

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Gosh close this thread and burn it with fire :joy:.


We donā€™t want to lose knowledge.



Shi got me dying thatā€™s hilarious mannn


I canā€™t even be mad at that.
Well played sir :clap:t3: :grinning_face_with_smiling_eyes:


rofl @ @Powren When I read his reply I simultaneously thought this is the song that never ends, the wheels on the bus go round and round, AND the never ending stoRRY bada dah dah duh dah da