The Scholar NFT

Reminds me of Death Note



Would love to hear more testimony about this, please do share.


Iā€™ll take it with me when school starts anyway. I hope this helps with a better understanding.


Proud owner of #58. My uni is starting from tomorrow. So a companion on this new chapter of life, this NFT :partying_face:


Iā€™ve just had it for a few weeks and I did not have time to meditate with the image although I feel much more energy when looking at the image than when wearing it.

Overall review so far is slight improvement in writing and speaking, I just feel the urge to express myself in a more sophisticated and elegant way. I also find studying easier, in terms of emotions, i.e. I donā€™t find studying too laborious and boring and time-wasting. I can say that this NFT gently and subtly directs myself to develop into a Scholarā€™s mindset.


Is there any audio with this nft?

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Thereā€™s no audio


Is there any other way to purchase things from the sound weave besides PayPal?

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All this time I thought this was another community project so I didnā€™t even check the thread, and was I missing out. My uni started yesterday so this should help greatly (Flight to Fight already did a lot for me in a way where Iā€™m not constantly postponing doing the school tasks, but I feel this is going to be the finishing touch :nerd_face:)


Nothing in life is to be feared, it is only to be understood.

ā€” Marie Curie


Bought it 2 days ago, worked instantly, I am more curious and excited to do researches, working and learning isnā€™t complicated anymore, I donā€™t get distract anymore, it became more an activity like playing a video game, an instrument or dancing.

More organization generally too. Reading more articles, daily newsā€¦ Retaining information got better, argumentative/persuasion skills, speaking and writing too.


Cap? Did u make a compontent in this to always finding the research u want/ more usefull?

Dont know if am going crazy?

I gave it quick use yesterday and today the research has been easier


Could someone explain how to use this with it being a NFT? This will be my first time purchasing one so Iā€™m just looking for guidance .


Print it and carry it, look at it, save it as your wallpaper, anything man

The goal is just to connect with it and get aligned with its energy field



Thanks man. Yesterday I carried for the first time and I had to use negen jing just to be feel so exhausted. Really strong since itā€™s my first time using an nft


:sparkles: Hello! Would someone whoā€™s obtained the newly released audio please PM me a copy.

Thank you in advance! :sparkling_heart:

ETA: I got it nowā€¦thank you so much!! :smiling_face_with_three_hearts:


Ahhh im so excited about this one!! (The audio)

I gotta said tho i bought it when it came out and printed it etc.

I never worked with it, i was always like later later later.

But also because when i had just seen the release, i immediately felt 2 different things than what it was in the description haha šŸ« 

And the feelings were strong. Then as the days passed every time i kinda had the impulse to work with it i started to get discouraged thinking that maybe what i felt was all in my head lol and that this NFT was to study and learn, and i already love researching and learning, so i think thats why i left it behind.

If it had an audio before im sure id used it.

The feelings:

  1. that it could help refining the way we communicate by writing :writing_hand: and i made the connection further since the art is a fountain pen and it takes time to charge it, and some can be expensive, those who normally choose these type of pen are people who are very analytical, cold brain to take decisions, take the necessary time before talking (or writing) give an immense importance to words, the way we interact and communication and more likely: successful.

"The pen is mightier than the sword"

= ā€œempathize that thinking and writing have more influence on people and events than the use of force or violenceā€

  1. For whatever reason i felt that this NFT could be of a lot of help to manifest when we use the technique of manifesting by writing or for those that do encantations, for the alchemist to write their potions and concoctions before, letters to the moon etcā€¦

So noooow that it has an audio maybe pairing with the Magician, Cone of Power, Solidifier, etc butā€¦ writing while listening could do something.

I mean of course i could be faar wrong. But a NFTs art strongly showing a pen cant be just to learn lol i think the best friend of all the big brains/magicians/physicians/scientists was/is a pen!! When those marvelous ideas start popping up and they could disappear as fastā€¦ they knew they had to write it down right away for later analysis :bulb:

But we will see what it comes out of my assumptions

To be continuedā€¦

Thank you for the audio!! :pray:

Oh i just remembered i had another very strong feeling but that was more personal. Ill share if i see it happening


Well this is quite strange :thinking:. Yesterday I was in the car and was thinking to myself that the scholar needs an audio because it would be phenomenal to add to a brain stack. Then bam here we are !


Same!! I was listening to my updated stack of all the new audios and thought Wow wouldnā€™t be so good to have the scholar added to these?!

Iā€™m just about to download the audio right now! Really excited!!

PS; If anyone needs the scholar audio let me know! I feel lucky when I find these audios the easy way haha


Can a good soul send me the audio? This is one I got in a trade. I had just pulled it out yesterday, to help with a research paper, and with the due date sneaking up on me, I need to re-engage with this NFT.