The SEE System: The Sapien Medicine Edition (_OM Approved)

HPP Entry #4

My mood has been stabilizing when amongst my family and friends. I act less impulsively, and my emotions/thoughts are more controllable after having processed through just a handful of topics. This feels like an incentive to keep releasing because I clearly see my baseline-state raise regardless of what comes up throughout the day. Yesterday I told a good friend of mine about this process and how much it has lightened my load already and he mentioned he was curious to learn more! It is incredible to see what I discover through this forum or this thread translate into “real life” so seamlessly.

Last night as I was going to bed an unexpected high wind warning came into effect and made sleep difficult, with winds from 30-60 mph (~48-96 kph). Items thrashing about outside induced a deep fear within me surrounding the safety of me and my family, so I aimed to release some fear before going to sleep. That was one of the most difficult releases I’ve done thus far, since the consistent gusts would reignite feelings of anxiety, tension, and clamming up even as I progressed through the ‘I love you’ section. Eventually I reached a point where I could fall asleep as most of the fear/anxiety washed away.

With the wind has calmed down I decided to release more topics pertaining to fear and uncertainty:

Irrational fears relating to the well-being of loved ones
Fears of success/achievement
General anxiety + my personal physiological response to it
Fear of rejection
Fear of abandonment

Clearing these other topics - for a total of six more by this post - went by like a breeze (small pun intended) compared to my release last night. Releasing amid a traumatic/emotionally intense event, regardless of how big or small it is, was clearly more impactful given the direct access to the bodily emotion in real time. I plan to do more releases on last night, because I can still feel residual anxiety trapped in my arms and legs when I think of the event, despite all being fine presently.

That said, overall, I am more grounded and even joyful. Consider me grateful to have a chance to explore how much fear is a product of the mind rather than posing a real threat – that deeper knowing will be freeing as I move forward.


HPP entry #4

  1. Reluctance to study: I wanted to study for 2 hours before working on SEE but I just had so much reluctance. I focused on that reluctance and felt a heaviness sort of similar to numbness in my abdomen. Did the four commands and it got lighter with each cycle.

  2. Procrastination: Also found myself wanting to surf sapien med forum. So I focused on that and it manifested as a literal batman symbol on my chest at first which was shifting to my lateral chest wall (on the left). One powerful release is all it took for me to stop wanting to surf the forum.

  3. Lack of focus while studying: Then when I started to study, I found that I just couldn’t focus on what was on the page. I immediately paid attention to my body and found a powerful feeling in my solar plexus region. The release from this was powerful as well and my increase in focus was extremely apparent as I proceeded to study well for 2 hours.

  4. Obsession with reading out loud: Another thing that I worked on was my obsession with reading everything out loud (as a result of me subconsciously wanting to work on my speech all the time). I immediately noticed this and felt a feeling that was slightly above the focus feeling. This also turned out to be a powerful release and I felt my obsession just disappear over the course of one cycle.

  5. Numbness (Yes, again): I wanted to work on my speech problem but I felt nothing. So I had to release the numbness in my chest. This time, I did it for 3 cycles. The result was that I felt an intense feeling of fear flooding my system. It seemed as if the numbness was a bandage for my fear.

  6. Fear of speaking (specifically, fear of not being able to pronounce things and the fear of starting a sentence): This was one of the most intense releases I’ve ever done. I released for what seemed like an eternity for 4 hours. Feeling the fear was not the problem. No, it was trying to feel love while being absolutely paralysed by the fear that my numbness was protecting me from. It felt terrible. I actually admit to using amygdala healing because it got so intense at one point. After the four hours, I was finally able to be relieved of my fear. However, my barrier to speaking had not gone yet, which was the logical think to work on next…

  7. Gravitational Barrier to Speaking: I can describe my barrier as literally being higher gravity. Although mental in origin, it manifests physically and I literally have to overcome the intense gravity pulling down on my lips and tongue to speak, draining me in the process. I have to say I tried releasing the barrier for another 4 hours and the releases themselves felt successful but made no difference to my barrier. And each time the feeling would come back again for me to release. I still haven’t fixed this barrier.
    The barrier feeling is visually represented by a fire surrounded by an oval (strange I know). With the fire representing a dull pain and the circle just some anxiety (but not as severe).

Important Questions: (Ignore all other edits)

  1. How can I get myself to genuinely apologise to, let alone beg for forgiveness from someone/something that I’ve never wronged in any way? I’ve never done anything to these emotions to feel genuinely remorseful about. This is where me truly feeling the commands becomes difficult.

  2. How do I strengthen my “I love you” feeling to collapse the negativity?


Day 4 Journal

  1. Today I have four topics to release on. Well they actually ended up turning up into multiple topics. This is in addition to the 25 plus items still on my list.
    It was crazy how one topic kept leading into other topics.

-Feeling like I need to hurry up to make my goals and I was going to repeat feeling

  • Feeling pressure to help my grandmother financially since your pension was drying up
    -Feeling like people were wasting my time and not respond to me when I’m only trying to help them
  • Feeling like a robot just feeling like I’m following the crowd knowing that I just really want to work for myself
  1. I feel exhausted. I woke up and just felt drained. I had the topics that I have released on today heavy on my mind when I woke up. I try to play some music while getting ready for work and that made me feel good, but when the music ended I feel kind of like a robot. I felt like I was going with the motions when I wanted to escape and breakthrough and see what I felt like I deserved. I kind of felt like I was missing something

  2. After my session I felt a great sense of relief. This was also the longest session I’ve had to date. My topics seem to run into other topics. For instance when I felt as if I needed to hurry up and make my goals the topic of readiness came up again and it even flashed into not just success but as well as being in a relationship with someone. This also went into the topic of letting go of my ex.I feel a lot lighter in my shoulders especially in my neck area but I also feel like I’m able to just go with motions today and it doesn’t seem as hard as it was in the morning, Even though I had the same feeling that I was going with emotions earlier in the day it just wasn’t as easy as it feels now.

  3. Yes the process is getting easier. There’s even times throughout the day why do mini releases on things that come up just throughout the day. It just seems kind of automatic to do so because it makes me just feel better. Today though was one of those where I feel like it was kind of hard to keep releasing because it just seem like it was never ending it was zero points where I feel like I was it ready to scream and I didn’t scream on the outside but I screamed on the inside of it was gave me just the same feeling as if I really let out the scream. Then as I was releasing today more topics that just randomly were just coming to my head and I just turn into a giant release first so I’m sure I definitely release more than just for topics today but I really can’t remember everything else that my onion layers pulled me into.


HPP Entry #4

How many topics did you release today?
I worked on 4 topics today and started to again dig deeper into different layers of the same topic

How did you feel before the process?
Before beginning the excercise, I felt lighter and more eager to start the releasing exercises for the day. Exhaustion was not as bad as it was yesterday, probably due to me tackling less topics.
I am looking forward to seeing how much change can happen with this excercise in 2 weeks.

How did you feel after the session?
After working on one of the topics I felt something become unstuck at my heart chakra. Another thing I noticed is that Sapien audios and tags seem to be easier to assimilate, since starting HPP. The energy of the audio or tag is felt all throughout my body.

The process has not only gotten easier, but I feel the energy of the feeling at a much more intense level than when I first started HPP.


HPP Entry #4

First of all Gratitude again Angel :pray:
Your “straight-shooting” yesterday shook my world and offered me a new sense of Freedom, I was definitely not expecting that. More than the words as I told you in PM, but the vibration behind.

How many topics did you release today?

A lot around Freedom itself, the Need for Recognition and the Need to Exist, the need for sensationalism (thanks again for this one), doubts, fear around money, not allowing myself to be happy and at peace, blaming & judging myself.

I am feeling I have barely touched the surface with most, but always ending with a good feeling now.

How did you feel before the session?

Nice, I am being pulled to it more and more.

How did you feel after the session?

Peace, Joy, Relief. But often this feeling of “scratching the surface” and uncertain about the effect (which I have been trying to release a couple of times)

Did you experience a deep sense of relief or big emotions releases? Is the process getting easier? Anything else you’d like to add?

Not yet, but I am feeling the field is being prepared and there is now more Peace always here in the background. The process is getting much easier, also I am starting to release more and more spontaneously during the day.

Also my emotional intelligence/awareness has been building up :pray:

Tired now so my review is a bit biased, but I am delighted of that process all together :)


HPP entry #4

How many topics did I release today?

At least 3 smaller ones by working on bigger ones

How did you feel before the release?

Honestly today I was really moody and down before the release

How did you feel afterwards?

Better than before lol. The hard shaking stopped sometimes I still do but it isn’t as bad. My body overall feels lighter and “smoother”. The voices I heard are still quiet. Sometimes they act up but I just sit down and release them afterwards and with each time it get’s more quiet. Overall I’m just calmer and happier

Did it get easier?

How should I say the work itself through the practice yes but sometimes it brings things up that try to drag you down again etc. So yes to the technical part and if I think about it yes to the emotional part too… just sometimes it’s like a sucker punch lol



Today I decided to work on releasing the pain I felt when I was falsely accused of doing something I would never have thought of doing. My accuser was someone very close to me. I felt betrayed by their lack of trust. What hurt the most was that this person took the word of someone else over me.

Each time I said “I’m sorry” to the pain I became aware that I was apologising to myself. Almost like I had unintentionally hurt myself and I was now making amends. I expected it to be a lot more painful but it wasn’t that bad. The last couple of days I spent a long time on just loving one agonising pain, whereas today I worked on several feelings as they surfaced one after the other. Some took several rounds and others were pretty quick to clear. I knew instantly when I had cleared them because I would immediately start grinning. At one time I even had a little giggle and then quickly covered my mouth with both my palms :joy: Oh Lordy I think I would have had some funny looks sent my way had I cleared that one in public.

Was exhausted before I started but I feel a bit more up beat now. I am starting to get the hang of it and was clearing them one after the other as each hurt surfaced. Some of the pain was felt by my left shoulder blades in that region but most was still felt in my heart. Sometimes the pain would rise up to be cleared without me even thinking of a thought to bring it up. I felt them following up after each other.

It was a good evening. I worked on the anger I felt towards that person, the betrayal, the shame I felt when I thought of what people were now going to think of me when that bit of gossip got out and finally I worked on why it was so important to me that others think so highly of me. I think this last one is sort of interlinked to yesterday’s session.

Everything seems to be on the left hand side. The pain is on the left, when I say the words “I love you” my body is tilting and tightening towards the left as I feel the love towards the pain as I love it. Even on the other days when I was rocking and and loving myself my head was always leaning on my left shoulder.


HPP Entry 4

How many topics did you release today?

Not sure if it was 1 gigantic, complex topic, or if it were two somehow related topics. Anyway worked 3+ hours on it and will continue working on it today.

Could use it to calm myself during a small crisis. Also released a couple of judgmental thoughts + shortly experimented with using HPP on positive topics.

How did you feel before the session?

Clear minded, relaxed and neutral. Huge energy blockage around my head. Thought it was an entity, but it was some form of unresolved trauma / negative energy stuck in my energy body.

How did you feel after the session?

I’m joyful and sense a pleasant lightness around the solar plexus chakra.

Did you experience deep sense of relief or big emotional releases?

Was super happy and relieved, when I realized, that the blockage wasn’t an entity.

Is the process getting easier, if so how?

Much, much faster. Process is running by itself. First time using it in day to day life in under a minute.

Anything else you wish to add.

Releasing positive topics brought me joy and a feeling of liberation, which kinda surprised me.


HPP Entry #4

How many topics did you release today?

I’m still working in the less important topics too since there is many, will be a routine for many days and bit by bit moving into the deep ones since they are multiple layered, I tried as well doing the HPP while interacting with friends, must say is a bit of a challenge but with practice will get there.

  • Bullied
  • Ashamed
  • Insecurities
  • Any negative situation that would arise during the day ( takes only a couple of minutes since the emotion is that fresh)

How did you feel before the session?

More in the state of awareness of knowing that I can now get rid of negative baggage is really something that I look forward in getting it done, still feeling productive, relaxed mind state without any worries, chill out sort to speak…

How did you feel after the session?

Truly in love with the tranquillity and a bit of silence in my mind, it’s like I’m experiencing my inner childhood good feelings when I was just a kid. Back then I was the quiet one, more like an introvert, years passed goes by, one is forced to adapt to the never-ending changing environment that I almost forgot how good it was to feel my inner space.

Did you experience a deep sense of relief or big emotions releases?

Had one with the bullied topic… took me a good while to work on it and clear it, tears of relief that it’s gone, feeling so good.

Is the process getting easier?

Certainly, it’s becoming almost a habit to bring the HPP system into any situation, there are moments I still have to remind myself about it since I just try to fill my heart space with Love and Gratitude as the day goes on.

Anything else you’d like to add?

I have noticed that my face skin inflammation is really almost gone, had it for almost 2 months… it’s been only 4 days in this process and physical healing is happening… I haven’t used any audios for the skin at all, can only blame the internal emotional clearing. Lots of activity in my solar plexus… every time I dive into a “Topic” the emotion comes from there and gets cleared after the “Love” feeling stage, still feeling pressure in my chest during and after a session.


HPP Entry #4

How many topics did you release today?

  • So, yesterday I opened a big bag of fear of failure/need for validation/a lot of related things. I knew it was one of my biggest wound and I had intended to work on it slowly by first releasing small topics to ease the process. I dug a little too much on those small topics, and slowly was not an option anymore. Thankfully, I succeeded in releasing a little more yesterday evening before sleep and I fell calmly asleep.
  • But I was not feeling good when I woke up. I read and watched the message of the day, scrolled through some of your testimonials, and something caught my eyes regarding how much time to spend on each command. And I realized I did not spend much time on the “I’m sorry” and “Please forgive me”, all my attention was on “I love you”. Looking back, I also feel like I was forcing my love on what I was releasing. It worked for the smaller topics, but the resistance of my big bag of fears was way bigger and it was becoming very difficult.
  • So I completely changed my process during my first release of the day to ease my feelings. I continued to practice during the day and more easily released things that just triggered me. Then came my evening session where I dived deeply into that new process and my big bag.
  • What did I change ? Now, when I say “I’m sorry”, I really welcome and let rise all the emotions and feelings. I wait for them to all come forward, I wait for them as they scream, they cry, they yell at me, I see their terror, their horror, their hate, I acknowledge all their sufferings. But I do not suffer with them, I am detached from it. I am just so very sorry that I did that, and I tell them so. After some time, they get calmer, and seem to be waiting for something else.
  • So I ask for their forgiveness. I stand among them in an attitude of penance, with “I’m sorry”, and I wait for them to forgive me. And, one by one, they do. When all of them have forgiven me, a deep love starts to rise. And I join with “I love you”. And it melts away everything else.
  • Then, the gratitude with the “Thank you” is just the cherry on top, and I feel it so much more than before.
  • Applying this during my evening session got amazing results. I easily cleared the layer that had resisted me yesterday. It just felt so natural and gentle and flowing. Then I dug even deeper and cracked open the intense pressure I felt in the middle of my rib cage. From the rift first came a dark shape that felt greasy and foreign. Maybe an entity but whatever, I just welcomed it as I would have done with my own shadows. It didn’t stay long though, just vanishing and letting me face what was inside the rift. Not pretty … there were dark shapes clinging to the walls looking at me with not really benevolent eyes. And they clearly didn’t want to let go. Being in the flow, that didn’t phase me. I continued with “I"m sorry”, welcoming them as they were, with all their pain. And they came to me without resistance after all. Then they forgave me, then we basked in love and gratitude. Then I released maybe one more layer. Then I had no more time left and had to stop.
  • There are still layers, but I checked a little (not much to not reopen the wound until I could work on it again) to see what I had cleared. I do feel a diminution of what triggered me regarding this, but it is still there and I can also still feel the tensions in my body.

How did you feel before the session?

  • Full of emotional turmoil.

How did you feel after the session?

  • Still edgy, but also incredibly loving and grateful and confident in the process and the fact that I will heal that big wound of mine. And I also felt like a big soft marshmallow :grin:

Did you experience deep sense of relief or big emotional releases? Is the process getting easier, if so how?

  • The process is now flowing naturally when I do it, way more than before !

Anything else you wish to add.

  • I have no idea how far I’ll have to go to clear that wound, but I’ll go there and, given that it has so many ramifications and impacts on me, I can only wonder with wonder what I’ll become when I’m done.
  • Thank you so very much @anon22855873 :sparkling_heart:
  • Thank you everyone else for your testimonials, they give me insights for my own practice :smiling_face_with_three_hearts:
  • I love you all :two_hearts:

HPP #4:

Released 5 topics this afternoon.

Before today’s session, I was tired, a little empty inside and a little bit sad.

The topics today were issues that were somewhat difficult to me to overcome: feeling of not belonging, a lost love, jealousy (mostly money related), fear of deep water and being stubborn.

This session was a lot long than usual since I didn’t realize until I start my cycles at how complicated some of these issues were. For example, how jealousy was connected to childhood issues, and how deep water was connected to a fear of being attacked by the unknown. I couldn’t realize this until after a couple of cycles for each topic.

As I was doing my cycles, at times I felt like my body was rising out of the chair and felt a lot of pressure in my head, particularly around my eyes. It felt like my eyes were trying to pop out of my head at times due to the intense pressure behind them. Also felt a good amount of pressure around the heart. Throat began to tingle for the first time as well.
I also began to really encourage myself as I was doing my cycles as well. It was like an inner voice encouraging me to keep going, sort of like a cheerleading as a comparison. Towards the end of the session, during the thank you phase it felt like I was saying thank you to an actual someone, not just the feeling. Don’t know how to explain it.

Other than that, I had a lot of energy left after some of the topics that I felt compelled to walk around the room for no reason like yesterday. For others, I had to lay my head down on the table for a minute to rest.

Overall, this session went very, very well. I feel like I made the most progress today with dealing with past issues. The process is super simple and it really works: it becomes easier every day despite how long it might take to clear certain topics. It feels like a return to one’s self, if that makes sense.


HPP 4:

How many topics did you release today?
2-ish, they were both (going to be) concepts. The first one was one that I had worked on previously - I have identified 5-6 main concepts / themes running my life and this was one of them. By the end there wasnt much left from that one, at least no intense feelings.
The second concept was going to be that of “guilt” and the feeling of “I have done something wrong”. However, based on my experience yesterday, this intimidated me a bit since this is also quite a prominent underlying theme for me. So instead of working directly with the concept, I dug up some old memories of drunken missteps in college years and all sorts of embarrassing memories and released those. It felt much easier this way, sort of “bit by bit” vs head on collision.

How did you feel before the session?
Good, as usual

How did you feel after the session?
Pretty light and centered

Is the process getting easier?
Yes. It was much easier for me to feel the release working with the memories.
So now I think I will spice things up a bit and write a new list of topics with more items where I am keeping my main concepts, but will list topics / memories under each and start by releasing those. Then when I am done with 10-20 topic releases for each main concept, I will take on the root concept.


HPP #4

How many topics did you release today?
Like yesterday, I started working with 3 topics but then ended up doing more and lost track. I just trusted my intuition and followed that.

How did you feel before the session?
Felt a bit emotional and raw today. A bit heavy-hearted as well.

How did you feel after the session?
Felt like a weight on my heart had been lifted and felt a lot lighter. More calm and content. I felt like I could breathe deeper.

Did you experience deep sense of relief or big emotional releases? Is the process getting easier, if so how?
Continuation of a lot more emotional release and tears like yesterday tied to childhood memories. Ended up with several sessions throughout the day. I noticed that I’ve started using the process instantaneously as soon as something comes up.


HPP entry 4

Today I released 8 topics in one session and maybe another 10 or 12 minor releases whenever something came up.
Today I woke up with an headache. Once out of bed I did my session, so I wasn’t in the best mood before the work. Afterwards I felt good, relaxed, calm, with a lovely feeling in my heart area, my headache had passed (dont know if it passed because of the work). That great feeling in my heart area continued for more than half an hour afterwards, never felt it this long. And it comes back easily when I focus on it. So I am really getting rid of some stuff that has been dragging me down for a while and I feel more free every day.
The technique is getting easier as I am now able to do it on the go, but still needs perfection, sometimes losing focus, when I don’t sit down to do the steps.
The emotional release today was good and I just feel better every day. My mood has improved and my body feels lighter.
I still have 2 big topics left for tomorrow, so I am excited to see how I will feel after those are released. Other then those 2 my list is done, but I am sure some feelings, topics will show up to do some releases.

Feeling really excited about session 2. The first week already gave me so much!!


HPP Entry #4

I released 3 topics today. One of the topics was about the death of a childhood hero of mine. Rest in peace Kobe. Another topic was about a breakup with an ex. The last topic was about a bullying incident.

I meditated again before my session. However, my mind wasn’t as clear as it was yesterday. Today’s session was actually difficult. I was able to identify what I was feeling, but I was having trouble focusing on what I was feeling at certain times. On top of that my head felt super heavy, which also made it harder to focus. The topics took more cycles than usual to release them. Notably, I teared up a couple of times after feeling “Please forgive me.” I also felt some pressure on my chest. I’m not sure if it was related to the feeling or the heart chakra.

After the session, I felt peaceful as usual. No big emotional release this session, but just the normal release of uncomfortable feelings. I was feeling a little bit hesitant whether I released or not, so I checked my work. Gladly, I wasn’t able to conjure up any feelings for the topics I was working on.

@anon22855873 Is it normal to be able to move where I feel the emotions? For example, the feeling usually originates in my head, but I move it down to my chest area because you said that’s where we should be feeling it. Also, I haven’t been able to experience a big emotional release yet. Does that mean I’m not going deep enough or does it mean something else?


So I have to share this experience. (Will release on this after I type this)

After my journal entry I decided to try and do some more releases. I did a few from my list and got kind of bored. So I tried releasing on everything like Angel explained in the video. Laughing at things I seen people do. Getting annoyed with some customers. Etc

When I came home I was highly triggered and decided to immediately release on it . Boy ol boy was that the biggest emotional release I’ve had in a while. I felt like I literally was feeling myself have the emotional meltdown but I was able to step outside myself and essential feel nothing at the same time. The more I kept saying please forgive me the light I became and it felt as if I was bodiless and separated myself completely from the attachment. The release flowed into topics on my daughter, my mom, my brother, my grandmother, finding love and it was a firm knowing that everything was ok .

What a relief. All I can say is, keep releasing.

I’ll carry on now


To all you guys…


Saturday 16th, 11am EST… Session 2

Message Of The Day:

Troubleshooting/Comments of the Day:

Start detaching from these because you will not be using them pretty soon hence why I don’t go into adding onto them :slight_smile:. Getting into the nitty-gritty! Good! Keep going.

Good choice to not procrastinate on taking care of them. Dreams tend to show us whats going on in our subconscious so waking up with horrible feelings should be cherished actually as you’re about to dig into something that definitely affects you. You’re getting into neutrality, good work. Let me know in the last three message of the day and all my responses where I’ve made any importance on the timing :wink: to add to that, review what’s actually important.

Good you’re getting into energy sensitivity and awareness :slight_smile: I never said it needed to “flood” you, you just need to bring up the heaviness about it, not all releases need to feel like you are pouring out cement from you. Think the situation, Feel the situation, Release. That’s it.

Energy sensitivity kicking in :wink:, good, now you can “unbottle” them and release them immediately! True power!

No worries, part of the hurdle you need to overcome. I was “love retarded” as well, saying it used to make me uncomfortable and cringe. Here’s a suggestion do a release on love itself :wink:

Journey to Self is the only true one :heavy_heart_exclamation:

Link that being into the post :slight_smile: He can get started and on round 2 have the opportunity for Satori but on the way there he can start beaming with light. Yeah, I don’t play about this translating, I have no interest in living a fairy tale. Feel the power! Pun: :joy: :joy: :joy: Phenomenal work! I can read the joy in there.

Now you’re seeing real world application and that spiritual path and “real world” are one and the same brother, great work. Stop expecting for things to disappear, take care of it, if it comes back, take care of it again.Once you get more sensitive you’ll realize that they are in fact different aspects. As for your question:

  1. Read the question. You’re apologizing for something you didn’t do. Meaning you’re holding guilt, just release it. Just do the process. Just because it’s “harder” doesn’t change anything.
    2)Session 2 :slight_smile:

You’re ready for session 2 :slight_smile:

Energy sensitivity kicking in. This is why I asked you to dig deeper. Good man!

" There are more things in heaven and Earth, Horatio, Than are dreamt of in your philosophy" Keep going.

That’s the process my man. One day at a time, 100 releases at a time. Until you just feel and see nothing but light. Have courage, dig deeper, keep going.

You’re many times ready for Session 2 :slight_smile: Enjoy the next few days, keep releasing.

Love your courage and tenacity Jenny. Keep going, you’re doing phenomenal. Don’t make too much about the phenomenon on how it appears :slight_smile: Just phenomenon.

From now on, think of everything as something to release and you’ll know that all you have to do is release. Trust, higher vibration do not allow you to experience certain things.

Big ones take care of little ones. Have courage and go for the big stuff, little stuff will be picked up later no worries. “Don’t sweat the small stuff”. That’s the point man, access to this “power” anytime. Even physical healing good man! Reminds me of the my skin situation and how it was all emotional.

Good job on reviewing! Feel the feeling, Say the words, FEEL THE EFFECT :wink: “The words don’t do anything”. Now you see the actual effect, phenomenal work, dig deep the next two days. Mutual pleasure, just doing my job :heavy_heart_exclamation:

All these mechanisms are learned :slight_smile: Wild how energy can feel very “physical” no? Been there many times, just gotta keep chipping away at it, one release at a time. Higher Self, is that you? :wink:

Two more days, work deeper things that are more personal :slight_smile:

You’re doing great Starlight, keep going, go deeper.

The final mile :wink: Go deep for the next two days! Don’t let up. Oh but my friend… It’s only the beginning :innocent:

My man!.. I feel you on this, one of my deepest and strongest cycles of releases was that week. Yes, that is normal or more like a skill we should all develop, all my consciousness moves to the heaviness/resistance when I release… Good job, the next steps will be enjoyable for you.

Exactly what it’s about :slight_smile:


Scribe’s HPP Entry #4

Today was a really good day overall. I had sessions in the morning, afternoon, and night and worked my way through releasing twelve topics, predominantly around scenes that generated feelings of inadequacy in me.

Before my first session I was feeling groggy, but threw on Ego Dissolution and Subconscious Limits Dissolver and it shook off some of the rust. Then I went ahead with my releasing, three items in this first session.

I spent the rest of the day listening to some morphic fields on and off and each session I found to be very fruitful.

After I felt really good. I did a night time workout at the gym with my wife and I just felt unstoppable, which is a big deal. I’ve been struggling for a couple years now with low energy, injuries from working out and what not, so when there is a good day, a good workout, it’s truly notable.

There’s still not that big heavy emotional release but I’m totally cool with that. In a way I am not expecting a huge release. Things are going good and I feel like I am in control since I have the power to zap away that which has been holding me back for decades.

Many thanks, Angel, for teaching this powerful technique.


Before starting my releases today I was feeling tired physically but feeling clearer in my mind. There’s this persistent feeling where I’m on a wave of energy, not necessarily strong but boosts the more I release those bigger blockages. I started by checking my previous work and noticed that some of what I thought were smaller topics actually held more heaviness than I realized. I released on 5 topics having to do mostly with success and the fear of it. After the release it feels like I’m getting rid of all this junk that’s holding me back and clouding the wave of energy. A sense of relieve to be able let go of those negative feelings and becoming more aware. As I get into these bigger blockages I’m finding it a little harder to concentrate in the beginning of the releases, but once I get rid of that resistance the feeling just starts to diminish.


HPP Entry #4

Today I was feeling a bit tired. I didn’t sleep very well and I guess listening to the Plasma Protocol didn’t help much either…
Funny thing is that since we started the course I have been dreaming more often, or maybe I should say… recalling my dreams more often.
It also seems my emotional numbness is disappearing, little by little, but it’s still too early too tell.
Either way I feel more positive in general.

So, I haven’t been home all day and just got back like 30 minutes ago (it’s late here).
I usually write my journals at the end of the day before going to bed and I do the releasing process throughout the day.
Today however, was not very well planned and admittedly, I ended up rushing the process when I got home and released just 2 topics.
I guess because I was forcing myself, I let my ego kick in and made it so much harder to focus.

The process itself feels easy and when given enough focus I believe I can do it almost anywhere, just gotta stick to the plan.

On that note, I’m going to start working out again in the morning and I will commit myself to start the releasing process around that time.
I usually channel some deeper emotions while working out as a means to keep me going/push harder, so it’s going to be interesting how it all plays out.