The Secret Garden Portal (Food and Bev Gloriousness)

The Secret Garden Portal (Private)

Today, I’m surprised to see the amount of pollution and adulterations done to our food and water supply. Toxic heavy metals like aluminum are in the air. Pesticides abound. Genetic modifications. There’s even talk of vaccines being spread through the food supply. The water contains residue from pharmaceuticals, industrial cleaners, pollutants from experiments and weapons. Not to mention what they put into the water like chlorine, and fluoride.

You really can’t avoid it. It’s very difficult to find truly pure, pristine food and water now. I even watch people who are trying their best to grow their own food, but they still have to rely on “conventional” sources sometimes. Even the food they grow they don’t have total control of the water and soil that goes into it.

That’s what this NFT idea is for.

So how is this going to work? Well, I thought the NFT could be a portal. A portal to a secret garden. In this garden, all plants, animals, prepared foods and water are in their intended pristine conditions. There is no pollution, there are no adulterants. Once any kind of food or water enters the portal, it is cleansed, mended and delivered to its highest possible state for health and well-being.

The focus here is on purification. This isn’t really about enhancement, as we have fields like the food charger and divine ingredients for that. This is about fixing a problem.

Introducing the Secret Garden Portal:

A highly advanced smart purifying portal, with unrestricted potential that transforms or even transmutes food & water to the highest state possible. By the use of :


and a crystalline pathway inherent within the food and drink.


All Fields are intertwined. The project is enhanced by Dreamweaver’s Magic. Each field within will have a deeper connection, a little of alteration of quantum bonds to the fields within the food or drink, and a few other proprietary effects designed to make it the best possible way.

Includes a mandala with a 10 ft. diameter reach, an audio which expands in effect as it plays, and an item maker function.

The Secret Garden Portal.

Thanks again to Captain for this beautiful creation.


Congratulations for this, it’s a really beautiful project


What a wonderful concept and creation
:heart_eyes: :bouquet:


Beautiful project, looking forward to amazing results❤️


Lol the add at the end of this thread looks like part of that portal

I think its a clear sign that i need to bring the Tequila myself over there for the gathering :grin: cheers!


how i make an item with this?

got it in a temporary trade, is the item just as effective and the same as the audio and mandala?

Also thoughts on also supercharging meals with food chargers and this garden to make a meal extra yummy lol?

Ok I have a lot of questions :joy: but can I eat a fat chocolate bar and not feel any negative effects from it like brain fog ?
thanks for this beautiful project :heart:

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