The Sapien Medicine forum is evolving

I am curious, you don’t strike me as someone who would use that in an insulting manner, “just cause”, which makes me think a lot was happening behind the scenes for you to use the word parasite multiple times.

Are you able or willing to share?

Or was it simply “Sure, I’ll help you get your start” slowly morphed into “umm, you got your start, when are you moving out?” and they never did?


interesting thanks

we are really seeing how people think these days.

the good bad and ugly.


I suddenly have a question. These field creators have been on this forum for so long, and they haven’t really talked to each other. If possible, I hope them work together to create a powerful field.
Or , is it so impossible that field can only be made by one person alone?

Well, I’m just a user who has benefited A LOT (from healing being sent to me and my mom, to countless Advices received, to friends offering even sending me NFTs or buying stuff for me - I just can’t accept anymore :sweat_smile::pray:) and I was and I will be always thankful to Captain, Sammy, the mods And those Creators who helped me.

Yeah, I understand why people are upset, however I will try to simply put a neutral stance here - I am Pro anyone who has ever helped me, starting with Captain, obviously, and the decisions of the Admins are not for me to judge.

Yeah, that’s a Good point.


Don’t want to get political but I’ve had some meetings with students organisations and I kinda got the same impression at the first glance, so my reaction its from my ptsd of such meetings :laughing:

But the difference is they aren’t trolling.


I saved the Soul Continuum picture you made


Yeah, I wondered about that.

Could just be that the actual definition of parasite is ‘hanger-on’ or a person who relies on another without giving back which fits the situation well.

Don’t think dreams trying to insult them the word parasite gets a bad rap but actual definitions show it’s true to the situation


Love the firmness lol

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This announcement was made over 6 months ago, however the other creators remained around for a long time.

As a community we can’t complain cause the change was not made exactly as we wanted…
It’s easy to come with demands cause maintaining the forum as it was didn’t come from your time or money.

If the creators took it gracefully why can’t we?

Hopefully this was just the initial reaction and we will cool off eventually.


We only began to like these creators because Sammy and Dream allowed them here. We trusted them because of that, and then we saw that their work was good. So let’s move forward and trust the Captain. They can always start their own forums. Let’s not place too much importance on the decision and avoid getting attached to it.


100% and they didn’t bring any extra attention to dreams work it was the other way round so they wasn’t helping at all…

I don’t even believe PU had a YouTube channel so he was fully reliant on the attention from the forum which is dreams community

A lot of dreams older fields was getting overlooked due to the other creators bringing fancy pictures and fancy wording to market their fields. It isn’t a shock to me to see them be taken off here and the older fields getting revamped at the same time at all. Its all playing out perfectly for dream to really shine even brighter then ever before… an mannn am I excited to see it all




I suppose that in order to evolve, one has to shed the extra Weight and move on.

Thank You for all the opportunities till now :pray: :pray: :pray:

On to better and more exciting times…


I won something for the first time in my life.
Thank you, Captain.
I feel valuable.


I was about to quit the forum because of these so-called parasites. Perfect timing guys.

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I believe they were given a chance, but then everyone has to “grow” in their own home! Furthermore, each of us is free to look for them elsewhere, I don’t see where the problem is! I also think that if all this happened, there must be a reason…


Ahh, had to search for this thread as it didn’t show up anywhere, so now it’s Dream’s lair, the way it should be, perhaps others are removed from Enlightened States advanced Fields too I believe? A lot of Changes and willing to see where it takes us! :smiley:

But Dr_Manhattan said it.

He said “soon the threads will be removed… 2 days ago”

I have gratitude for PU and TOG

But honestly even in general i think it was too much.

And what always saddened me was the lack of common sense from a lot of members, this was always Sapien Medicine forum, for yearssss our lives changed thanks to the immense hard non stop dedication of Dream, built this from scratch, dedicated to Us.

I never understood when this came about and i mentioned it, it took me a while to give some fields a try, felt weird out but i eventually did it.

I deleted my reviews in all PUs threads, i felt inner responsible to make them because. PU has given them to me to test, but when Patreon post was done, i mean as much as i appreciate him, that was too much first from the members creating threads DEDICATED to his work like this was becoming half sapien half Pu, and it was more and more, some from old members. It really sank my heart. Where was the loyalty and respect for Dream?

How could people not see that?

I had mentioned that to PU (before the Patreon thread was up) because people was mentioning and linking his fields in threads where people was asking advice for SM fields! That was so unfair and disrespectful! So he said he agreed and that he felt all awkward when he saw that. Yet did not stand for what was right and not let the Patreon thread be created. Thats why i deleted my reviews and stopped posting.

There were like 4 dedicated threads, condensed there but if it wasnt i can imagine people would have made threads for each of his product on gumroad and patreon. Just like the other vendors, forum was FULL everyday, every where!! Dream would release new fields and they would get buried deeper fast due to all the vendors dedicated threads. No, no no that was all wrong.

And having people now complaining about it makes you all look even worse.

Philips announced 2 days ago that threads would be deleted, why didnt you back up what you wanted? Or the vendors themselves?

If this reached this point was because the kind generous offer to vendors was abused, a door was open and it was stampede over. Literally.

I know itll get hate and anger towards me because what im saying but its ok, nothing new.

Im glad this has come back to Sapien Medicine forum.

All other vendors have the crowd now they can fully build their forums etc good luck to them.

Peace out :v: (i think i need to clarify that i meant peace out as bye Me, from this thread, not wanting to engage much, NOT said to the vendors as in good riddance no)