The SEE System: The Sapien Medicine Edition (_OM Approved)

HPP 4:

How many topics did you release today?
2-ish, they were both (going to be) concepts. The first one was one that I had worked on previously - I have identified 5-6 main concepts / themes running my life and this was one of them. By the end there wasnt much left from that one, at least no intense feelings.
The second concept was going to be that of “guilt” and the feeling of “I have done something wrong”. However, based on my experience yesterday, this intimidated me a bit since this is also quite a prominent underlying theme for me. So instead of working directly with the concept, I dug up some old memories of drunken missteps in college years and all sorts of embarrassing memories and released those. It felt much easier this way, sort of “bit by bit” vs head on collision.

How did you feel before the session?
Good, as usual

How did you feel after the session?
Pretty light and centered

Is the process getting easier?
Yes. It was much easier for me to feel the release working with the memories.
So now I think I will spice things up a bit and write a new list of topics with more items where I am keeping my main concepts, but will list topics / memories under each and start by releasing those. Then when I am done with 10-20 topic releases for each main concept, I will take on the root concept.


HPP #4

How many topics did you release today?
Like yesterday, I started working with 3 topics but then ended up doing more and lost track. I just trusted my intuition and followed that.

How did you feel before the session?
Felt a bit emotional and raw today. A bit heavy-hearted as well.

How did you feel after the session?
Felt like a weight on my heart had been lifted and felt a lot lighter. More calm and content. I felt like I could breathe deeper.

Did you experience deep sense of relief or big emotional releases? Is the process getting easier, if so how?
Continuation of a lot more emotional release and tears like yesterday tied to childhood memories. Ended up with several sessions throughout the day. I noticed that I’ve started using the process instantaneously as soon as something comes up.


HPP entry 4

Today I released 8 topics in one session and maybe another 10 or 12 minor releases whenever something came up.
Today I woke up with an headache. Once out of bed I did my session, so I wasn’t in the best mood before the work. Afterwards I felt good, relaxed, calm, with a lovely feeling in my heart area, my headache had passed (dont know if it passed because of the work). That great feeling in my heart area continued for more than half an hour afterwards, never felt it this long. And it comes back easily when I focus on it. So I am really getting rid of some stuff that has been dragging me down for a while and I feel more free every day.
The technique is getting easier as I am now able to do it on the go, but still needs perfection, sometimes losing focus, when I don’t sit down to do the steps.
The emotional release today was good and I just feel better every day. My mood has improved and my body feels lighter.
I still have 2 big topics left for tomorrow, so I am excited to see how I will feel after those are released. Other then those 2 my list is done, but I am sure some feelings, topics will show up to do some releases.

Feeling really excited about session 2. The first week already gave me so much!!


HPP Entry #4

I released 3 topics today. One of the topics was about the death of a childhood hero of mine. Rest in peace Kobe. Another topic was about a breakup with an ex. The last topic was about a bullying incident.

I meditated again before my session. However, my mind wasn’t as clear as it was yesterday. Today’s session was actually difficult. I was able to identify what I was feeling, but I was having trouble focusing on what I was feeling at certain times. On top of that my head felt super heavy, which also made it harder to focus. The topics took more cycles than usual to release them. Notably, I teared up a couple of times after feeling “Please forgive me.” I also felt some pressure on my chest. I’m not sure if it was related to the feeling or the heart chakra.

After the session, I felt peaceful as usual. No big emotional release this session, but just the normal release of uncomfortable feelings. I was feeling a little bit hesitant whether I released or not, so I checked my work. Gladly, I wasn’t able to conjure up any feelings for the topics I was working on.

@anon22855873 Is it normal to be able to move where I feel the emotions? For example, the feeling usually originates in my head, but I move it down to my chest area because you said that’s where we should be feeling it. Also, I haven’t been able to experience a big emotional release yet. Does that mean I’m not going deep enough or does it mean something else?


So I have to share this experience. (Will release on this after I type this)

After my journal entry I decided to try and do some more releases. I did a few from my list and got kind of bored. So I tried releasing on everything like Angel explained in the video. Laughing at things I seen people do. Getting annoyed with some customers. Etc

When I came home I was highly triggered and decided to immediately release on it . Boy ol boy was that the biggest emotional release I’ve had in a while. I felt like I literally was feeling myself have the emotional meltdown but I was able to step outside myself and essential feel nothing at the same time. The more I kept saying please forgive me the light I became and it felt as if I was bodiless and separated myself completely from the attachment. The release flowed into topics on my daughter, my mom, my brother, my grandmother, finding love and it was a firm knowing that everything was ok .

What a relief. All I can say is, keep releasing.

I’ll carry on now


To all you guys…


Saturday 16th, 11am EST… Session 2

Message Of The Day:

Troubleshooting/Comments of the Day:

Start detaching from these because you will not be using them pretty soon hence why I don’t go into adding onto them :slight_smile:. Getting into the nitty-gritty! Good! Keep going.

Good choice to not procrastinate on taking care of them. Dreams tend to show us whats going on in our subconscious so waking up with horrible feelings should be cherished actually as you’re about to dig into something that definitely affects you. You’re getting into neutrality, good work. Let me know in the last three message of the day and all my responses where I’ve made any importance on the timing :wink: to add to that, review what’s actually important.

Good you’re getting into energy sensitivity and awareness :slight_smile: I never said it needed to “flood” you, you just need to bring up the heaviness about it, not all releases need to feel like you are pouring out cement from you. Think the situation, Feel the situation, Release. That’s it.

Energy sensitivity kicking in :wink:, good, now you can “unbottle” them and release them immediately! True power!

No worries, part of the hurdle you need to overcome. I was “love retarded” as well, saying it used to make me uncomfortable and cringe. Here’s a suggestion do a release on love itself :wink:

Journey to Self is the only true one :heavy_heart_exclamation:

Link that being into the post :slight_smile: He can get started and on round 2 have the opportunity for Satori but on the way there he can start beaming with light. Yeah, I don’t play about this translating, I have no interest in living a fairy tale. Feel the power! Pun: :joy: :joy: :joy: Phenomenal work! I can read the joy in there.

Now you’re seeing real world application and that spiritual path and “real world” are one and the same brother, great work. Stop expecting for things to disappear, take care of it, if it comes back, take care of it again.Once you get more sensitive you’ll realize that they are in fact different aspects. As for your question:

  1. Read the question. You’re apologizing for something you didn’t do. Meaning you’re holding guilt, just release it. Just do the process. Just because it’s “harder” doesn’t change anything.
    2)Session 2 :slight_smile:

You’re ready for session 2 :slight_smile:

Energy sensitivity kicking in. This is why I asked you to dig deeper. Good man!

" There are more things in heaven and Earth, Horatio, Than are dreamt of in your philosophy" Keep going.

That’s the process my man. One day at a time, 100 releases at a time. Until you just feel and see nothing but light. Have courage, dig deeper, keep going.

You’re many times ready for Session 2 :slight_smile: Enjoy the next few days, keep releasing.

Love your courage and tenacity Jenny. Keep going, you’re doing phenomenal. Don’t make too much about the phenomenon on how it appears :slight_smile: Just phenomenon.

From now on, think of everything as something to release and you’ll know that all you have to do is release. Trust, higher vibration do not allow you to experience certain things.

Big ones take care of little ones. Have courage and go for the big stuff, little stuff will be picked up later no worries. “Don’t sweat the small stuff”. That’s the point man, access to this “power” anytime. Even physical healing good man! Reminds me of the my skin situation and how it was all emotional.

Good job on reviewing! Feel the feeling, Say the words, FEEL THE EFFECT :wink: “The words don’t do anything”. Now you see the actual effect, phenomenal work, dig deep the next two days. Mutual pleasure, just doing my job :heavy_heart_exclamation:

All these mechanisms are learned :slight_smile: Wild how energy can feel very “physical” no? Been there many times, just gotta keep chipping away at it, one release at a time. Higher Self, is that you? :wink:

Two more days, work deeper things that are more personal :slight_smile:

You’re doing great Starlight, keep going, go deeper.

The final mile :wink: Go deep for the next two days! Don’t let up. Oh but my friend… It’s only the beginning :innocent:

My man!.. I feel you on this, one of my deepest and strongest cycles of releases was that week. Yes, that is normal or more like a skill we should all develop, all my consciousness moves to the heaviness/resistance when I release… Good job, the next steps will be enjoyable for you.

Exactly what it’s about :slight_smile:


Scribe’s HPP Entry #4

Today was a really good day overall. I had sessions in the morning, afternoon, and night and worked my way through releasing twelve topics, predominantly around scenes that generated feelings of inadequacy in me.

Before my first session I was feeling groggy, but threw on Ego Dissolution and Subconscious Limits Dissolver and it shook off some of the rust. Then I went ahead with my releasing, three items in this first session.

I spent the rest of the day listening to some morphic fields on and off and each session I found to be very fruitful.

After I felt really good. I did a night time workout at the gym with my wife and I just felt unstoppable, which is a big deal. I’ve been struggling for a couple years now with low energy, injuries from working out and what not, so when there is a good day, a good workout, it’s truly notable.

There’s still not that big heavy emotional release but I’m totally cool with that. In a way I am not expecting a huge release. Things are going good and I feel like I am in control since I have the power to zap away that which has been holding me back for decades.

Many thanks, Angel, for teaching this powerful technique.


Before starting my releases today I was feeling tired physically but feeling clearer in my mind. There’s this persistent feeling where I’m on a wave of energy, not necessarily strong but boosts the more I release those bigger blockages. I started by checking my previous work and noticed that some of what I thought were smaller topics actually held more heaviness than I realized. I released on 5 topics having to do mostly with success and the fear of it. After the release it feels like I’m getting rid of all this junk that’s holding me back and clouding the wave of energy. A sense of relieve to be able let go of those negative feelings and becoming more aware. As I get into these bigger blockages I’m finding it a little harder to concentrate in the beginning of the releases, but once I get rid of that resistance the feeling just starts to diminish.


HPP Entry #4

Today I was feeling a bit tired. I didn’t sleep very well and I guess listening to the Plasma Protocol didn’t help much either…
Funny thing is that since we started the course I have been dreaming more often, or maybe I should say… recalling my dreams more often.
It also seems my emotional numbness is disappearing, little by little, but it’s still too early too tell.
Either way I feel more positive in general.

So, I haven’t been home all day and just got back like 30 minutes ago (it’s late here).
I usually write my journals at the end of the day before going to bed and I do the releasing process throughout the day.
Today however, was not very well planned and admittedly, I ended up rushing the process when I got home and released just 2 topics.
I guess because I was forcing myself, I let my ego kick in and made it so much harder to focus.

The process itself feels easy and when given enough focus I believe I can do it almost anywhere, just gotta stick to the plan.

On that note, I’m going to start working out again in the morning and I will commit myself to start the releasing process around that time.
I usually channel some deeper emotions while working out as a means to keep me going/push harder, so it’s going to be interesting how it all plays out.


HPP Entry #4

How many topics did you release today?

I released a few topics but all are sensitive.

How did you feel before the session?

I noticed I was questioning myself on how certain actions I take in these next few weeks can make a impact on my life negative or positive. Felt kinda trapped watching my every move.

How did you feel after the session?

During the session, it was quite logical for a little bit. It took some time to release the associations I was giving the scenarios but in the end, I felt a sense of peace and freedom. Perhaps a feeling of letting go Mono no aware

sorry for the vague post but this is a public thread and can’t post them at the moment.


HPP # 4 input

How many topics did you post today?

Today I published 4 songs, which honestly took me less work than in other opportunities.
I feel that the process is done in a simpler, easier way, I feel light, I feel freer and now I understand better the comments that Angel said about feeling free, I begin to caress my membership in that club of emotional freedom :smile: hehe, I feel less attachment.

How did you feel before the session?

Very good actually during the day I have been experiencing feelings of tranquility, in fact I wanted to share something with you, I usually use my SLD tag 24/7 but these days I have left it there, on the side kept in its box, usually they used to harass me some thoughts, or some mental disorder in my mind, but doing these HPP exercises these days has given me the same effect, I feel that I have less limitations. This is amazing Angel!

How did you feel after the session?

Free, calm, rested, I feel like I’m healing inside, I can really feel it.

I will continue to launch during all these days, I am enjoying this process!

Very kind Angel !!! I keep moving forward !!! :smiley: :smiley: :smiley: :smiley: :smiley: :smiley: :smiley: :smiley: :smiley: :raised_hands: :raised_hands: :raised_hands: :raised_hands: :raised_hands: :raised_hands: :raised_hands: :raised_hands:


HPP Entry 4

How many topics did you release today?

I released 3 further topics in this latest entry. Topics covered events that happened in my teenage years that I didn’t realise had impacted on my confidence and persona in general.

How did you feel before the session?

I had a restless day yesterday, an overwhelming sense of boredom was upon me and nothing I did would alleviate that. I was still in a happy clear headspace however.

How did you feel after the session?

The boredom and restlessness feeling has gone, completely vanished. I feel a very deep sense of relief and my whole body, mind and spirit are thanking me for releasing what needed to be released rather than storing it in the body. Still a very light feeling and jovial energy I have.

Did you experience deep sense of relief or big emotional releases? Is the process getting easier, if so how?

Process as I keep saying gets easier and easier. It’s a battle of wills and this method has allowed me for whatever reason to quiet and still the mind a lot easier. Still experiencing the deep chest convulsions and spasms alongside the very vivid, intense colours whilst doing it. Funnily enough the only colours I’ve seen since Saturday are the colours relating to the Chakras and it’s definitely unblocking what needs unblocking.

Anything else you wish to add.

I hope everyone else is having great experiences with the HPP and to persevere with the method if not. It truly works and will allow for the healing and peace within that you all deserve.



How many topics did you release today?
6 topics today. Interestingly, there was a theme going on - a lot to do with my throat area.

How did you feel before the session?
I felt terrible honestly. I’m not sure why, but it just felt like I was more sensitive to a lot of sensations going on in my body. So just release, release.

How did you feel after the session?
Took me about an hour to get to a baseline and I started feeling lighter and more blissful after. I had a lot of trouble with the throat - it took me nearly 20 mintues just to work with the throat and it’s finally “released” and filled with love.

Did you experience deep sense of relief or big emotional releases? Is the process getting easier, if so how?
There was a big frustration and my entire body was feeling quite hot. There was massive tightness in my throat and it was like I could not breathe. So I focused A LOT on the throat. I just asked for forgiveness, again and again. With this one, I couldn’t do the non-verbal way this time because the throat sensation felt too persistent. I had to keep going, keep going, keep going, keep going. It felt as if nothing was moving or releasing, but I just kept at it, again and again. It was multi-layered as well, when I did the outer layer, it relaxed, but there was another layer inside. I’m going to continue to work on it and recheck it through the day.


HPP Release Day #5

Today I released on 3 topics. Beforehand feeling neutral, very little procrastinating to get into it today. During, I the emotions are not as intense as previous days. I’m not sure if that’s lack of me ‘getting into it’ or just a positive effect from the previous 4 days of releasing, compounding.

The process is becoming more automatic, although sometimes I find I’m so relaxed through it that I’m almost dozing off to sleep before I get to “I love you” or “Thank you” haha - anyone with any tips to avoid this I’m happy to listen!

I’ve been able to do a few releases on the fly as I go about my day on small issues. Doesn’t feel as effective as sitting down in a quiet place and doing them with isolation and concentration, but the effect is still present and definitely works even if it’s to a lesser degree.


HPP Day 5

How many topics did you release today?

I released on 4 topics during my session plus a few more during the day as things came up or thoughts arose. The topics related to body image and self esteem.

How did you feel before the session?

Physically I was still feeling a bit drained from yesterday when I woke up but my mood was good and I was still motivated to get things done.

How did you feel after the session?

I felt really relaxed after the session like a weight had been lifted.

Did you experience a deep sense of relief or big emotions releases?

My session today was less emotional than yesterday but I was working on issues that were more about frustration and anger rather than sadness. I could still do the releases and get in the flow. At times I felt quite light headed and at one point it almost felt like my head was going to float off my body. A couple of times I could feel the energy moving out of my heart chakra.

Is the process getting easier?

The process gets a little easier each day as it becomes more familiar and feels more natural. Releasing on the go is a bit more challenging in trying to quiet my mind and focus on the feeling in the moment but I know it’s going to get easier with practice.

Anything else you would like to add?

When I think back to how challenging it was on Monday to how comfortable it felt today and what I’ve released in such a short time, I feel really blessed and amazed at making so much progress in only five days! Thank you Angel, it is changing my life :pray:


HPP entry #4

Warning I’m 2 hours late of midnight deadline due to travel. My apologies.

Today I released on 5 topics. My topics covered insecurity, trust.

Before my session I felt tired. I’ve been driving for a long time last 2 days. (New boat :grin:). I’ve been grinding away trading at night and travel transport mechanic stuff during the days. I found a park today at night and deduced it was a good place. I enjoy the dark it’s peaceful. So I wrapped up in a blanket and began my session.

After my session I was cold (external feeling I thought I would add lol) and overall I felt happy. I can do these exercises while driving but then I lack focus. Anyhow, the relief I felt after this session was awesome. I wasn’t in my comfort zone per say, and I felt a good amount of relief from my session. I’m noticing an overall attitude change the more I do these exercises. Small stuff I just laugh at now.

My sessions (regardless of time or place) have been helping my process things in my mind in a much better way. As I begin to leave behind the old behaviors and thoughts, it’s freeing.



How many topics did you release today?

I released on
social anxiety

How did you feel before the session?
I felt sleepy and really yuck/sore in my body and bones(plasma protocol been messin my sleep up)
I woke up, had a coffee and vape in the sun then went straight into it without thinking about anything so i could avoid feelings of procrasination.

How did you feel after the session?
Proud and happy. I had 2 sessions today plus random circuits of hpp when i was just doing stuff. First session was good, i felt really light afterwards and clear. The 2nd session came about because my blood was boiling that i had to goto work on my day off ( i never get 2 days of and this was my first 2 days of in ages). So after sitting in my anger/fustration i went and did another session and it worked like a CHARM. I had such bad feelings towards it and now i feel happy to goto work. I’ve never felt keen to goto work.
During work i noticed i was aware af of my feelings and my anxieties. I was alot more free with my speech at work which i never really do, i usually just stay reserved af. Also i felt this body high at work like i smoked a blunt and sprinkled a bit of ‘who cares bout shit’ into it. I feel so chilled out and just not worried bout anything :)
Apart from that i do still feel anxieties nd stuff but i had the idgaf feeling almost b balance with it lol such a weird feeling. Still got more work to do but damn im so happy with todays results
Did you eperience a deep sen of relief or big emotions releases?
Yes i did!

Anything else you would like to add?

Tapping into the hpp motions are starting to feel 2nd nature now, alot faster to do and i have a stronger grip on just focusing on emotions. My energy sensitivity growing.


Hey guys, I guess I already have the answer but I wanted to ask from your experience as well.

For the 4 commands, when you emit the intent for each one, do you:
(1) Emit the Command, then abide and simply FEEL the vibration of sorry / forgive / I love you / thank you toward the heaviness?
(2) Emit the Command and emit the vibration yourself of forgiveness, love, gratitude toward the heaviness to transmute it?

Thanks :pray: :heart:


You said the same thing.


Ok I see where I have been making it more difficult than it is.

I have been trying to generate those vibration and keep generating those until dissolution.

Here the work is simply to:
(1) Emit the command toward the heaviness
(2) Feel the vibration generated by the command
(3) Abiding until satisfied (instead of trying to generate more forgiveness/love/gratitude to make things “work faster”)

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