The Sapien Medicine forum is evolving

I gave them less than 2 days (that was the vendors)
just to be honest here

but that’s a detail


1 day and a half at least.

Enough to save all they wanted.

Ahhh, the parasite comment makes more sense. And I hear you and respect everything you’ve said. However, for those of us that were relatively new, it looked a bit like Canada “Oh, so French and English are the official languages? Weird, oh well, when in Rome”.

So, as I’ve personally probably recommended PU’s stuff before, I deeply apologize. But I can’t assume there’s disrespect when, as you said, older forum members are doing it without reproach.

It was made more confusing by there being a “Other Creators” thread, and then special sections just for SS, Eq, PU, and TOG. It looked like absolute approval, especially since there was evidence that other creators had already moved on.


Yeah totally understandable for new members this forum was looking different than intended, not your fault at all.


This, and the abruptness. Things are just being decided and the forum members are basically being forced to go along or not with it. Without really understanding and or seeing the views/reasons for these decisions, and their timing.

If these other creators were viewed as “parasites” by Sapien Med, then why were they allowed to continue to post for such a long time, and then even have categories/tags as mentioned above?

Why not just remove from the start, or communicate not to post non-sapien creations on the forum?

There might be the creator, Captain, and the mod teams, but it is the users/forum members, that interact and purchase the fields. Our comments/questions/social interaction is what gives life to the forum. What is a forum without any members? I’m not saying for or against, but not just with this decision, but I feel like we’re being disregarded in terms of what is decided and the rationale. We’re told and the change happens.

If I do recall, SammyG may have ok’d PU’s presence on the forum back when other vendors were removed from Enlightened States website.

The relationship between Sapien Med and the forum members is important. How we view and treat one another. What are the values and how/why they are acted upon? I think some of us only see parts of the picture, and more communication could be helpful for all of us to see more of it.


Eh, you’re having a chicken and egg argument. No members, no forum. No forum, no members. No fields, no nothing.

But I was born in the 80s. In my world view, the business owner has the right to look at you and tell you to piss off. You have the right to get angry, not understand, and ask for clarification but you don’t have the right to expect or demand anything beyond what they’ve implicitly offered to you.

To expect otherwise is imho, a form of the boycotting and cancel culture mentality when taken too far. A sort of “do what I want or else”. If I’m being perfectly honest, I strongly dislike where the constant application of that pressure has put us as a society. “Oh, what a nice product you have” quickly turns into “Our product, comrade.” and yeah, no thanks.

I, as a customer, believe the customer has no rights beyond the product I was promised, for the price I was promised, and all relevant laws complied with, unless those rights are given to me by the business owner; in which case, I need to respect that it was given, given freely, and understand that it can be taken away and I’m not owed anything.


I’m not. You’re seing that.

I’m saying that forum members contribute to the life of a forum.

I’m not expecting or demanding anything.
I’m saying the relationship is important.
Forum members are confused, and have all sorts of emotions, thoughts that could have been better addressed with a simple announcement, before all that collective chaotic energy present.

Sapien Med, Captain, I respect whatever decisions you want to make on the forum, and with your creations. This is feedback, and some confusion re the previous questions.


Oh wow, it was an abrupt decision, it would have been good to notify about the measure at least a week in advance so that those creators could share their other networks and formally say goodbye to the forum. And who would like to make backups of the threads. But well, I don’t think that is possible anymore, even so, I would like to express my opinion so that they take into consideration the possibility of doing it this way in other future cases.

but in the end it’s okay, it’s the SM forum and I know that those creators must be grateful for the opportunity.


Latest Classifieds topics - Sapien Medicine


Hi Luna, I agree with everything you said but I don’t think anyone meant to be disrespectful towards Dream and his work.
Since other creators were allowed to be here, with dedicated sections and all, we thought it was ok to talk about other fields.
If a member has a problem I know could be solved by using a PU product that Sapien didn’t release yet, considering the amount of trust and respect he gained with time from basically every seasoned user of this forum, you can bet I will suggest that. (Only talking about him, I don’t know any of the other creators nor their fields)
Not because I don’t respect Dream or I’m not loyal, but simply because I know it could help.
I agree with everything else you said. This place was becoming a mess, the decision is absolutely right.

Hope I made clear my intentions were pure!
I can’t even express with words the amount of gratitude and love I feel towards Dream and what he created.


Its a lesson for everybody for sure, but as you said it all comes down to the intentions in the heart, and a lot of time we fail trying to help others what we dont realize is that we do that but going over others that were before.

And the issue is that it kept happening and happening and it was growing out of proportion, so like when would it stop and be fair? It seemed never so when that reaches that point, strong measurements are always taken and people tend to react right away STILL from their own comfort being shoke, not even at that moment stop to ponder what we did that contributed to that.

How long it went on and on that pushed this end to arrive.

Its all about me and me and me because i am your client. No, no. It is not.

But ok i wont say more. Better to move on


Think patron/ onlyfans. Allowing users to profit + commission. Its a lot to this but you get the idea

Your post needed approval because you must have said a word that triggered it automatically. I don’t know which one.

Or it’s something else.

I approved it manually.

I’m just saying for everyone to know. The mods aren’t silencing you.

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All good man, thank you.

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I’ll do mention.

There were some signs.
I didn’t tell everyone before, I told the vendors all of whom replied fast and were understanding and respectful.

It was speedy, but it wasn’t unannounced.

I felt that it was reasonable time to make copies, backups, way back machine or documents a couple times over to put on their new websites.

I felt that there was time for them to announce and ask their followers to maybe even contribute if they didn’t have time.

It’s their stores, so I didn’t think users would want to create backups of product reviews. The descriptions are on gumroad already so… not like that was lost

All they need is a new forum, the stores themselves are still there. You can still read about the descriptions and buy.

I figured if it had to be done, they would do it or ask for it.

I admit I addressed the vendors not their customers.
I still find this complaint a bit strange though, their gumroad and other stuff are still there.

It’s not really that big of a deal. Honestly, if you zoom out. I feel like the real issue in people’s mind is that they got removed.

The whole”I wanted to download product reviews” bring only one reaction my mind “what ?”

Side note over

Not starting a back and forth


I don’t think that’s the case. They’ll start their new forums and people will ask questions and it will be back up soon enough.

People’s mind haven’t been erased. This was merely the result of people’s interactions.

It’s just an uncomfortable transition

Everyone will process and move on (sapien and vendors) and no one will remember or care.

Weeks or a couple of months max, perhaps a bit more.

Everyone chill out and wait for the transition to be over.


I think so.

We have learned. That’s the whole point. It’s in the collective memory.

If we don’t remember it, what’s the point of writing it ?

I would expect it all to be written again and even better.

Also, I personally don’t visit much the whole classified or vendors area of the forum. Except for PU whom I have talked to and people mention a lot, I didn’t know other vendors names.

All that was hidden and muted on my side.

Before being mod, I had muted pretty much 90% of the forum, one category at a time to focus on Sapien and mostly brain fields. It was too messy for me back then like 2 years ago.

I think people will enjoy the more streamlined version of the forum.

I still don’t think I should get involved in their business and customers as long as they don’t break the rules.

I created this thread because it was related to Sapien Medicine.




Everything is still available on Yahoo’s cache not on google’s or Bing’s though, but if any “parasites” wanna access the deleted info and discussions you can by searching this: KEYWORD (like name of creator)

And their Threads will show up and you can enter the cached versions and if some are long enough to have been split into multiple pages; just scroll down to the bottom and click “next page” which leads to the real URL which you then copy and paste into yahoo and all the various pages of that specific thread will show up and you can access the cached versions. Someone should probably do this for all the important stuff and create another forum where it can be compiled and invite everyone who wanna continue the conversations.


good luck, time to focus on evolution


oh a new moderator
