The SEE System: The Sapien Medicine Edition (_OM Approved)

You’re pardoned for this one message now :shushing_face:



Thanks Man, truly appreciating your depth.


HPP Entry #3

How many topics did you release today?
I worked on just one. I wanted to work on two, but this one ended up enough for the session.
My topic was fear of failure. It’s quite tricky because I don’t have the symptoms like anxiety, I don’t “freeze” in situations, I have a good job and (in normal times) good social life, I get what I want most of the time so "why would I be afraid of failure, since… I do not fail. "
I realized the other day that this was the issue. When I am not sure that I REALLY want something (as in not willing to put in whatever it takes to get it), most of the time I dont bother at all. I realized that I approach job hunting the same way as I approach dating, and this is the common theme. e.g. I am looking at job descriptions but not actually applying. And even when I’m considering an application, it’s to jobs in other countries that sound really interesting but I wouldnt actually care if it didnt work out.
So… this was not originally on my list but I realize now that there is a fear of failure deep down holding me back, it’s a major theme running through all areas of my life, so I want to release it.

How did you feel before the session?
I felt good, as usual. I did had a pretty “procrastination heavy” day but in the end got most things done that I wanted.

How did you feel after the session?
It’ weird because it’s like i got relief in some parts of my body but not the throat, i feel like I am being choked.

Did you experience deep sense of relief or big emotional releases? Is the process getting easier, if so how?
So… in the second round I started to feel pain around the throat chakra, a lot. It went to my tonsils, ears (felt like an ear infection pain), and even muscle cramp in the neck. I spent more time on the “i love you” part, invoking the feeling. my mind, being visual, jumped to a few things that i do love… and there was some relief. However, the pain in the throat area stayed through all the loving feeling.
I did several more rounds and at one point I noticed discomfort in other areas as well, I could release those okay.
The throat one however in still with me now, albeit only on the throat and not so prominent anymore.


HPP entry 3

Today I woke up with a smile on my face :) I think yesterdays releases had their fair share on this. Even before I got out of bed I released the memory on always waking up in a bad mood and with low energy. I started to do this process while I am going about my day. But I still need to close my eyes to do this properly, when I try this with eyes open I lose focus. I sat down in the midday and had a longer session of releasing, including working on some heavier stuff like being mocked at school and always feeling like the outsider, because we moved about a lot so I went to 7 different schools till I graduated. I had a feeling of being just being accepted afterwards and that I am fine how I am. In total I worked on 11 topics today. The releases weren’t quite intense as the one from my father yesterday, but every single one lifted some burden of my chest.
After the longer session I felt free, light hearted and just happy. I noticed that sometimes I have a really nice energy around the chest area since the course started, which gets more frequent every day.
Every step of the process is getting easier. It feels more like play now and less like doing work following instructions. Especially the inner resistance to feel the bad emotions got much weaker.

I grew up depressed, I completely broke down in my early 20s and had my fair share of therapy and also some antidepressants. My life already got much better and I haven’t been to therapy for years. Discovering Dreamweavers work lately changed my life dramatically and rapidly.
But doing this process made me realise that I just learned to cope with all the “bad things”, I just learned to live with it. But now releasing the emotions in an active process I feel like am finally actually healing from it. I know there is still a lot of work to do and some heavy topics on my list but having this tool feels so empowering!!

What I want to add today is: Thank you Angel for helping us on our journey!!


Scribe’s HPP #3

How many topics did you release today? 'twas only 2 items today, and I would say they are not yet completely cleared. I plan to do another session tonight after the kids are in bed. After Angel’s video from Day 2, I went back to my list of 20 items and re-wrote it (42 new items), trying to get deeper, and uncovering bigger issues. Quite frankly, I’m fortunate in that I grew up middle class, was never molested, never any major issues like that, but there are numerous incidents that I perceived as verifying my unworthiness, of feeling ugly due to rejections by women, of feeling inadequate, of feeling like my presence was absolute boredom to the company I was trying to keep. Some of this stuff is hard to clear.

How did you feel before the session? Heavy anxieties about work again today. Literally very depressed about work and the prospect of having to continue to work for my employer, for the salary (one-income household) and for the health insurance. As I said in my previous entry, I’m not a kid, and the thought of trying to start over at another company scares the hell out of me.

How did you feel after the session? I did some clearing on this feeling, this despair about work, and then I realized the commonality regarding my feelings about being trapped with work…I fell trapped because I feel inadequate to find something else better. I feel I don’t deserve it. This is a bit of a breakthrough, but the inadequacy is something I am going to have to work on more, I can see. The process is getting easier, and while I wouldn’t say I had a big emotional release, I did have a big epiphany about some of the sources for my feelings of inadequacy.


HPP Entry #3

I released 4 topics today. The topics were situations where I felt embarrassment, shame, sadness, or jealousy.

Before my session, I meditated for like 15 minutes. Thus, I came into the session with a clear mind. I wasn’t thinking at all. I was just feeling. On a different note, I was having trouble identifying my feelings. I would feel the feeling, but the feeling didn’t feel like a feeling I would be able to identify. The feeling just felt uneasy. I hope that makes sense. Anyways, I found the process to be a lot easier this time. It might have been from the meditation before, but I was feeling overall peaceful even when I was releasing. Notably, I came out of my session feeling even more peaceful. It kind of reminded me when I first listened to the Vibration of Creation. I still have not experienced a big emotional release, but I was able to release topics in fewer cycles as compared to past sessions.

I was listening to some of Sapien’s audios while releasing, and I could feel the energy… I’ve never felt the energy before. It felt really nice. I also felt my heart chakra again.

Lastly, I just want to say thank you for everything @anon22855873!


HPP #3

How many topics did you release today?
I ended up releasing over 8 topics. I lost count as once I started with a few, more and more came up. Btw, I’ve done HPP in the past so I know how to go digging deep and releasing. I remove my stories from my feelings and focus on releasing those. I’m just not adding the stories here. :slight_smile:

How did you feel before the session?
There were some sadness and feelings of procrastination bubbling up. I didn’t feel the resistance like I did yesterday which is good.

How did you feel after the session?
Definitely felt a lightness and also a rawness which I don’t believe is a bad thing. It’s just a deep wound that was released. Just need to do some extra self care. :)

Did you experience deep sense of relief or big emotional releases? Is the process getting easier, if so how?
Definitely felt a deep release with lots of tears today as I started with one story which brought up several topics, cleared it, and went deeper which led me to a childhood memory that needed healing. I find myself just randomly releasing now on the smaller things which is opening up the way for the deeper stuff.


HPP Entry 3

How many topics did you release today?

Today I’ve released 5 topics along with anything related which came up during the 5.
Today’s topics all centered around my childhood and the limits that it and I have imposed on myself for years. Wearing it like a badge of honour rather than thanking it for the lesson and experience and relinquishing any power it had over me.

How did you feel before the session?

Since starting HPP, I’ve had a consistent happy serene period. Normally I’m up 70-75% of the time and down the other. So I’ve been really good, happy go lucky rather than focusing on the negatives and holding onto stuff that simply does not matter.

How did you feel after the session?

I keep alluding to the feeling of lightness I’ve had since starting the method but it’s a mainstay during the session and in my life now. Any subconscious stress and anxiety has also dissapated and its as though I’m looking at everything from a new perspective and everything from a colour perspective seems more vivid and clear, much akin to when I’ve done Sananga and everything looks crystal clear. Only with this method, I’m not dropping droplets of fire into my eyes.

Did you experience deep sense of relief or big emotional releases? Is the process getting easier, if so how?

The process is getting easier and easier with every session and has actually helped me focus so much more not only during it but continously throughout the day and kicked my ass into shape about certain things in my life which I know benefit me greatly such as meditation but which I’ve been lazy with as of late.

Chest convulsions and spasming, almost as though the inner demon is doing everything possible to escape from anymore HPP and as has been my experiences since the introduction on Saturday, very vivid and intense colours.

Anything else you wish to add.

Deep gratitude and thanks to Angel for this method and for allowing me to take part and also for the collective community that we are and I feel very blessed to be part of it.


HPP Entry#3

How many topics did you release today?

Just 2… but they are a huge 2 for me, so I decided to focus all of my attention on them

  • the core wound of unlovable
  • the wound/belief that I have FUBAR’d my life, that there’s no coming back

How did you feel before the session?

I woke up this morning feeling really tired, exhausted s a bit lost. I’ve been really focused on finding a new house and car, as well as tying up many loose ends. The feeling related to topics 1&2 were VERY present for me. Heavy, emotional and demanding me to listen to and believe them. Listen yes, but believe?.. fuck you distorted patterns and reflections from others. Not today.

How did you feel after the session?

There were many sessions, I was and have been running these 2 all day. I’ve been alternating between no charge around these, to the feelings sneaking back in again like ninjas 🥷 sneaky bastards! I’m committed to clearing these patterns though, they have cost me so much! :tired_face: very deep seated and strongly linked to my sense of identity

Did you experience deep sense of relief or big emotional releases?

Relief yes, but not a huge emotional release yet. It’s coming though, I can feel it. It’s unraveling

Is the process getting easier, if so how?

I feel it’s getting easier in the sense that I feel courage to tackle these big issues. Things that really hurt me and hold me back… and affect my quality of life

I really feel I’m hitting some deeper levels with this… it’s a bit scary, but I want liberation!


HPP Entry#3

How many topics did you release today?

Today i worked on 2 topics:

  1. betraying another person.
  2. the thought of doing this seeming unfair.

How did you feel before the session?

I’ve been having this thought in my head over and over again trying to understand why I betrayed someone dear to me. A sense of being lost with my actions of the past.

How did you feel after the session?

After doing my first session I thought about the situation and I didn’t hold a guilty feeling for myself, a sense of “you’re growing” mentality hit me. Soon after having this hit me I thought of “hold on” this doesn’t seem fair to let go just like that… that’s when I went back in and accepted the fact that it’s okay for me to let go and not hold onto negative baggage even if it seems unfair to the other person (Me associating how another would view it as) I feel calmer knowing that I’m on a better path now.

Is the process getting easier, if so how?
The process is getting easier for sure, although not at the point where I can be standing and just release but close to releasing a topic within a few mins (5 ish) while in a meditative sorta state.


HPP Entry #3

Today I woke up feeling really emotional or really sensitive to emotions in other words. It was like waves coming in and out as I still felt motivated and looking forward to getting things done. The feeling of procrastination has faded, and I’m not waking up in that mood where I have to push myself in order to get things done thru the day. My thoughts and actions are gravitating from one to the next as I get things done. I mainly focused on how I felt today as it brought up a lot of hidden/pushed back feelings and I released on those subtopics. After multiple releases I’m finding myself pulling away from thinking and more into the feeling and what it’s telling me and how it makes me feel; like it’s speaking to me internally. It’s a feeling of something or someone speaking to me, I am also getting images as if being guided. Overall each released gave me a sense of relief and clarity but still working on it. I like going thru the steps and the feelings and emotions it brings up as I say each word. It mostly starts off with heaviness followed by that heaviness leaving the body and once I say I Love You a sheet of ice crystals start covering me from the midline up towards my shoulders and neck. At one point my shoulders got really cold and every time I brought up the feeling I felt it on my shoulders. The process just becomes easier and more interesting by the day as feelings settle out.


ENTRY HPP # 3 :smiley: :smiley: :smiley:

How many topics did you post today?

Today I released 3 songs, two of them deep, of past traumas and one of them a bit easier to release, if indeed the third release has been easier to release.

How did you feel before the session?

Honestly I was procrastinating a bit, however I try to be completely alone in my house to do it, it is not always possible to do it when there are people present, they will think that this is in a trance with eyes closed saying (Please forgive me … I love you …) They’ll think I’m calling my former LMAO but I loved this session.

How did you feel after the session?

Very at peace, in rejoicing, in a joy of “Life is love” it has been a very beautiful session for me, every time I understand a little better what it is to really liberate emotionally, I loved this session !!!

Did you experience a deep sense of relief or great emotional releases? Is the process getting easier? If so, how?

Yes, definitely yes, I feel like it gets easier, jeez I never thought I’d say that, but I do feel that the process becomes a little easier as I practice, practice and practice. You are incredible Angel !!! Thank you for this !!! :smiley: :smiley: :smiley: :smiley: :smiley: :raised_hands: :raised_hands: :raised_hands: :raised_hands: :raised_hands: :raised_hands:


HPP Entry #3

Today I was feeling more clear-headed than usual and I was able to accomplish all the tasks that I set my mind to without any procrastination. I just felt calm all day despite some occurrences.
I’m usually more of an observer/lurker and I’m not used to engage in these type of activities, so I tend to feel a bit anxious before the Ho’oponopono sessions and/or before writing my journals.
However today my mom was telling me about my niece’s recent bad behavior and just as I was starting to feel sad (which btw, is something that I rarely feel) it occured to me “Why am I allowing this feeling to take over? Is this a good feeling? Does it help me or anyone else?”, so I released the sadness on the spot, it only took a matter of seconds until I became surprisingly calm and collected.

This experience made me realize how much time I was wasting based on this one useless feeling - Anxiety.
Also, I was able to test my theory that saying the commands out loud made it unnecessarily more difficult.
(Keep in mind that I didn’t read @anon22855873 reply to my last journal until much later)
From there everything became so much easier and quicker.

So late in the evening I released 5 topics of my list, 3 from my teenage years and 2 from my childhood.
Now, these weren’t the major topics of my list, but I can tell some of them felt more intense than my previous releases.
Not only I felt this tingling sensation on my legs just like I did yesterday, but also my chest felt warmer and I can tell there was some heavy pressure on my head. I’m not sure what this pressure was, but I remember that I used to feel this when I was a child, mostly when I was sick, and it made me feel disconnect at times… You know those movies where the superhero gets his enhanced sight and hearing for the first time and then the outside world feels too noisy? It felt like that.

So overall, 5 topics released today, more experience gathered and my body and thought awareness keeps increasing.


HPP Entry #3

How many topics did you release today?

Today I released 6 topics, my topics covered mostly regret, anger.

How did you feel before the session?

Before the session I was feeling good. My day was extremely busy so my alotted time to do my session was smaller than usual,I’m on the road ,so the side of the highway was my spot today. And my time writing this is now crunched. Nonetheless, My mind was at peace and so I began.

How did you feel after the session?

After my session I felt pretty normal. Releasing my topics didn’t phase me emotionally. I didn’t even think about it. Topic covered, forgotten, gone. I’m not sure every topic needs to be this elaborate breakthrough of I felt like this and that and I cried etc. this one was just good. I got what I needed from it and went on.

Is the process getting easier?

The process is easy, the topics and sub topics are the things that continue to become more challenging as you break through layers. Learning about yourself is the hard part, the good ,the bad, the ugly.

Short update, will have more details tomorrow. Should be done driving by then



How many topics did you release today?
Released 5 topics. Within each topic, there were several situations I was thinking about, and it revealed relevant situations which I had to work on as well - so it may have been more than the five topics I pre-selected to work on.

How did you feel before the session?
Felt a little irritable.

How did you feel after the session?
Feeling expansive and joyful, with a glowing, cooling sensation in the upper torso.

Is the process getting easier?
Yes, it is getting easier.

One thing I found to really reveal the pain and feeling, is to use the phrase “I’m sorry about X”. it directs me to all the different aspects of the situation and helps me to imagine the scene. “I’m sorry about X, Y, Z.” also intensifies and reveals all the associated feelings - frozen-ness, hardness, the shapes of the feelings, pain, etc. However, this has become the only half-cognitive step for me.

Please forgive me has become a feeling of merging with the sensation and reconciling - “We are one, not divided”. I love you has become more of that healing energy frequency innate and natural within us. Thank you allows the energy to continue its work.

It’s starting to tap onto ‘deeper layers’ like fear of losing control, fear of annihilation, fear of things not going the way we want, scarcity mindsets, etc. That inner dissatisfaction within. And just releasing and shifting polarities.


HPP day #4

Last night after releasing repeatedly and deeply on one single important issue in my life, I went to sleep happily and easily. Normally I am pointlessly scrolling on my phone and looking for people to talk to, unsatisfied with my day and not really in the mood to sleep. This time I watched an episode of something on TV, didn’t even realise my phone was across the room for a good hour and then just went to sleep without checking apps or messages. Sleep was deep and satisfying, and more comfortable than normal.

I’m noticing that I’m way more emotionally sensitive in the mornings. Things have come up in my dreams that I want to deal with first thing in the morning because the emotion fades throughout the day and I struggle to bring it back to that state it was when I first woke up.

Today I released on 2 subjects. Beforehand I was feeling pretty content with my day, and looking forward to releasing. During, I noticed that it has been getting a bit easier, into a sort of rhythm. One of the subjects overlaps the one I released deeply on yesterday, and I already found that today before even beginning that I couldn’t recall the worst feelings about it, so whatever I did yesterday must have impacted it by proxy. Afterwards, I feel a little empty today. Not in a sad way, just sort of blank.

QUESTION: the 17-second part - am I supposed to be waiting out that time span on every one of the 4 stages? Or only on the I love you stage. I think I’ve gotten confused about this information somehow. What I’m doing is working, but I’d like to know the detail on the ‘correct’ way regarding this.



How many topics did you release today?

-self love
I went mainly into the topic on anxiety today

How did you feel before the session?

Tired and iritable, i got barely any sleep and i needed a long sleep cause the 12 hour shift killed me yesterday. I also found myself procrasinating on doing it but once i got into it i was enjoying it and didnt mind going for longer and longer

How did you feel after the session?

I felt diffrent, clear headed and relieved, light/feathery and happy. Almost like i shredded some skin and a new part of me has came through. I could still feel weight in terms that i need to work deeper but i did enough to feel good :) I also felt aware of my emotions afterwards, i can feel a muscle growing to tap into my emotions without my mind getting in the way of things, still need to practice it though.

Is the process getting easier

Yes it is ! I’ve definently caught onto things slow but im getting better and better, im getting results so thats the main thing

Anything else you would like to add?

I find it difficult to tap into memories and situations regarding my emotion in it, like i can feel the emotion but it doesnt really flood me with that emotion, only thing i feel the most is near crying but it comes from a weird place where i can feel it but not really at the same time. I usually feel the emotion alot stronger when i think of situations that havent happend yet for e.g thinking of situations that bring up my social anxiety.


HPP Day 4

How many topics did you release today?

I released on 6 topics today including feeling stuck in my life and some behaviours I want to improve. The last topic was issues to do with my sister.

How did you feel before the session?

I felt really good getting up this morning. I seem to feel a bit lighter and happier each day since starting this process.

How did you feel after the session?

I felt emotionally drained but also expanded. I was really happy with how the session went and the progress I made. I felt a bit “floaty” for a while afterwards and had a huge surge of love in my heart chakra.

Did you experience a deep sense of relief or big emotions releases?

I experienced a pretty big release today. One of the things I worked on releasing was my tendency to bottle up and suppress my emotions as a result of childhood conditioning. This has become more obvious to me whilst doing this work as, even though I get into the emotion, I sometimes feel like I’m holding back and can’t fully let go and get into the flow.

The “not showing my emotion” feeling released pretty easily with only one short round. As I moved on to other topics I found myself actually crying during a couple of them instead of just getting a bit teary, which is all I’d done until now. I felt like I was finally really able to get fully into the emotion of the exercise rather than running through it a bit more logically.

Is the process getting easier?

Yes the process is getting easier as it becomes more familiar. I was very focused today and it was a lot more about the feelings that the words. It felt really good and expansive and eager to get onto other topics on my ever growing list. The effectiveness, yet simplicity of the system still amazes me.


HPP #4 - Thursday

Today before my session I felt tired and a bit angry, I was quite low energy from the morning.
I have run through those feeling above + 3 topics on the list but I wasnt really able to feel much love
After 2h I ran out of time so I’ve left the topics unchecked on the list cause the best result I’ve got was neutral (some brief moment of love but not much as I said).

Also I’ve tried to be more open when saying “I love you” cause I realized that maybe I was pushing to much to feel that love like previous days.

Also tried releasing this numbness feeling without any result

After the session I feel again tired and nutral (no enthusiastic at all) not good/not bad

Today is diffcult to say if the process is getting easier, probably I’ll try again this night before going to bed if I’m not too tired.


HPP Day 4

How many topics did you release today?

  • Body Image
  • Relationship with Social Media
  • Confidence
  • Relationship with Money
  • Old Bills
  • Relationship with Career/Dharma
  • Freedom

How did you feel before the session?
In my flow state

How did you feel after the session?
I feel like I’m expanding. Which is the opposite feeling in 2020 with these triggers, it I felt like I was shrinking.

Did you experience a deep sense of relief or big emotions releases?
With every release, I feel a sense of ease. I also notice I have more strength around people.

Is the process getting easier?
The format is easy. Some energy it takes a while to transfigure it and others is easier. It depends on the energy present and how many layers/deep rooted it is.

Anything else you’d like to add?
Overall feeling like myself again, I missed me so much.

Usually I have messages flowing in after energy work. I’m sharing what I received today:

“Enjoy the magic of this experience, it is your creation after all :sparkles: